George Hunt Obituary, Warren County, Ohio
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Obituaries With Warren County Connections

George Hunt

Sue Frary on 13 June 2005
The Western Star, December 4, 1913 [copy obtained from microfilm available at the Warren County Genealogical Society]
buried in the Shaker Plot at Lebanon Cemetery
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Brother George Hunt was born in England. We have no record of the year of his birth. He came to the Shaker Society at North Union, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, in his nineteenth year. At the disintegration of that Society he was moved with others to Watervleit, Montgomery County. On the disbanding of that colony he came to Union Village where he has since resided. At the time of his death he was in his 77th year and has been in very feeble health for some time past.

Brother George was never weary in well doing and whatsoever his hands found to do he did with all his might. His disposition was to make those about him happy and he always tried to do some good to others.

At last his sufferings are over; the burdens are all home; patience and faith are rewarded and the call has reached him-Come up higher.

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This page created 13 June 2005 and last updated 13 June, 2005
© 2005 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved