Beginning on Saturday,
October 31, 1885, the Lebanon Gazette, a bi-weekly newspaper published
in Lebanon, Ohio, published this 12 part series |
Publication Date | Part | SubTitle |
October 31, 1885 | Introduction | Warren County in the War. |
October 31, 1885 | Part I | The First War Meeting in Lebanon. |
November 7, 1885 | Part II | More about the Early Days of the War - The Meeting in Washington Hall was not the First War Meeting in Lebanon - Important Addition to the History of Those Stirring Days. |
November 14, 1885 | Part III | April, 1861, in Waynesville - A Glorious Story of Patriotism - The Firing on Sumpter Arouses the Town - Flying the National Colors - A Cannon at the Top of a Union Pole - The Great Assemblage in front of Oscar J. Wright's. |
November 21, 1885 | Part IV | Up with the Flag - Judge George J. Smith Orders the National Colors Flung to the Breeze at the Courthouse. - A Roll of Honor - Company F, 12th O. V. I. - Taking the Boys to South Lebanon |
November 28, 1885 | Part V | First Papers From an Old Soldier - More To Follow - Military Companies in Lebanon Prior to the War - the Old Warren Guards - Very Interesting Local History - The Early War Days at South Lebanon - First Meeting in the Old School-House and a Speech by Lawrence Smith, of Lebanon. |
December 5, 1885 | Part VI | Second Papers from an Old Soldier - The "Lebanon Rifles" - They Offer Their Service to the Government. - Early War Days at Morrow - Company A, of the 12th Ohio - Off To Columbus and Down to Camp Dennison - Starting the First Campaign |
December 12, 1885 | Part VII | Some Corrections by Captain Sausser - Interesting Additional Items - The Early War Spirit in Maineville - Volunteers for Many Regiments - Hamilton Township Not Behind Other Parts of Warren County. |
December 19, 1885 | Part VIII | Third Papers from an Old Soldier - Recruiting and Muster in of Company A, 35th Ohio, With a Full List of Officers and Privates - Also Something of Company F, of the same Regiment - The Friends of the Cause at Lebanon - Facing the Realities of a Soldier's Life. |
January 2, 1886 | Part IX | Early Days at Harveysburg - Enlistment of Ex-Auditor Randall and History of the Recruiting Expedition of Captain Parshall. |
January 9, 1886 | Part X | A Complete List of the Officers and Privates of Company F, 12th O. V. I., As Organized for the Three Years' Service; A Queer Combination - Testaments and Liniment; The Old Sanitary Committee of the South Lebanon Pike. |
January 16, 1886 | Part XI | The Death of Jabez Turner, The First Man the County Lost in the Great Struggle as told by an Eye Witness. |
January 30, 1886 | Part XII | Life at Camp Dennison - Drilling and Preparing for the Battles the were to Follow - How the 12th Ohio Spent its Two Months of Probation. |
WARREN COUNTY IN THE WAR. THIRD PAPER FROM AN OLD SOLDIER – RECRUITING AND MUSTER IN OF COMPANY A, 35th OHIO, WITH A FULL LIST OF OFFICERS AND PRIVATES – ALSO SOMETHING OF COMPANY F, OF THE SAME REGIMENT – THE FRIENDS OF THE CAUSE AT LEBANON – FACING THE REALITIES OF A SOLDIER’S LIFE. It was now about the 20th of June, 1861. Recruiting for the new company was vigorously begun in Lebanon and the villages of the county. A recruiting office and drill room was opened in the Hardy building on Broadway, Mr. William A. Hardy generously donating the use of the room. Recruiting parties were sent to various points in the county. These parties were always accompanied by Peyton Clark as fifer and Leonard Peckinpaugh as drummer. New names were added to the roll every day. That roll, with the original signatures of the men, is now lying before me as I write this. Recruits after enrollment were to remain at their homes until notified to report in Lebanon, but quite a number were quartered in the fair grounds, the citizens furnishing blankets and bedding, and most bountifully subsisting them. The warm and comfortable bedding, and the generous supply of luxuries sent to them daily, was a matter often alluded to by the boys in their after experience. After months of living on crackers, beans and pork for breakfast, dinner, supper, desert and lunch, how often they would wish they could only have one square meal on the ham, eggs, bread, butter, pound cake, jelly cake and such delicacies as those that were sent in ample supply to the fair grounds. By the 25th of July, the roll contained the names of more men than could be taken into the company. The very important question to be settled was, “With what regiment shall we connect the company?” Several propositions were received from regiments organizing at that time, and the overtures of each were duly considered in every conceivable light and from every conceivable stand point. It was not an every day occurrence that a regiment in process of organization could have a full company of men added to it, and even this was a matter for consideration. After due consideration, however, it was decided to go into the 35th regiment with Colonel F. VanDerveer, of Hamilton. This regiment was formed in the counties of Butler, Warren, Montgomery and Preble, Warren County furnishing two full companies. The men that had enrolled were notified to report at the Fair Grounds, at Lebanon, and on the 15th day of August, 1861, ninety-five men answered to the roll call. A preliminary oath was administered by Esquire B. T. Brown, more for the moral effect, as of course there was no legal effect that made this oath binding. Everything being in the readiness the ninety-five men, preceded by the Lebanon cornet band, marched down Broadway from the Fair Grounds to Main street, where the citizens and neighboring farmers had transportation waiting to convey the company to Hamilton, the rendezvous of the regiment. The company arrived at Hamilton the afternoon of the 15th. At the inspection and examination of the men preparatory to muster-in, five were declared unfit for duty. Muster-in-rolls were made, and ninety men were mustered into the service of the United States for three years, by Captain I. J. Cram, United States Army. The following is a correct copy of the muster-in-roll, of Company A,
35th Ohio Regiment: Privates The following names do not appear on the original muster-in-roll of the company, as they did not go with the company to Hamilton on the 15th of August. They joined the company after it had been mustered in, and they were mustered in on the 7th and 9th of September, 1861, by Captain P. H. Breslin, United States Army, and their names transferred to the roll of the company: The names of several of the foregoing appear in the roll of Captain
Williams’ Company F, 12th
Ohio, that was published in the Gazette a week or two ago. They re-enlisted
for three years in this company. The following were discharged from the
company before leaving camp at Hamilton: This left on the roll of the company exactly one hundred and two men. Our purpose in this paper is to give an account of the formation of Company A only, leaving to others the same task in regard to the other companies of the regiment, but a digression will, we trust, be pardoned, as mention is due and should be made of the sterling loyalty of many citizens of Warren County, who, by their personal efforts, so nobly assisted in the work of raising troops. The gentlemen mentioned below rendered special assistance in raising troops for the 35th regiment, and the regiment was largely indebted to them for a full, effective company of men. During the first month we lay in camp at Hamilton there were numerous applications, both personal and by letter, from men in Warren County anxious to go into the service, to join the company, but no more could be taken. The ranks of the company were full to the legal limit. The writer of this had been on a visit to Lebanon and during a conversation with Capt. J. P. Gilchrist, that gentleman expressed himself emphatically that another company could be raised in Lebanon and vicinity. Upon the return of the writer to camp this opinion of Captain Gilchrist was mentioned to Oliver H. Parshall, orderly sergeant of Company A, with a suggestion that he should go to Lebanon, and with the assistance and influence of such men as Captain Gilchrist, W. F. Parshall, Dr. Scott, R. W. Gilchrist and others, make the effort to raise a company. Upon receiving assurance that his position as orderly sergeant should be retained for him in case of failure, he went to Lebanon and received the hearty co-operation of the citizens generally and especially of the gentlemen mentioned. R. W. Gilchrist, Esq., being a member of the military committee of Warren County, took hold of the matter with great earnestness, visiting in person the precincts, school houses and other appointed places, rendering especial and successful efforts in recruiting men for the company. The company was conducted to Hamilton by Captain Gilchrist, who verified the roll, and presented the Company to Captain P. H. Breslin, United States Army, who mustered it into the service as Company F, O. H. Parshall being sworn in as Captain. Our old friend, Captain Gilchrist, will, we think, remember all the circumstances we have mentioned concerning the origin of Company F. It proved itself to be one of the best companies in the regiment. We can not refrain from mentioning the fact, that Captain Gilchrist was tendered a Colonel’s commission by Governor Dennison. He declined it, and although he did not serve in the front, he did render essential service at home, and in the course of the war, it was learned that good and loyal men were needed in all parts of the north to fight disloyalty, as well as men in the front to fight armed rebels. The promotion of Captain Parshall left one hundred and one officers and men in Company A, which left the camp at Hamilton with the regiment when it was ordered to proceed to Cynthiana, Kentucky, where our experience of the realities of soldier life began. The history of Company A, from this time forward, partakes of the history of the regiment. It participated in all the marches, expeditions, duties, skirmishes and battles of the regiment. it was never on detached duty, or had what could be called an “easy place.” It could always be found where the 35th regiment was found. The writer of this was not familiar with the last year’s history
of the company only in a general way. I made a great omission in my last paper by the failure to state that the late Judge W. W. Wilson was also a member of the Lebanon Rifles. Judge Wilson was captain in the 79th regiment, and was promoted to Major. Source: |
by Arne H Trelvik 20 October 2011 |
This page created 20 October 2011 and last updated
26 February, 2012
© 2011 Arne
H Trelvik All rights reserved