Turtlecreek Friends Cemetery, Warren County, Ohio Virtual Cemetery Project
This page is part of the Warren County Ohio GenWeb project
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Turtlecreek Friends Cemetery
East side of Waynesville Road, north of Hollingsworth Road
Turtlecreek Township, Warren County, Ohio

Index to Available Gravestone Photos
List of Known Burials A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z   [no surname/illegible] [Turtlecreek Friends Cemetery Home Page]

Anna Kersey
wife of John Kersey
died 11 Mo. 26, 1844
aged 36 years 11 months & 11 days
Dana Palmer
5 April 2011

Anna Kersey
died May 1, 1867
aged 21 years 5 months 24 days

[worn stone - age partly from Warren County Cemetery Records Volume 6 ]

Dana Palmer
5 April 2011
Eleazer Kersey
died Jan. 15, 1891
aged 70 years 3 months 8 days
Dana Palmer
5 April 2011
children of T. C. & E. A. Kersey
Ellen Kersey
Mary C. Kersey
died Mar. 9, 1865
aged 7 years 11 months & 5 days
died Mar. 7, 1865
aged 14 years 6 months & 3 days
Dana Palmer
5 April 2011
Eva G. Kersey
dau. of S. & A. E. Kersey
died 10 Mo. 3, 1872
aged 11 months & 20 days
Dana Palmer
5 April 2011
Fannie H. Kersey
1869 - 1900
Dana Palmer
5 April 2011

Gertrude Hill Kersey William Rufus Kersey
1865 - 1910 1865 - 1944
Dana Palmer
5 April 2011

H. K.

Henry Kersey
aged 31 years
& 10 months.
Dana Palmer
5 April 2011
John Kersey
died 9th Mo. 24, 1868
aged 83 years 6 months & 2 days
Dana Palmer
5 April 2011
Nora Kersey
born July 25, 1859
died Nov. 24, 1898
Dana Palmer
5 April 2011
Samuel Kersey Arena E. Kersey
1830 - 1897 1838 - 1924
Dana Palmer
5 April 2011
top bottom
Thomas C. Kersey Elizabeth A. Kersey, his wife
1818 - 1901 1822 - 1905
Dana Palmer
5 April 2011

Lewis G. Kuhn Maria E. Kuhn
1837 - 1893
Co. D,
70th Ohio Inf.
1843 - 1935
G. A. R. flag holder  
Dana Palmer
5 April 2011

Index to Available Gravestone Photos
List of Known Burials A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z   [no surname/illegible] [Turtlecreek Friends Cemetery Home Page]
[To contribute your photos email them in jpg format to Arne H Trelvik with any other details that you would like to share]

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page created 4 April 2011 and last updated 5 April, 2011
© 2011 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved