Springboro Cemetery, Clearcreek Twp, Warren County, Ohio
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Springboro Cemetery
Clearcreek Township, Warren County, Ohio

Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z [no surname] [Springboro Cemetery Home page]

Photographic Records. [Click on the thumbnail images for larger photos]
(photos are reduced to a 600 pixel width and thumbnails to a 100 pixel width. Larger images "may" be available)

[To contribute your photos email them in jpg format to Arne Trelvik with any other details that you would like to share]

East - Section 2
Ralph H. Farington
son of Rachel Leconey
died July 13, 1859
aged 20 years 10 months & 7 days

Glenna M. Porter
12 February 2008

West - Section H
Leon H. Faris Hazel H. Faris
Jan. 18, 1912
May 11, 1988
Oct. 3, 1920
Jan. 2, 2008
married Sept. 6, 1941

Glenna M. Porter
9 July 2008
1 November 2010

West - Section J
James L. Farmer Jean C. Farmer
Jan. 10, 1926
Oct. 4, 1926
Mar. 16, 1990
Husband & Father Wife & Mother
wed Oct. 6, 1945

Glenna M. Porter
23 Aug 2008

East - Section 2

top bottom
Mary L. Farr Charles F. Farr
dau. of C. F. & E. Farr son of C. F. & E. Farr
born July 26, 1860
died Oct. 19, 1862
born Aug. 11, 1854
died Oct. 26, 1862

Glenna M. Porter
12 February 2008

East - Section 2
Chester P. Farr
son of C. F. & E. Farr
born Dec. 8, 1856
died Oct. 7, 1874

Glenna M. Porter
10 February 2008

East - Section 2
Cyrus F. Farr
born Aug. 10, 1811
died Jan. 20, 1888
aged 76 years 5 months 10 days
Elizabeth Stitsel Farr
wife of C. F. Farr
born 1828
died 1911

Glenna M. Porter
12 February 2008

East - Section 3
left bottom right
Helen S. Farr Zillah Farr Thomas G. Farr
1838 - 1906 1866 - 1881 1838 - 1930

Glenna M. Porter
5 December 2007

East - Section 3
left bottom right
Mordecai J. Farr Raymond G. Farr Clara L. Farr
1861 - 1936

1887 - 1936
[also see individual gravestone in Section 1]

1863 - 1939

Glenna M. Porter
5 December 2007

East - Section 1
Raymond G. Farr
Pvt 138 Inf 35 Div
April 27, 1936
born April 13, 1887
American Legion Flag Holder
[also see family monument in Section 3]

Glenna M. Porter
23 December 2007

East - Section 2
Angeline A. Mullin Farrin
1835 - 1925

Glenna M. Porter
8 January 2008

West - Section C
An inspiration to all who knew her
Susan Blake Faucett
Sept. 24, 1906
March 20, 2002

Glenna M. Porter
18 October 2009

East - Section 3
Rachel Ann Faulk
5th Mo. 28th 1825
4th Mo. 14th 1919

Glenna M. Porter
6 December 2007

East - Section 3
W. H. Faulk
Co D
22nd Ill Inf.
[G.A.R. Flagholder]

Glenna M. Porter
6 December 2007

West - Section D
Chester W. Fausett Bertha M. Fausett
Sept. 29, 1907
March 19, 1997

May 26, 1913
July 26, 2009

Glenna M. Porter
3 August 2009
31 October 2010

West - Section D
Lori A. Feltner Howard S. Feltner
March 10, 1971
Aug. 26, 1959
Sept. 3, 2008

Glenna M. Porter
31 October 2010

West - Section B?
Marcus Feltner
Sep 3 1926 - Apr 13 1997

Dana Palmer
4 May 2010

East - Section 5
Father Mother
married May 5, 1957
Arlie H. Ferguson Rosemary M. Ferguson
1930 - ____ 1935 - ____

Glenna M. Porter
10 November 2007

East - Section 5
Arlie R. Ferguson
Sgt Btry A 12 FA 2 Div
Aug 10 1905 - Jan 20 1961

Glenna M. Porter
10 November 2007

East - Section 5
Rest in Peace
Isabelle A. Ferguson
April 24, 1908
Sept. 26, 1992
Beloved iwth of Arlie R. Ferguson

Glenna M. Porter
10 November 2007

East - Section 5
In memory
Isabelle Catherine Ferguson
Feb. 28 - July 2, 1961

Glenna M. Porter
10 November 2007

West - Section H
Leonard M. Ferguson Loretta Ferguson
Aug. 16, 1928
APr. 29, 1933

Glenna M. Porter
17 Jul 2008

East - Section 5

Nettie F. Ferguson

David N. Ferguson
1910 - ____ 1903 - 1956

Glenna M. Porter
2 October 2007

West - Section J
Osa Pershing Ferguson Geneva Hope Ferguson
World War II
May 17, 1918 - Sep 8, 2006
Feb. 14, 1923
Feb. 19, 1995


Glenna M. Porter
26 August 2008

West - Section J
Terry Kenneth Ferguson Shirley Evelyn Ferguson
May 16, 1942 - Sept. 6, 1993 Dec. 2, 1942 - ____
parents of Amy and David


Glenna M. Porter
26 August 2008

West - Section C
William H. Ferguson Hazel E. Ferguson
1876 - 1949 1894 - 1981

Glenna M. Porter
17 October 2009


Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z [no surname] [Springboro Cemetery Home page]
[To contribute your photos email them in jpg format to Arne Trelvik with any other details that you would like to share]

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page created 11 March 2007 and last updated 23 June, 2015
© 2007-2008 Arne Trelvik All rights reserved