Rose Hill Cemetery, Warren County Ohio Virtual Cemetery Project
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Rose Hill Cemetery
171 S. Mason-Montgomery Road
Deerfield Township, Warren County, Ohio
Lots 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130

Index to Available Gravestone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z [no surname/illegible] [Rose Hill Cemetery Home page]
[To contribute your photos email them in jpg format to Arne H Trelvik with any other details that you would like to share]

LOT 121; Proprietor, William Beedle
Sec B2 Lot 121
Jennie E. Beedle William E. Beedle
1872 - 1956 1873 - 1959
Interment #3850 in lot 121 on 18 Sep 1956 Interment #4003 in lot 121 on 25 Apr 1959
Candy Tucker
1 February 2014
Sec B2 Lot 121

William Nixon
1843 - 1922

[Civil War soldier]

Interment #2145 in Sec B2 Lot 121 on 3 Jan 1922

Candy Tucker
3 February 2014
Sec B2 Lot 121
Lee Vern Nixon Cora N. Nixon
1880 - 19__ 1876 - 1946
reserved Interment #3351 in lot 121 on 27 Aug 1946
Candy Tucker
3 February 2014
LOT 122; Proprietor, Laura G. Beedle
Sec B2 Lot 122

Laura Beedle
1849 - 1925

Interment #2322 of Laura G. Beedle in lot 122 on 28 Oct 1925

Candy Tucker
3 February 2014
Sec B2 Lot 122

Samuel Beedle
1846 - 1921

Interment #2102 of Samuel S. Beedle in lot 122 on 13 Jan 1921

Candy Tucker
3 February 2014
LOT 123; Proprietor, Robert H. Raines
Sec B2 Lot 123
Josephine Raines Robert H. Raines
1896 - 1949 1895 - 1965
Interment #3484 in lot 123 on 19 Apr 1949 Interment #4337 in lot 123 on 23 Jan 1965
Candy Tucker
23 June 2014
Sec B2 Lot 123
Infant Infant
Harry Raines Audrey Raines
- 1920 - - 1922 -
Interment #2090 on stillborn infant Raines in lot 123 on 17 Aug 1920 Interment #2177 in lot 123 on 5 Jun 1922
Candy Tucker
23 June 2014
LOT 124 - see LOT 117
LOT 125; Proprietor, John W. McAdams

Sec B1 Lot 125
 Bernice L. McAdams Frank W. McAdams
1900 - 1970 1897 - 1956
Interment #3825 of Berniece L. McAdams in lot 125 on 3 Dec 1970 Interment #3825 in lot 125 on 24 Feb 1956

Don McAdams
25 May 2010

Candy Tucker
13 July 2014

Sec B1 Lot 125
Emily C. Glass Lorena E. McAdams John W. McAdams
1835 - 1918 1869 - 1944 1862 - 1919
Mother Mother Father
Interment #1955 in lot 125 on 26 Mar 1918 Interment #3222 in lot 125 on 29 Jan 1944  Interment #2024 in lot 125 on 29 Apr 1919

Don McAdams
31 May 2010

Candy Tucker
13 July 2014

LOT 126; Proprietor, Edward Crist
Sec B2 Lot 126
Sarah Anna Crist Edward Crist
1860 - 1932 1858 - 1943
Interment #2663 in lot 126 on 4 Jul 1932 Interment #3174 in lot 126 on 16 Mar 1943
Candy Tucker
14 July 2014
Sec B2 Lot 126

Frank B. and Edward Crist
Aug. 25, 1924

not found in the Register of Interments - stone may be in lot 115

Candy Tucker
14 July 2014
Sec B2 Lot 126

Harry Lee Crist
1885 - 1938

Interment #2725 of Harry Christ in lot 126 on 30 Dec 1933 [Register of Interments has d. 28 Dec 1933 from gunshot wound to the head]

Candy Tucker
15 July 2014
LOT 127 - see LOT 114
LOT 128; Proprietor, W. W. Clark
Sec B2 Lot 128


Surname Only

Candy Tucker
16 July 2014
Sec B2 Lot 128

Fred Clark
1896 - 1917
World War I flag holder

Interment #1926 of Frederic Clark in Sec B2 Lot 128 on 19 Sep 1917

Candy Tucker
16 July 2014
LOT 129; Proprietor, Hayden Parris
Sec B2 Lot 129


Surname only

Candy Tucker
15 July 2014
Sec B2 Lot 129

Alice L. Williams
1852 - 1928

Interment #2455 in lot 129 on 18 Dec 1928 [Register of Interments has b. 10 Feb 1856]

Candy Tucker
15 July 2014
Sec B2 Lot 129

Wm. Howard Parris
1900 - 1982

Interment #5703 in lot 129 on 5 Jun 1982

Candy Tucker
15 July 2014
Sec B2 Lot 129

Wm. Hayden Parris
1859 - 1937

Interment #2886 in lot 129 on 24 Apr 1937

Candy Tucker
16 July 2014
Sec B2 Lot 129

Dora Parris
1869 0 1917

Interment #1932 in lot 129 on 4 Nov 1917

Candy Tucker
16 July 2014
LOT 130; Proprietor, George W. Burch
Sec B2 Lot 130
Father Mother
George Burch Anna Burch
1852 - 1937 1852 - 1925
Interment #2992 of George W. Burch in lot 130 on 23 Nov 1937 Interment #2306 of Anna Hines Burch in lot 130 on 11 Jun 1925
Candy Tucker
15 July 2014
Sec B2 Lot 130

Okie May Smith
1886 - 1951

Interment #3598 in lot 130 on 10 Sep 1951

Candy Tucker
15 July 2014

Index to Available Gravestone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z [no surname/illegible] [Rose Hill Cemetery Home page]
[To contribute your photos email them in jpg format to Arne H Trelvik with any other details that you would like to share]

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page created 25 May 2010 and last updated 16 July, 2014
© 2010Arne H Trelvik All rights reserved