Miami Valley Memory Gardens, Clearcreek Twp, Warren County, Ohio
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Mausoleum 2
Miami Valley Memory Gardens
1639 East Lytle-Five Points Rd,
Clearcreek Township, Warren County, Ohio

Mausoleum 2
B Surnames

Mausoleum 2

Index to Available Gravestone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [no surname/illegible] [Miami Valley Memory Gardens Home page]

Mausoleum 2
Gerald L. Bach M. Gayle Bach
1927 - 1998 1939 - ____
US Navy  
Mausoleum 2 - outside Mausoleum 2 - outside
Dana Palmer
27 February 2015

H. Kidel Baker Nancy L. Baker
1932 - ____
U S Army Korean War Veteran 1950-1953
1933 - 1985
Mausoleum 2 - outside Mausoleum 2 - outside
Dana Palmer
26 February 2015
James M. Barker Betty F. Barker
1926 - ____ 1931 -____
Mausoleum 2 - inside Mausoleum 2 - inside
Dana Palmer
27 February 2015
Paul R. Beardsley Hazel J. Beardsley
1942 - ____ 1944 - 1999
Mausoleum 2 - inside Mausoleum 2 - inside
Dana Palmer
28 February 2015

Paul R. Beardsley Jr.
1962 - 1992

Mausoleum 2 - outside

Dana Palmer
27 February 2015

Richard Bellar
1956 - 2007
Brother, Son, Friend

Mausoleum 2 - inside

Dana Palmer
28 February 2015
Beecher J. Bentley Iness Bentley
1924 - 2006
WW II 89th Inf Div
PFC Army 89 Sig Co
1932 - ____
Mausoleum 2 - outside Mausoleum 2 - outside
Dana Palmer
25 February 2015

Linda S. Bernard
1952 - ____

Mausoleum 2 - outside

Dana Palmer
27 February 2015
Carl Huston Bidwell Reva M. Bidwell
1936 - ____ 1934 - ____
Mausoleum 2 - inside Mausoleum 2 - inside
Dana Palmer
28 February 2015

Janice L. Bount
1939 - 1998

Mausoleum 2 - outside

Dana Palmer
27 February 2015

Camelia Ann Boninsegna
1944 - 2007

Mausoleum 2 - outside

Dana Palmer
26 February 2015
Gladys M. Boring Thomas H. Boring
1918 - 2009 1923 - 1999
Mausoleum 2 - outside Mausoleum 2 - outside
Dana Palmer
27 February 2015

Donald T. Bowles
1934 - 1996

Mausoleum 2 - outside

Dana Palmer
26 February 2015
William T. Bowman Mable B. Bowman
1927 - ____ 1934 - 1999
Mausoleum 2 - inside Mausoleum 2 - inside
Dana Palmer
28 February 2015

Martin Patrick Brady
March 14, 1944 - June 21, 2009
"Like a Rolling Stone"

Mausoleum 2 - inside

Dana Palmer
27 February 2015
married 7-26-52
Estle Brogan Polly R. Brogan
1931 - 2003 1931 - ____
Mausoleum 2 - inside Mausoleum 2 - inside
Dana Palmer
27 February 2015

Betty J. Bruce
1942 - 2007

Mausoleum 2 - outside

Dana Palmer
25 February 2015

married 48 years
Don Brunner Marty J. Brunner
1940 - 2009 1941 - ____
Mausoleum 2 - inside Mausoleum 2 - inside
Dana Palmer
28 February 2015
Carl W. Buerk Betty F. Buerk
1930 - 2009 1930 - ____
Mausoleum 2 - outside Mausoleum 2 - outside
Dana Palmer
25 February 2015

Nancy Jean Bumgarner
Loving Wife & Mom
March 8, 1947 - September21, 2007

Mausoleum 2 - inside

Dana Palmer
28 February 2015
Melvin V. Burke Rebecca Burke
1929 - 2005 1932 - 2006
Mausoleum 2 - inside Mausoleum 2 - inside
Dana Palmer
28 February 2015

Index to Available Gravestone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [no surname/illegible] [Miami Valley Memory Gardens Home page]
[To contribute your photos email them in jpg format to Arne H Trelvik with any other details that you would like to share]

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page created 24 February 2015 and last updated 1 March, 2015
© 2015 Arne H Trelvik All rights reserved