Miami Valley Memory Gardens, Clearcreek Twp, Warren County, Ohio
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Garden of the Cross Miami Valley Memory Gardens
1639 East Lytle-Five Points Rd,
Clearcreek Township, Warren County, Ohio

Garden of the Cross, Row 2
Garden of the Cross

Index to Available Gravestone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [no surname/illegible] [Miami Valley Memory Gardens Home page]

Garden of the Cross, Row 2

Irene E. Patterson
April 18, 1901
February 9, 1988

Garden of the Cross Row 2

Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

William L. Nell Jean F. Nell
1918 - 1999 1920 - 1992
Garden of the Cross Row 2 Garden of the Cross Row 2
Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Floyd P. Wolary Elizabeth J. Wolary
1915 - 1987 1919 - 1985
Garden of the Cross Row 2 Garden of the Cross Row 2
Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Thomas York Stella York
1911 - 1979 1910 - 1997
Garden of the Cross Row 2 Garden of the Cross Row 2
Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Gerald Wesley Burgess
Cpl US Army
World War II
Sep 3 1924 - May 12 1997

Garden of the Cross Row 2

Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Esther D. Andrews
1904 - 1995

Garden of the Cross Row 2

Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

married October 13, 1951
Hugh Scott Metcalf Marilyn A. Metcalf
1923 - 1990 1927 - ____
[World War II Veteran]  
Garden of the Cross Row 2 Garden of the Cross Row 2
Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

John T. Kenton Alice M. Kenton
1911 - 1974 1912 - 1979
[US Army Veteran]  
Garden of the Cross Row 2 Garden of the Cross Row 2
Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

James E. Goldschmidt Patty J. Goldschmidt
1935 - ____ 1934 - ____
[US Navy Veteran]  
Garden of the Cross Row 2
[died 21 Aug 2013]
Garden of the Cross Row 2
Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Max L. Hunt Aldena B. Hunt
1914 - 1975 1919 - 2008
Patty, Roger, Mick
Garden of the Cross Row 2 Garden of the Cross Row 2
Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Howard W. Scoville May V. Scoville
June 10, 1918
April 21, 2002
February 6, 1924
April 28, 1987
Garden of the Cross Row 2 Garden of the Cross Row 2
Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Charles M. Koettel Jessie L. Koettel
1908 - 1982 1919 - 1973
Garden of the Cross Row 2 Garden of the Cross Row 2
Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Eldon Purvis Lucy M. Purvis
1932 - ____ 1937 - 1988
Garden of the Cross Row 2 Garden of the Cross Row 2
Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Gene E. Miller Helen L. Miller
1914 - 1973 1918 - 2008
Garden of the Cross Row 2 Garden of the Cross Row 2
Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Ila Mae Parkerson
1884 - 1964

Garden of the Cross Row 2

Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Audrey J. Coffey
1925 - 1995

Garden of the Cross Row 2

Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Edward L. Coffey
1922 - 1996
[World War II Veteran]

Garden of the Cross Row 2

Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Roy H. Burns
Oct 5 1930 - May 18 2004

Garden of the Cross Row 2

Aric Harrison
Eagle Scout Project
26 May 2015

Index to Available Gravestone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [no surname/illegible] [Miami Valley Memory Gardens Home page]
[To contribute your photos email them in jpg format to Arne H Trelvik with any other details that you would like to share]

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page created 26 May 2015 and last updated 26 May, 2015
© 2015Arne H Trelvik All rights reserved