Fellowship Cemetery, Union Twp, Warren County, Ohio
This page is part of the Warren County Ohio GenWeb project
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Warren County, Ohio Virtual Cemetery Project
Fellowship Cemetery
4031 Columbia Road
Union Township, Warren County, Ohio

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Veterans [missing photos] [Fellowship Cemetery Home]

If you have photos of any of these gravestones, please consider sharing an electronic copy with the Warren County Virtual Cemetery Project.
You may email a jpeg file of them to Arne H Trelvik.
Surname Given Name Died
Dill Albert 8 Sep 1906
Dill Catherine Hall ____
Fox Amos 17 Jul 1841
Fox Catharine J 22 Jun 1888
Fox Catherine H. 1920
Fox David 11 Mar 1883
Fox David S. 1911
Fox Josie E. 1920
Fox Julian 1893
Fox Kittie - 1881 -
Grooms Gerald C. nc
Grooms Jane Smith 1976
Hall Amanda Ayres 7 Jan 1894
Jeffries Margaret 1913
Jeffries Thomas A. 1919
Kinkead Gerusha [see Jerusha Kinkead] 12 Sep 1865
Lowe Ellen  
McCarty (infant daughter) - 19 May 1893 -
McCarty (infant daughter) 18 Feb 1896
McCarty (infant son) 9 Apr 1894
McCarty David 12 Apr 1852
McCarty Fannie Smith Ross 25 Sep 1903
McCarty John Ross 27 Jul 1902
McCarty Martha A. 12 Apr 1861
McCarty Winfield S. [no dates]
Monfort John W. 5 Sep 1926
Monfort Pervin J. - 1884 -
Osborn Rebecca  
Perrine Henry F. 8 Dec 1860
Perrine John F. 14 May 1845
Perrine Randolph 4 Mar 1841
Perrine Willie C. 28 Mar 1875
Randolph Harriet 7 Jul 1831
Sears Rachel Beedle 16 Jan 1908
Shultz Mattie A. 1952
Thompson Beezer S. 19 Oct 1854
Thompson Moses 3 Sep 1867

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Veterans [missing photos] [Fellowship Cemetery Home]
Photographic Records. [Click on the thumbnail images for larger photos]
(photos are reduced to a 600 pixel width and thumbnails to a 100 pixel width. Larger images "may" be available)

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This page created 15 November 2005 and last updated 18 September, 2013
© 2005-2008 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved