Edwardsville Cemetery Corwin, Warren County, Ohio
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Warren County Ohio Virtual Cemetery Project
a project of the Warren County Genealogical Society a chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society
in partnership with the Warren County OHGenWeb Project.

Edwardsville Cemetery
Edwardsville Road at Kunker Road
Harlan Township, Warren County, Ohio

Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ [no surname] [Edwardsville Cemetery Home page]

[To add your photos email them in jpg format to  Arne H Trelvik ]

Sec B Lot 48-6

Peggy Lynn Fannin
1949 - 2004
You are missed

LaVonne Smith
2 December 2012
Sec B Lot 56-4

Velma Y. Church Fansler
Feb. 26, 1933

LaVonne Smith
3 December 2012

Sec B Lot 45
Mother Son
Martha J. Ferguson Michael C. "Fergy" Ferguson
Dec. 31, 1934
Apr. 17, 1982
Aug. 19, 1956
May 5, 1997
Sec B Lot 45-2 Sec B Lot 45-3
LaVonne Smith
3 December 2012
Sec B Lot 17-1

Amerideth H. Finley
July 23, 1905
January 15, 1974

LaVonne Smith
9 June 2012
Sec B Lot 18
married May 24, 1945
Andrew D. Finley Juanita R. Finley
Nov. 25, 1926 - Mar. 4, 1999
[World War II Veteran]
Apr. 16, 1928 - ____
Sec B Lot 18-5 Sec B Lot 18-6
Andrew D.
Sec B Lot 63-1

Everett M. Fisher
1941 - 1980

LaVonne Smith
2 December 2012
Sec B Lot 122-5

Mom - Gram
Violet Edna Foreman
June 26 1927 - Aug 19 2011

LaVonne Smith
19 June 2013

Sec ?
Matilda A. Foster Daniel D. Foster
1888 - 1973 1884 - 1969
LaVonne Smith
22 June 2013

William H. Fowler Orion E. Fowler
1873 - 1958 1871 - 1938
Sec B Lot Sec B Lot
LaVonne Smith
16 December 2012

Goldie M. Fox
1890 - 1960

LaVonne Smith
16 December 2012
Sec B Lot 118-3

Wilma LaVerne Francis
July 24, 1941
May 25, 2005

LaVonne Smith
19 June 2013
Sec B Lot
Carlos A. Frauenknecht Clarine Frauenknecht
1915 - 1974 1916 - ____
Sec B Lot 22-1 Sec B Lot 22-2
LaVonne Smith
9 June 2012
Sec ?
David M. Frauenknecht Ruth A. Frauenknecht
Mar. 21, 1936
Jan. 3, 2006
Oct. 14, 1937
LaVonne Smith
9 June 2012
Sec B Lot 117-5

Russell W. Frederick
US Merchant Marine
World War II
Feb 19 1927 - Jul 10 1995

LaVonne Smith
19 June 2013
Sec B Lot 117-6

Ruth Fredereick
nee Harrington
wife of Russ
Aug 26 1926 - Aug 7 2002

LaVonne Smith
19 June 2013
Sec ?

Freda G. Frolund
1907 - 1954

LaVonne Smith
16 December 2012

Sec B Lot 154
Paul L. Frost Rozanna L. Frost
Apr. 29, 1937
Oct. 8, 1938
Sec B Lot 154-3 Sec B Lot 154-2
LaVonne Smith
22 June 2013

Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ [no surname] [Edwardsville Cemetery Home page]

[To add your photos email them in jpg format to  Arne H Trelvik ]

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page created 10 August 2008 and last updated 22 June, 2013
© 2008 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved