Edwardsville Cemetery Corwin, Warren County, Ohio
This page is part of the Warren County Ohio GenWeb project
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Warren County Ohio Virtual Cemetery Project
a project of the Warren County Genealogical Society a chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society
in partnership with the Warren County OHGenWeb Project.

Edwardsville Cemetery
Edwardsville Road at Kunker Road
Harlan Township, Warren County, Ohio

Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ [no surname] [Edwardsville Cemetery Home page]
If we have a photo, the name will be a "clickable" link.
[To add your photos email them in jpg format to  Arne H Trelvik ]

Sec ?
Elizabeth R. Carder Harold G. Carder
"Betty" "Gabe"
1925 - ____ 1922 - 1986
LaVonne Smith
22 June 2013

John William Carnahan
born July 21, 1844
died Aug. 21, 1844

Arne H Trelvik
8 August 2011

Sec B Lot 19
Maynard D. Carnahan Virginia I. Carnahan
M1 US Navy
World War II
July 4 1915 - June 19 1973
1917 - 2006
Sec B Lot 19-1 Sec B Lot19-2
LaVonne Smith
11 June 2012
Sec B Lot 7
wed Sept. 13, 1944
Robena L. Carter Kenneth A. Carter
1924 - 2000 1925 - 1984
 [World War II Veteran]
Sec B Lot 7-2 Sec B Lot 7-3
LaVonne Smith
11 June 2012
Sec B Lot 56
Jack D. Church Edith B. Church
1909 - 1983 1914 - 1996
Sec B Lot 56-2 Sec B Lot 56-3
LaVonne Smith
3 December 2012
Sec B Lot 56
Marvin D. Church Joanne E. Church
July 13, 1934
Dec. 25, 1994
Aug. 13, 1933
Apr. 28, 2007
Sec B Lot 56-7 Sec B Lot 56
LaVonne Smith
3 December 2012
Sec ?

Albert Clark
1872 - 1957

LaVonne Smith
22 June 2013
Sec B Lot 147-5

Daughter & Sister
Bristol Willow Grace Clark
Mar. 26, 2011
baby girl of Kyle & Lisa

LaVonne Smith
2 December 2012

Sec ?
Carey J. Clark Clayton H. Clark
1893 - 1963 1895 - 1964
LaVonne Smith
22 June 2013

Clarence C. Clark
1914 - 1992

LaVonne Smith
16 December 2012
Sec B Lot 147-1

Clayton H. Clark Jr.
SP3 US Army
Apr 30 1932 - Aug 15 1991

LaVonne Smith
5 December 20122

Sec B Lot
Heavenly Sunlight married Jan. 5, 1963
David Elgin Clark Linda F. Clark Robert B. Clark
March 2, 1966
July 24, 1975
Aug. 23, 1942
SP4 US Army
Dec 3 1934 - Sep 27 1992
Sec B Lot 147-5 reserved Sec B Lot 147-7
LaVonne Smith
5 December 20122

Sec ?
Elgin E. Clark [blank]
1916 - 1972  
LaVonne Smith
22 June 2013

Rowena Clark
1915 - 1948

LaVonne Smith
16 December 2012

Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ [no surname] [Edwardsville Cemetery Home page]
If we have a photo, the name will be a "clickable" link.
[To add your photos email them in jpg format to  Arne H Trelvik ]

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page created 10 August 2008 and last updated 22 June, 2013
© 2008 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved