Deerfield Cemetery, Union Twp, Warren County, Ohio
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Deerfield Cemetery
Union Township, Warren County, Ohio

Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ [no surname] [Deerfield Cemetery Home page]

Photographic Records. [Click on the thumbnail images for larger photos]
(photos are reduced to a 600 pixel width and thumbnails to a 100 pixel width. Larger images "may" be available)

Sec B Lot 130

Father Mother
Ira S. Blackwell Sarah E. Blackwell
1850 - 1913 1858 - 1941
Sec B Lot 130 E Sec B Lot 130 F
LaVonne Smith
20 September 2016

Sec G Lot 17 B

Our Beloved Son
John Allen Blair
16 OCt 1955 - 24 Jul 1987

LaVonne Smith
15 November 2009

Sec K Lot 113, 114

married Nov. 29, 1947
Jonathan K. Blair Betty J. Blair
Apr. 17, 1926
Aug 10, 1992

Dec. 4, 1927
Oct. 31, 2008

Sec K Lot 113 Sec K Lot 114
LaVonne Smith
18 November 2010

Sec C Lot 48 E

Louie M. Davis
wife of
Omer W. Blair
1900 - 1930

LaVonne Smith
16 April 2013

Sec F Lot 141

Hugh Blankenship Juanita Blankenship
Cpl Btry G, 52 Field Arty
World War II
April 22 1918 - Nov 27 1967
1926 - ____
Sec F Lot 141 B Sec F Lot 141 E
[buried 29 Jul 2016]
LaVonne Smith
12 September 2011

Sec G Lot 160

Nevaline Blanton W. Clyde Blanton
1931 - 1997 1928 - 1980
Section G Lot 160 D Section G Lot 160 E [Wendell Clyde Blanton]
LaVonne Smith
2 May 2010

Sec F Lot 43

left middle right
Alma Malott Lillie M. Oliver E.
1932 - 1982 1905 - 1999 1900 - 1982
Sec F Lot 43 C
of Alma Irene Robinson
Sec F Lot 43 A Sec F Lot 43 B
LaVonne Smith
29 September 2011

Sec F Lot 43

left middle right
Gerald Blevins Verneda Blevins Jerry Blevins
1929 - ____ 1931 - ____ 1949 - 1957
reserved reserved Sec F Lot 43 F
  Julie Blevins  
  Dec. 14, 1971  
  Sec F Lot 43  
LaVonne Smith
29 September 2011

Sec G Lot 252

Lawrence Bloomfield Bertha Bloomfield
1909 - 1979 1917 - 1997
Section G Lot 252 A Section G Lot 252 B
LaVonne Smith
22 August 2010

Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ [no surname] [Deerfield Cemetery Home page]

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page created 10 July 2007 and last updated 20 September, 2016
© 2006 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved