Old School Baptist Church Cemetery, Warren County, Ohio
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Old School Baptist Church Cemetery
(aka Clear Creek Graveyard)
Clearcreek Township, Warren County, Ohio

B Surnames

Index to Available Gravestone Photos
List of Known Burials A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [no surname/illegible] [Old School Baptist Church Cemetery Home page]
[To contribute your photos email them in jpg format to Arne H Trelvik with any other details that you would like to share]

Bedent Baird
died May 26, 1837
aged 62 yeaers 7 months 17 days
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010

James B. Baird
son of B & M. Baird
born Feb. 1, 1854
died Nov. 6, 1856
Dana Palmer
22 October 2010
3 Dec 2010

Mary L. Baird
dau. of B. M. Baird
born Sept. 6, 1858
died Apr. 18, 1859

[chipped stone - year of death from Warren County Cemetery Records Volume 6 ]

Dana Palmer
21 October 2010

  Peter Baird
son of
B.& M. Baird

born Jan. 26, 1857
died Feb. 9, 1857

Dana Palmer
3 Dec 2010
Sarah Baird
wife of Bedent Baird
died Apr. 10, 1858
aged 74 years 5 months 3 days
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010
In memory of
the Infant Son of
Calvin Ball
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010
In memory of
Calvin Ball
died April 17, 1808
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010
In memory of
Rhodes Ball
died Oct. 9th 1823
aged 21 years 5 months & 25 days
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010
Alice M. Blackford
dau. of J. & E. Blackford
died Dec. .31, 1876
aged 5 years & 4 months
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010

In memory of
Catharine Blackford
consort of Nathanial Blackford
who departed this life May 23 1833
in the 63 year of her age

[worn stone - inscription partly from Warren County Cemetery Records Volume 6 ]

Dana Palmer
22 October 2010
Ephraim Blackford
died Jan. 9, 1820
aged 59 years 11 months 9 days
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010
Hannah Blackford
wife of J. Blackford
died June 22, 1871
aged 77 years 8 months 10 days
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010

John Blackford
died Oct. 5, 1866
aged 73 years 8 months 10 days

[Warren County Cemetery Records Volume 6 has d. 5 Oct 1865]

Dana Palmer
21 October 2010

In memory of
Nathaniel Blackford
who departed this life
January 17th, 1834
in the 70th year of his age
Arne H Trelvik

10 Oct 2004
Dana Palmer
22 October 2010

_ B.

[broken footstone in vicinity of Blair children gravestones]

Dana Palmer
21 October 2010
Evelyn M. Blair
daughter of F. M. & P. A. Blair
died Aug 8, 1854
aged 5 years 9 months 8 days
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010
Jennie Kate Blair
infant daughter of F. M. & P. A. Blair
died July 4, 1854
aged 1 year 23 days
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010
In memory of
John Blair
who departed this life Jan. 30, 1818
aged 37 years 2 months 16 days
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010
Laura E. M. Blair
daughter of F. M. & Priscilla Blair
died Apr. 5, 1846
in the 6th year of her age
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010

M. B.

[footstone in vicinity of Blair gravestones - perhaps for Mary McLean Blair]

Dana Palmer
21 October 2010
Mary McLean Blair
wife of William Blair
died Sept. 15, 1861
aged 70 years 1 months & 8 days
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010
Sophia Blair
consort of William Blair
who departed this life Feb. 23, 1840
aged 27 years 4 months 25 days
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010
Elmira M. Borden
who departed this life
July 14, 1831
aged 22 years 9 months & 6 days
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010


stone not found
in 2010

Warren County Cemetery Records Volume 6  has the following entry:

David Brown
son of Wm. & Lucinda Brown
2nd Regt. OVI
died Dec. 21, 1862
aged 19 years 3 months 19 days
No David Brown that would meet this criteria has been found in the 2nd OVI, 2nd OVC or 2nd OHA.

There is a David N. Brown said to be buried in Springboro Cemetery on a Veteran Grave Registerion Card but no gravestone was found for him at Springboro. This David Brown is listed with the same date of death but serving in Co H 79th OVI. Mother, Lucinda Brown, filed for pension on 22 Oct 1866 (Application # 136053, Certificate #93432) for service of David N. Brown in Co H 79th OVI. 


J. B.

In memory of
Joseph Brown
son of Wm. & Lucinda Brown
died May 5, 1845
aged 20 years
Dana Palmer
22 October 2010

Freelove Bunnell
wife of Stephen Bunnell
died Oct. 7, 1850
aged 81 years 7 months 14 days
Dana Palmer
21 October 2010

Stephen Bunnell
died May 4, 1857
aged 89 years 10 months 8 days
Dana Palmer
22 October 2010
Catharine Busseer
wife of M. F. Busseer
died May 17, 1869
aged 35 years 4 months & 3 days
Dana Palmer
22 October 2010
Susanna T. Busseer
wife of M. F. Busseer
died June 21, 1879
aged 40 years 5 months & 8 days
Dana Palmer
22 October 2010

Index to Available Gravestone Photos
List of Known Burials A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [no surname/illegible] [Old School Baptist Church Cemetery Home page]
[To contribute your photos email them in jpg format to Arne H Trelvik with any other details that you would like to share]

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page created 20 October 2010 and last updated 3 December, 2010
© 2010Arne H Trelvik All rights reserved