Miami Cemetery Corwin, Warren County, Ohio
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Miami Cemetery
Wayne Township, Warren County, Ohio

Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ [no surname] Veteran's Memorial Section [Miami Cemetery Home page]
If we have a photo, the name will be a "clickable" link.
[To add your photos email them in jpg format to  Arne H Trelvik ]

Sec O Lot
married July 12, 1953
Eugene Sewell Combs Marilyn Kay Combs
July 2, 1932
July 20, 1934
reserved reserved
Ronnie & Sue Milby
17 February 2014
Sec. K Lot 297

Mabel Lamb [COMER]
Dec. 25, 1912 - Apr. 25, 1934

Interment #4866 of Mabel Lillian Comer in lot 297 on 28 Apr 1934 [Mabel Lamb on stone]
25 Jan 2013 email from Vicki Munn Lamb:
"I wanted to tell you that Mabel Lamb is a daughter of Robert D. Lamb (probably the Robert D. Lamb buried without a headstone in section M) and his wife Etta Benge Lamb. (I do not know where Etta is buried, but she is the owner of the empty plots around Mabel.) Mabel married an H. B. Comer (who I have had no luck finding much about) sometime after 1930 as Mabel is with her Mom Etta and two sibs in the 1930 census. My guess is Mabel died in childbirth a year or two after her marriage. Why she is buried with her tombstone listing her as plain Mabel Lamb is strange, but maybe her mother did not like Mabel's husband and blamed him for her death. But Mabel's death certificate lists her husband and mom Etta and misidentifies Mabel's father Robert D.'s brother George. I think Robert must have left Etta before Mr. Comer came along. Mabel was my husband's father's first cousin."

Ronnie & Sue Milby
8 August 2007
25 January 2013

Sec. J Lot 19
top bottom
John [Commerford] Maggie [Comerford]
died Jan. 21, 1890
aged 11 years
died Oct. 18, 1881
aged 13 years
Interment #1633 in south side of old yard on 31 Jan 1890
later removed to Section J Lot 19
thought to be Interment #1067 in south side of old yard on 18 Oct 1881
[Register of interments only lists the surname]
NOTE:  No surname visible on fallen stone.  Name in Register of Interments spelled Commerford for John and Comerford for Maggie.
Warren County Cemetery Records Volume 8 has the name spelled Comford and also lists a James Comford, d. Aug 10, 1890 age 23 years (perhaps on other side of stone)
Ronnie & Sue Milby
6 July 2008
Section A Row 9
[surname only]
Caleb Coburn
Eagle Scout Project
10 November 2006
Sec. L

David N. Compton
1870 - 1932

Interment #4762 in row 3-11 on 5 Dec 1932

Ronnie & Sue Milby
17 August 2008
Sec. H Lot 31
top bottom
Israel D. Compton Margeret Compton, his wife
born May 12, 1829
died Dec. 31, 1862
 [Civil War Soldier]
born June 18, 1826
died Oct. 2, 1898
Interment #2234 in lot 31 on 5 Oct 1898 Interment #2235 in lot 31 on 5 Oct 1898
Ronnie & Sue Milby
9 March 2010
Sec B Lot 51
Jesse M. Compton Priscilla S. Compton, his wife
1846 - 1921 1858 - 1950
Interment #3917 in lot 51 on 21 Sep 1921  
Caleb Coburn
Eagle Scout Project
17 November 2006

Sec A Lot 70
Lillian M. Compton Walton Compton
1870 - 1933 1865 - 1910
  Interment #3089 in lot 70 on 15 Jun 1910
Caleb Coburn
Eagle Scout Project
11 November 2006

Sec. K rev Lot ?
Comstock Comstock
Interment # ? Interment # ?
Ronnie & Sue Milby
27 October 2012


Sec. F Lot 51

top bottom
Alice E. Comstock
wife of A. E. Comstock
J. Levi Comstock
their son
1876-1905 1902-1905
Interment #2731 in lot 51 on 19 May 1905 Interment #2732 in lot 51 on 19 May 1905
from Debi Ham 27 Feb 2007:
Alice was dau. of Tacy Ham & Levi Lukens. She and son, J. Levi Comstock died same day in a fire. Her husband was Allen Comstock

Debi Ham
27 February 2007

Ronnie & Sue Milby
30 June 2009

Sec. K rev Row 1
Helen M. Comstock Durward M. Comstock
Sept. 17, 1915
Aug. 19, 2005
Mar. 27, 1912
June 14, 1989
Interment #10241 in row 1 grave 7 on 22 Aug 2005 Interment #8828 in row 1 grave 8 on 17 Jun 1989
Ronnie & Sue Milby
27 October 2012

Sec. K rev Row 2
wed Sept. 25, 1944
Albert Conley Bonnie E. (Welch) Conley
US Army
World War II
Apr. 24, 1918
Oct. 25, 2001
Jan. 19, 1920
Nov. 2, 2001
Interment #9878 in Sec K rev Row 2 Grave 4 on 28 Oct 2001 Interment #9881 in Row 2 Grave 5 in Nov 2001
Ronnie & Sue Milby
27 October 2012

Sec. R Lot 147
Wilbur C. Conley Sue Ann Conley
1938 - ____ 1939 - 1996
Interment #9413 of  Sue Ann (Ramby) Miranda Conley in Lot 147-3 on 7 Oct 1996
Ronnie & Sue Milby
13 April 2009

Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ [no surname] Veteran's Memorial Section [Miami Cemetery Home page]
If we have a photo, the name will be a "clickable" link.
[To add your photos email them in jpg format to  Arne H Trelvik ]

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page created 10 November 2006 and last updated 17 February, 2014
© 2006 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved