, Lebanon Cemetery Old Section, Warren County, Ohio
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Lebanon Cemetery
Lebanon, Warren County, Ohio

Old Section Lots 9-12
Hughes , Offord, Patterson, Wilkerson

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ [Lebanon Cemetery Home]
Photographic Records. [Click on the thumbnail images for larger photos]
(photos are reduced to a 600 pixel width and thumbnails to a 100 pixel width. Larger images "may" be available)

Stella Brown
1883 - 1927

Interment #5057 of Estella Brown in lot 9-3 on 24 Sep 1927

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Thelma Campbell
1907 - 1925

Interment #4831 in lot 11-12 on 5 Jan 1925

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Amanda Ellie Christian
1847 - 1923

Interment #4659 in lot 12-10 on 10 Jan 1923

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Lillie M. Crockett
1897 - 1927

Interment #5032 in lot 10-13 on 1 Jul 1927 [lists birth as 13 Oct 1895]

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Emma L. Gray
Mar. 31, 1925
Aug. 11, 1925

Interment #4837 in lot 11-13 on 10 Aug 1925

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Carrie Grimes
1880 - 1927

Interment #4992 in lot 10-11 on 28 Feb 1927 [lists birth year as 1865]

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Dora Hughes
1865 - 1929

Interment #5230 in lot 9-9 on 10 Jul 1929

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Harry Hughes
1870 - 1926

Interment #4906 in lot 10-7 on 14 Jan 1926

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006
Gus Hunter Sr. Margaret Hunter
1831 - 1908 1839 - 1923
Interment #3731 of Augustus Hunter
in lot 11 on 2 Dec 1908
Interment #4691 in lot 11-2 on 28 Apr 1923
G.A.R. Flagholder - see Civil War Service Record
Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Hattie D. Jones
1858 - 1926

Interment #4947of Hattie D. Mills Jones in lot 10-9 on 21 Jul 1926

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Minnie Lanen
1868 - 1925

Interment #4845 in lot 10-2 on 3 Apr 1925

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006
Robert C. Mabray Mary E. Mabray
1865 - 19__ 1875 - 1922
Interment #7321 in lot 12-12 on 5 Feb 1955 Interment #4620 in lot 12-6 on 2 Jun 1922
[has 1 May 1876 for birth date]
Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Susan A. Offord
1878 - 1927

Interment #5030 in lot 9-1 on 30 Jun 1927

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Ethel W. Patterson
1880 - 1929

Interment #4906 in lot 10-15 on 3 Oct 1929

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Doc. Smith
aged 76 years

Interment #4681 of Dock Smith in lot 12-11 on 1 Mar 1923

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Jennie Trent
1838 - 1922

Interment #4630 in lot 12-7 on 3 Aug 1922

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Elizabeth W. Wilkerson
1858 - 1926

Interment #4961 in lot 10-10 on 13 Oct 1926

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

Beatrice A. Woodson

Interment #4905 of "stillborn girl" in lot 10-6 on 6 Jan 1926

Arne H Trelvik

18 January 2006

FOOTNOTES: [a place to add additional information that you might want to submit]


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This page created 18 January 2006 and last updated 3 February, 2009
© 2006 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved