Cemetery Restoration Clinic at Crosson Cemetery, Harlan Twp, Warren County, Ohio
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Warren County, Ohio Virtual Cemetery Project
a project of the Warren County Genealogical Society a chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society
in partnership with the Warren County OHGenWeb Project.

Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [no surname/illegible]
[Crosson Cemetery Home page] [2010 Crosson Cemetery Restoration Clinic]

The Crosson Cemetery Restoration Clinic, Harlan Twp, Ohio
April 10, 2010
Sponsored by the Warren County Genealogical Society & the Clinton County Genealogical Society

The weather was perfect and the clinic was a great success with 54 people attending. Our thanks to Harlan Township for their help and the use of their facilities, our clinic chairman Terry Easton for all the time and effort he put into the program, and to the numerous others who helped with various aspects of the clinic. If you would like to help with some actual restoration work (usually on a Saturday) contact Terry Easton at [email protected]

Our thanks to Dana Palmer for the clinic photos below.  If you have any additional photos from the clinic, we would be happy to add them to the site.
Dana's photos may also be viewed on Flickr at http://www.flickr.com/photos/15663136@N08/sets/72157624151716671/detail/

Terry Easton has created a great annotated slide show from clinic photos provided by Randal O'Connell of the Franklin Historical Society.



Click on these links for many more photos - Return to Clinic Home Page
Resetting an unbroken stone Cleaning a stone with a Nylex brush
Building a Slot Base Cleaning stones with a dry brush
Leveling a stone without a base Erecting a large flat stone
Erecting a small flat stone Cleaning a stone with a wet brush
Repairing a stone with a clean break Leveling a base
Epoxy Repair of a stone with multiple breaks Repairing a stone - not a clean break

Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [no surname/illegible] [Crosson Cemetery Home page]

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This page created 14 June 2010 and last updated 16 September, 2014
© 2010Arne H Trelvik All rights reserved