Warren County
Local History by Dallas Bogan |
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Dallas Bogan on 6 September 2004 |
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original article by Dallas Bogan |
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The Thirteenth was formed from the Fourth and Fifth Independent Battalions, and by recruits during the winter of 1863- 64. It was mustered in May 6, 1864. It was to serve for three years. On the 11th of May the Thirteenth was ordered from Camp Chase to join the Ninth Army Corp which was a part of the Army of the Potomac. Acting as infantry, the Regiment participated in the battle of White House Landing, June 19th; Charles City, C.H., June 23rd; Petersburg, Va., July 30th. At this latter battle, the Thirteenths' loss was nineteen killed, one hundred and three wounded, and fifty-nine captured.
After being engaged in more battles, as infantry, the Thirteenth was formed into a cavalry unit on December 18, 1864. They received arms, equipment and horses and reported to Major General Gregg who was commander of the Second Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac. On March 28, 1865, the Thirteenth was placed under the command of Major General Philip Sheridan. They were instrumental in the destruction of General Lee's Rebel army.
Taken from Reid's, Ohio in the War:
"On the 5th of April, at Jetersville, the Regiment made a splendid mounted charge, capturing eight hundred and fifty prisoners and a stand of colors. The colors were captured by the Sergeant-Major, James K. Piersall, for which he received a medal from the War Department and a commission as First Lieutenant from the Governor of Ohio. At Sailor's Creek Colonel Clark was ordered by
Major General Crook to charge and burn a train of wagons, forty in number, that was on a road in the rear of the Rebel infantry, heavily guarded. The charge was made, the train was entirely destroyed, and two hundred and eighty prisoners, one hundred and forty mules, and twenty-eight horses were captured, with the loss of Captain Strahl and fifteen men taken prisoners. The Regiment, immediately on its return, took part in a mounted charge, which resulted in the capture of over five thousand men, including Brigadier General M.D. Corse, three of his staff, and six hundred and twenty-eight of his officers and men."
"On the 7th of April it was the advance regiment, pressing and constantly fighting Lee's rear guard. About noon the regiment made a dash into Farmville, capturing three hundred and eight prisoners. The command marched from Farmville to Prospect Station, on the Virginia and east Tennessee Railroad, and, at a point between Prospect Station and Appomattox C.H., in connection with the Sixth Ohio Cavalry, captured a train of railroad cars, bearing forage and provisions for Lee's Army."
"Near Appamottox C.H., April 8th, after General Sheridan's command had gone into camp for the night, the Thirteenth was placed on picket immediately to the left of the Court House, and Lee's immediate front. In this position it stood all the night through; everything quiet until about daybreak, April 9th, when Lee's forces made an impetuous dash at the National army, attempting to break the lines, but unsuccessfully. Here the Regiment fought manfully, holding its position over two hours, when it was charged by a division of Lee's infantry. This charge, fiercely made, was stubbornly resisted by the handful of men composing the Regiment; but, on account of superior numbers, they were forced to fall back, which they did slowly and in good order to the edge of a wood."
"When the Thirteenth reached the point to which it was ordered, the crisis was reached which was to determine the fate of the Rebel army. General Sheridan's entire cavalry force, the Thirteenth in front, charged the enemy's whole line, which resulted in the surrender of Lee's army. Soon after, the Regiment accompanied General Sheridan's command to re- enforce General Sherman; but when near Danville, Virginia, the intelligence was received that General Johnston had surrendered his entire army, and the whole command at once returned to Petersburg, Virginia. The Thirteenth was afterward ordered to Amelia C.H., Virginia, and was detailed as provost guard for Amelia and Powhatan Counties, in which capacity it served until August 10th."
"At this time and place the Regiment was mustered out of the United States service and ordered to Columbus, where it received final discharge and pay, August 18th."
"The entire loss of the Thirteenth during its of service was sixty-eight killed, two hundred and eighty-three wounded, and ninety-one captured. It took an active part in fourteen hard- fought battles, captured one General, one stand of colors, and two thousand and sixty-six prisoners."
The list of battles and dates are:
WELDON RAILROAD, VA...............June 22-23, 1864.
PETERSBURG, VA. (Assault)............July 30, 1864.
REAMS'S STATION, VA..................August 25, 1864.
PREBLE'S FARM, POPLAR SPRING CHURCH, VA.......September 30, 1864.
HATCHER'S RUN, SOUTH SIDE R.R. VIRGINIA.........October 27, 1864.
HATCHER'S RUN, VA.......…...........February 5-7, 1865.
DINWIDDIE, C.H., VA.........…........March 31, 1865.
APPOMATTOX, C.H. (Lee's Surrender)...April 8-9, 1865.
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This page created 6 September 2004 and last updated
10 April, 2011
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