Transcription contributed by Arne H Trelvik on 5 Oct 2003 |
Sources: |
The History of Warren County Ohio Part V. Biographical Sketches Wayne Township (Chicago, IL: W. H. Beers Co, 1882; reprint, Mt. Vernon, IN: Windmill Publications, 1992) |
Related Links: |
Samuel Sherwood Military Record, Jonathan Sherwood |
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HENRY SHERWOOD, retired farmer; P. O. Waynesville; born at Columbia, near Cincinnati, July 13, 1807; is a son of Thomas and Dorcas Sherwood, whose history is contained in the sketch of Jonathan Sherwood, of Massie Township. The paternal grandparents were Henry and Elizabeth Sherwood, natives of Maryland, and their ancestors, it is believed, came from Wales. The grandparents lived and died in Maryland. The subject of this sketch was a child 3 or 4 years of age when brought to the then wilderness of Warren County, and here raised and grew to manhood; was married, June 9, 1833, to Hester A., daughter of Francis and Eleanor Jeffry, natives of New Jersey, by whom he had six children; four now survive – Elizabeth, born June 17, 1834, now Mrs. G. W. Terry; Thomas, born Dec. 8, 1835; Sarah, born June 10, 1837, now Mrs. George W. Elbon, and Francis, born June 8, 1839. Two deceased were Mary and Samuel; the latter enlisted in the war of the rebellion in the 79th O. V. I. in the summer of 1862, and was accidentally shot by one of his comrades at Lavern, Tenn., living but a few hours, and died Aug. 9, 1863. Mrs. Sherwood died May 20, 1863. On March 15, 1866, he married Mrs. Malinda H. Campbell, a daughter of Eli and Ann (Hadley) Hale, natives of South Carolina, and settled in Clinton County, in 1816, both of these families being pioneers of Clinton County. Mr. Sherwood by his last wife has one child – Anna, born Jan. 24, 1867. Mr. Sherwood, in 1833, located on a farm he purchased of Noah Haines, where he resided nearly half a century. In February, 1880, he removed to Waynesville, where he has since resided, retired from all active business. Mr. Sherwood has been one of the prominent farmers of Warren County – an active, industrious man, whose labors have been crowned with success; he held many of the offices of the Township and was County Commissioner from 1851 to 1868 inclusive, a period of eighteen years; was a Justice of the Peace, Appraiser, and held the office of Township trustee for many years, and whose official work and active useful life will be found more fully written of in the history of Washington Township in this work. |
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This page created 3 October 2003 and last updated
24 December, 2008
© 2003-2005 Arne H Trelvik
All rights reserved