Transcription contributed by Martie Callihan 11 March 2005 |
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The History of Warren County Ohio Part V. Biographical Sketches Wayne Township (Chicago, IL: W. H. Beers Co, 1882; reprint, Mt. Vernon, IN: Windmill Publications, 1992) |
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EDWARD B. BUTTERWORTH, farmer; P. O. Waynesville; born in Clermont Co., Ohio, July 14, 1827; is a son of Samuel and Hannah L. (Taylor) Butterworth, he a native of Campbell Co., Va., and she of Chester Co.. Penn. The paternal grandparents were Benjamin and Rachel Butterworth, natives of Virginia, who emigrated to this county in 1812 and purchased land in the southern part of the county, near Clermont County, where he was among the early settlers, and resided and died on the same place where he first located, aged about 65 years. Samuel was 14 years of age when they located in Warren County; here he grew to manhood and was married and became the father of six children—three sons and three daughters, two now living— Jessie T. and Edward B. Mr. Butterworth bought a farm in Clermont County, where he resided until 1848; thence removed into Warren County, where he purchased the farm known as the Benjamin Evans farm, and here resided till his death. Feb. 21, 1872, aged 74 years; his wife died Sept. 5, 1850, aged 47 years. Mr. B., as were his ancestors, was a devoted member of the Society of Friends. He was a man of great energy and industry, and, as an early pioneer, did a vast amount of hard labor, having cleared with his own hands and labor, 100 acres right from the woods, which was seldom, if ever, equalled by the labor of one man; the town of Loveland is now built upon a portion of the land he cleared. He was a man of undoubted integrity, of firm principles and correct and just in all his dealings, and, in his death, the community lost a worthy citizen and his family a kind father and husband. Our subject was brought up to farm labor; was married, March 28, 1849, to Hannah, daughter of Josiah and Abigail Rogers, whose ancestors are given in the sketch of Samuel W. Rogers; by |
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this union, they had six children; four now survive—Samuel, born Dec. 12, 1851; Ellen B., March 6, 1856; Mary, Sept. 11, 1858, and Josiah, born Oct. 8, 1861; his wife died May 1, 1873, aged 48 years. On July 7, 1875, he was again married, to Percilla, daughter of John W. and Sophia Wroten, natives of Baltimore, Md., who became residents of Warren County in 1846, where they have since resided; they have had ten children; five now survive—Percilla, Mary F., Martha L., Henry H. and James H. Mr. Butterworth first located upon the old home place of his father, having erected new buildings, and there and at the old homestead place he remained until 1874, when he accepted the position of Superintendent of the Agricultural Department of the Miami Valley Institute, which position he filled for one and a half years; in the spring of 1876, be bought and located where he now lives. This place he purchased of Stephen Burnett, being the property formerly owned by Samuel Gause; it consists of 44 acres of good land, with good buildings and improvements, constituting a pleasant home and residence. Mr. Butterworth has entered quite extensively upon the culture of small fruits, which he intends to make his leading business. |
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This page created 11 March 2005 and last updated
9 October, 2005
© 2005 Arne H Trelvik
All rights reserved