Peter B. Dunham Biographical Sketch from Beers History of Warren County, Ohio
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Biographies with Warren County Connections

Peter B. Dunham


Transcription contributed by Leah L. Furnas 18 April 2005

The History of Warren County Ohio
Part V. Biographical Sketches
Union Township
(Chicago, IL: W. H. Beers Co, 1882; reprint, Mt. Vernon, IN: Windmill Publications, 1992)
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PETER B. DUNHAM, South Lebanon; of the firm of Kelley & Dunham packers and dryers of sugar corn. Mr. Dunham was born in Turtle Creek Township, Warren County, in 1839; his early life was passed on the farm, and he received a common education in the district schools. He followed the fortunes of the firm until 1873, at which time he became interested in drying corn. In 1879, he became connected with Mr. Kelley, and together they do the largest business in that line in the county. In 1859, he was married to Rebecca, daughter of Harvey Randolph, by whom he has had one child-Ida B. (deceased), aged six years. Mr. D. was a member of Co. A, 169th O.N.G.; enlisted in 1863, served his time, and was honorably discharged.

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This page created 18 April 2005 and last updated 7 November, 2008
© 2005 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved