Transcription contributed by Martie Callihan 27 November 2004 |
Sources: |
The History of Warren County Ohio Part V. Biographical Sketches Turtlecreek Township (Chicago, IL: W. H. Beers Co, 1882; reprint, Mt. Vernon, IN: Windmill Publications, 1992) |
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THOMAS. H. BLAKE. Postmaster of Lebanon. Mr. Blake is a native of Burlington Co., N. J., where he was born. March 28, 1841, and when two years of age came with his parents to Warren Co., Ohio, and they settled near Waynesville. In 1813. his father died, and was followed in a very few years by his mother, leaving Thomas the youngest of four children, the eldest being John, who is still living. William, who died at Camp Chase. Ohio, a soldier in the 69th O. V. I., and one sister, Mary, who still lives at Freeport, in this county. The subject of our sketch was thus thrown upon the care of strangers, and worked his way as best he could, getting but little schooling, until, at 15 years of age, he struck out for himself. At 19 he went to Illinois, where he enlisted as a private in the 41st Ill. V. I., on the 25th of July, 1861, and followed the varied fortunes of his command until the battle of Shiloh, April 6, 1862, where he received a severe wound in the left thigh, in a charge on a rebel battery, from which portions of the bone were extracted, which he now has, preserved as a souvenir of his service, together with a lameness and debilitation of health that renders him yet an invalid. After fifteen months of intense suffering in hospital, he was brought to this county on a bed. about July 4, 1863, where he soon was able to be about once more, and though still suffering, he applied himself resolutely to study with a determination to gain an education. He subsequently attended school at Lebanon, afterward attended a term at Delaware College, and then he entered the Normal school at Lebanon and prepared himself for teaching. He followed the profession of a teacher in the district schools of the county for six years. |
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In 1869, he received the appointment of Government Storekeeper, and was assigned to duty at Germantown, Ohio. In the fall of 1870, he was elected to the office of Recorder of Warren Co., which position he filled so acceptably for two terms that a re-election was tendered him; but owing to his failing health, he was obliged to decline. Always an active Republican, he identified himself with his party and all its interests. He was appointed Postmaster at Lebanon in December, 1878, and has held the position since to the entire satisfaction of the people. On the 6th of July. 1866, he married Sarah LeFevre, at Lebanon. She was born near Lebanon, in 1847, and they have two children, named respectively, Zetta C, aged 11, and Florence V, aged 6. Shortly after his army service, Mr. Blake became a member of the M. E. Church, of which his wife is also a member, and he has long been identified with the I. O. O. F. Thus his life has been one of constant struggle; but with a courage unshaken and a faith undimmed, he has trodden bravely the path of duty, an example of what may be accomplished by determination and courage. |
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This page created 27 November 2004 and last
25 March, 2009
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