Transcription contributed by Arne H Trelvik on 5 Oct 2003 |
Sources: |
The History of Warren County Ohio Part V. Biographical Sketches Massie Township (Chicago, IL: W. H. Beers Co, 1882; reprint, Mt. Vernon, IN: Windmill Publications, 1992) |
Related Links: |
Phineas Sherwood Military Record, Charles H. Sherwood, Frank Sherwood, Henry Sherwood, William J. Sherwood |
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JONATHAN SHERWOOD, farmer; P. O. Oregon; born in Clear Creek Township, Warren County, Aug. 25, 1815; is a son of Thomas and Dorcas (Bradway) Sherwood, he a native of Maryland, and she of New Jersey. The maternal grandfather was John Bradway, a native of New Jersey, but who emigrated to Ohio and located at Columbia, near Cincinnati, among the early pioneers of that place, probably about 1804, residing there a few years, thence moved to Union Co., Ind., where he lived and died. Thomas Sherwood was born in 1776, emigrated to Ohio and located at Columbia about 1800, and there married Dorcas Bradway, who was born in 1790; after a short residence there, they removed to Lebanon; thence located on a farm about four miles east of Lebanon, where he died March 26, 1833; his wife survived him many years and died in Wayne Township. They had thirteen children, of whom only two now survive – Henry and Jonathan. The subject of this sketch was raised and grew to manhood and remained with his father till his death, which occurred when Jonathan was about 18 years of age, after which he remained with his mother till his marriage, on Aug. 20, 1837, when he was united with Elizabeth, daughter of Francis, and Eleanor Jeffry, natives of New Jersey, issue four children, three survive – Francis, born June 17, 1838; Mary Ellen, now Mrs. Gard, born April 11, 1843, and William, born Nov. 22, 1845. Phinneas (deceased), born March 7, 1841, grew to manhood, and on the breaking out of the rebellion, enlisted in the 70th O. V. I. [sic], in summer of 1862; was with Gen. Sherman in his long march through the South to the sea; when at Goldsboro, N. C., in a skirmish he was shot and lived but a short time; he died March 25, 1865, having served so near the close of the war. Mrs. Sherwood died April 3, 1851, aged 38 years. On Jan. 23, 1853, he was united in marriage with Mrs. Margaret Terry, daughter of James and Jane Wilkerson, by whom he had five children; four now survive – Charles H., born Aug. 30, 1855; Morris E., Feb. 10, 1857; Anna M., Aug. 23, 1858, and James W., born Nov. 18, 1860. Mr. Sherwood followed farming several years, then entered upon the mercantile trade at Freeport, where he continued about twelve years, and during a part of that time was also engaged in the milling business. In 1860, he bought and located upon the farm where he now lives and has since resided. For several years after locating on the farm, he still kept an interest in his former trade at Freeport; about 1876, he withdrew all interest in the store, transferring that interest to one of his sons, since which he has devoted his whole time and attention to his farm. Mr. Sherwood commenced in life a poor man, and by his own energy and good management has accumulated a good competency, has been very successful in all his pursuits, exhibiting rare judgment, and always just and exact in all his dealings, it won him friends and success. Mr. Sherwood has always manifested great interest in all public improvements, and in the interest of school and education; was a Justice of the Peace |
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four years, and is one of the prominent and leading men in the community where he lives. |
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This page created 5 October 2003 and last updated
13 October, 2010
© 2003-2005 Arne H Trelvik
All rights reserved