Trumbull County Ohio ALHN History

Trumbull County Ohio History

Trumbull County was formed in 1800, and comprised within its original limits the whole of the Connecticut Western Reserve. This is a well cultivated and wealthy county. The surface is mostly level, and the soil loamy or sandy. In the northern part is excellent coal. The principal products are wheat, corn, oats, grass, wool, butter, cheese, and potatoes.

Area about 650 square miles. On the 10th of July, 1800, Governor St. Clair proclaimed that all the territory included in Jefferson County, lying north of the forty-first degree, north latitude, and all that part of Wayne County included in the Connecticut Western Reserve, should constitute a new county, to be known by the name of Trumbull, and that the seat of justice should be at Warren. It will be seen that the county thus constituted was coextensive with the Reserve or the New Connecticut of five years before.

----from Henry Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio

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