Richland County Property Taxes:  Perry Township, 1834

Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

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Richland County Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1834

Perry Township  (Range 19, Township 19)

source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1834

Useful resources:  See the range map in our map section and the 1873 and 1896 Plat Books for more info. on Township Numbers and Sections

R = Range  |  T = Township  |  S = Section

ne = northeast  |  nw = northwest  |  se = southeast  |  sw = southwest

hf = half  |  qr = quarter  |  pt = part  |  sec = section  |  cor = corner

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail [email protected] with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR. the TOWNSHIP and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

Owner's Name Section Quarter
Armentrout, George 3 sw
Acton, Osbun 9 e½ sw
Broadback, John 7 e½ nw
Baker, Christian Jr. 24 ne
Baughman, Francis 4 sw
Beckley, David 6 ne
Baughman, John W. 2 se
Baughman, Francis W. 6 se
Bowers, Daniel 6 e pt nw
Baker, Christian Jr. 24 pt se
Bowman, Henry 15 nw
Baker, Christian R. 18 ne
Bigbee, George 35 s½ sw


" pt nw
Beam, Benjamin 9 w½ nw
Bell, Robert Jr. 1 e½ se
Cook, John 30 pt sw
Culp, Philip Jr. 34 e½ se
Coon, John 12 se s side
Carey, Reuben 25 n side nw
Culp, Abraham 25 pt se
Culp, Jacob 25 pt se
Culp, Lawrence 35 pt nw
" 25 pt sw
" 36 pt n½
Culp, Jacob Jr. 36 pt nw
Culp, Philip 35 pt sw
Chambers, Samuel 25 nw s side
Culp, Philip 25 pt se
" 36 pt nw
" 35 pt n½
" 25 pt sw
Chambers, Robert 27 se
Chambers, John 35 n½ sw
Cook, John 31 nw
" 31 pt sw
" 30 pt sw
Caldwell, James 33 nw
Coon, Jacob 12 w pt ne
Divelbaugh, Jacob 21 w½ sw
Dennis, Samuel 21 pt se
Dyer, Bracket 25 pt sw
Dalley, Charles 12 e side ne
Edgington, Jesse 17 se


20 ne
Ely, John 8 nw


8 pt nw
Ensign, Silas 22 s½ ne
Ewers, Richard 36 pt se
Edwards, Elexis 6 e½ sw
Ensign, Silas 14 pt sw
Fallen, Daniel 26 sw
Fielden, John 31 w½ ne
Fringer, George 30 nw
Greeg, Hannah 27 ne
Goss, George 12 sw
Green, Benjamin 32 se


33 n½ sw
Graham, John 28 e½ nw
Graham, David 28 e½ sw
Greeno, John 15 se
Hannawalt, Jacob 12 pt sw


11 ne

" (one house)

- -
Halferty, Edward 23 nw
Hurst, Samuel H. 24 pt se
Halferty, William 17


17 w½ sw
Halferty, Edward 10 sw
Hart, Abner 31 nw
Hart, Benjamin 31 e pt sw
Hetrick, Abraham 8 ne


Huntsman, James (heirs of) 10 se
Hartley, Amos 36 pt sw
Hossack, Adam 34 ne

" (one sawmill)

- -
Huntsman, Jonathan 22 nw
Harshner, Lawrence 17 e½ sw
Henney, John 29 w½ ne


29 w½ nw
Hart, Levi 31 pt sw
Hetrick, Abraham 3 w½ nw
Johnston, Elemuel 3 se
Klinefelter, Michael 18 e½ sw
Keller, John 35 pt n½
Linman, Samuel 24 sw
Lucas, Jacob 21 e½ nw
Lavering, Nathan 31 pt sw
Lucas, Adam 8 se
Leeper, Allen 33 se
Leedy, David 35 se
Lamb, Lawrence 4 se
Lamb, Timothy 4 nw
Lavering, Nathan 31 se

" (one distillery)

- -
Lavering, Noah 34 sw
Mitten, James 11 nw


11 pt sw
McFarland, Wm. 15 sw
Mitchell, Mark 20 w½ sw
Markey, Samuel 31 pt sw
Moore, Robert 4 ne
Morgan, Burgess 14 pt sw
Morrison, Daniel 36 sw cor sw
Olp, John 9 e½ ne
Ogle, John 32 sw
Pumphry, Joseph 11 se
Painter, John 36 se
Packer, Moses 36 pt sw
Poorman, Peter 22 se


22 ne pt sw
Parker, Robert 15 e½ ne
Poorman, Adam 34 w½ nw
Riddle, Isaac 11 pt sw
Rhule, George 13 sw


19 ne
Rickle, Henry 1 nw
Rhinehart, George 21 pt se
Rhinehart, Jacob (heirs of) 33 e½ ne
Rhule, John 20 nw


19 e½ se
Shaeffer, Adam 1 w½ se
Shaeffer, John 34 e½ nw
Samms, Andrew 22 s½ sw


22 nw cor sw
Samms, David 30 w½ se


30 e½ ne
Smith, John F. 7 se


" w½ se
Shaeffer, Jacob 27 sw
Samms, Henry 27 nw

" (one sawmill)

- -
Samms, Abraham 33 e½ sw
Sterret, Robert 14
Shaeffer, George 24 e pt se
Steel, James 13 nw
Shauck, John 5 sec
" (one house) - -
" (one sawmill) - -
Shauck, Henry 7 ne
Shaeffer, Martin 8 sw
Stevens, Henry 9 se
Shelby, Nicholas 3 pt nw
Selby, James 3 pt nw
Singrey, John 19 pt sw
Singrey, Jehu 28 ne
Shaeffer, Henry 26 ne
Shaeffer, Frederick 12 pt nw


1 ne
State of Ohio 24 nw


Salisberry, Seneca 19 n pt sw
Singrey, John 19 w½ se
Stillwell, Joseph W. 30 e½ sw
Truax, Catharine 30 pt w½ sw
Troup, Michael 6 pt nw
Terry, Joseph 18 se
Vanbuskirk, John 32 ne
White, Benjamin 25 pt ne
White, William 25 pt ne
Walters, George 13 ne
Wirt, Christian 1 sw
" 7 sw
Walker, Christopher 29 sw
Woodward, John 9 e½ sw
Woodward, Andrew 9 w½ sw
Woodward, Nathaniel 3 ne
Weirick, Jacob 14 nw
Wains, Jacob 26 nw
Wains, Martin 26 se
Williams, Benjamin 21 ne
Weirick, Samuel 22 n½ ne
Walker, Christopher 30 e½ se
Zeamer, Frederick 23 sw
Zigler, Frederick 29 w½ se
Zigler, Christian 29 e½ se
Zulman, Elizabeth 36 ne
Zeamer, Frederick 15 w½ ne

Reference Number = 1834 / 8802-8815

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