Richland County Property Taxes:  Olivesburg, 1828

Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

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Richland County Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1828


source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1828

Useful resources:  See the range map in our map section and the 1873 and 1896 Plat Books for more info. on Township Numbers and Sections

R = Range  |  T = Township  |  S = Section

ne = northeast  |  nw = northwest  |  se = southeast  |  sw = southwest

hf = half  |  qr = quarter  |  pt = part

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail [email protected] with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR. the TOWNSHIP and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

Owner's Name Lot x-- Owner's Name Lot
Montgomery, Benjamin 1 -- Burgit, Thomas & Joseph 38
" 7 - " 39
" 8 - " 41
" 9 - Gloss, John 49
'" 10 - Houston, Robert 2
" 11 - " 3
" 12 - " 4
" 13 - Ferrell, John 47
" 14 -


" 15 - Montgomery, Abel 54
" 16 -


" 17 - Montgomery, Caleb 52
" 18 -


" 19 - Montgomery, Abel 34
" 28 - Winn, James 30
" 32 -


" 33 - Richeson, Samuel 27
" 35 - Montgomery, ____ 43
" 36 - Hall, Abner 58
" 37 - Hilton, Jonathan 5
" 40 -


" 42 - Lee, William 48
" 44 - Downer, George W. 29
" 45 - " 25
" 46 - " 26
" 55 - Beach, Thomas 24
" 56 -


' 57 - - -
" 59 - - -
" 60 - - -
" 61 - - -
" 62 - - -
" 64 - - -
" 65 - - -
" 20 - - -
" 21 - - -
" 22 - - -
" 23 - - -

Reference Number = 1828 / 9246-9249

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Monday, April 07, 2008