Richland County Personal Property Taxes:  Green Township, 1828

Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

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Personal Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1828

Green Township

source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1828

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail [email protected] with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR, the TOWNSHIP and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Personal Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

* NOT presented in strict alphabetical order *

Andrews, Thomas Ayres, Isaac (M.D.) Ady, James Anderson, Mathew
Adset, Moses Arnold, Peter Bull, Thomas Byers, James
Brawdy, James Brawdy, Raisen B. Broom, William Briggs, Francis
Brawdy, Aron Bridinger, George Castor, Noah Counterman, David
Crawford, George Cormine, Jeremiah Castor, Conrad Cook, Pelham Jr.
Coulter, Thomas Coulter, Jonathan Coulter, John Campbell, Peter L.
Chapen, John Cook, Pelham Crosser, Adam Conn, Emanuel
Caster, Uriah Chambers, William Chappel, Caleb Clements, James
Coulter, Thomas Jr. Coulter, Thomas W. Chance, Joshua Clements, William
Dehaven, Nathan Digarmo, John Delong, Peter Farman, Solomon
Flack, Solomon Fisher, Sylvester Friend, Jacob Ford, Nicholas
Falkner, Peter Graham, Samuel Guthrie, Richard Guinn, Reece
Gladden, James Guinn, Joseph Gause, Evans Gause, David
Hunter, James Hills, Joseph Harper, Joseph Haskill, Nathaniel
Hazen, Jabin Hunter, David Humphreys, Andrew Hill, Calvin
Johnson, Robert Johnson, John Jones, Moses Jones, Isaac
Jones, Joseph Johnson, Ann Jones, John Jones, Joseph Jr.
Kinney, John Kent, John G. Kinkead, George Keller, Henry
Kithcart, Thomas Lata, Ephraim Lynde, Charles Musser, Michael
McBride, Alexander Martin, Thomas Menor, Isaac Martin, Isaac
Martin, Isaac Jr. McDowell, John Metcalf, Daniel Martin, Hugh
Matson, Joseph McClelland, Alexander Musgrove, Joseph Mower, Henry
Mannar, Joseph Oliver, Lewis Oliver, John Oliver, Daniel
Palm, Thomas Price, Merriman Parker, Leonard Pittenger, Samuel
Rowland, Simon Rice, Alexander Rowland, James Rowland, John
Royer, Christian Royer, Samuel Rhinebolt, John Studley, Joseph
Steines, Nathan Shonebarger, Jacob Swasick, James Smith, John
Simmons, Otho Sheldon, Jasper L. Sheaffer, Frederick Taylor, William Esq.
Taylor, Thomas Taylor, James Tonneyhill, Milzer Tonneyhill, Melzer F.
Tonneyhill, Charles Tarney, Samuel Underwood, Rebecca Vaughn, John
Vanhorn, John Vanskyhock, Lewis Vanskyhock, Stephen Vanskyhock, Jonathan
Vanskyhock, Aaron Wolfe, John Wyatt, John White, Samuel
Wolfe, Isaac White, William Wyatt, Nathan Wallace, William
Wells, Elisha Wilson, Bradley Wall, Richard Wilson, George C.
Wilson, Whitford Wright, William Wilson, Bradley B. Wilson, Henry H.
Wilson, Lewis D. Wilson, Guy C. - -

reference number = 1828 / 9078-9089

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