Richland County Personal Property Taxes:  Plymouth Township, 1828

Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

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Personal Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1828

Congress Township

source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1828

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail [email protected] with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR, the TOWNSHIP and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Personal Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

* NOT presented in strict alphabetical order *

Busby, Benjamin Brewer, John Brewer, Jonathan Brooks, Noah
Findley, Barclay Fulton, James Forgy, John Fidler, Thomas
Graham, Samuel Gardner, Timothy Harryman, John Hull, Charles
Hardinbrook, Samuel Hart, Enoch James, Henry Herney, William
Lavring, John Moody, Daniel Moody, John Muncy, Thomas
McClary, Benjamin Miller, William Patterson, James Russel, John
Rush, William Sipe, Solomon Sipe, Peter Snell, David
Teeple, Andrew Teeple, John Vanorman, Miles Vanorman, Frederick
Vanorman, Herman Vanator, James Vanator, Benjamin Williams, William

reference number = 1828 / 9544-9547

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008