Richland County Personal Property Taxes:  Auburn Township, 1828

Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

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Personal Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1828

Auburn Township

source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1828

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail [email protected] with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR, the TOWNSHIP and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Personal Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

* NOT presented in strict alphabetical order *

Ashley, Jonas Aumond, Adam Aumond, George Aumond, Adam Jr.
Ashley, Ebenezer Bevard, Jacob Bodley, Jesse Bodley, Wm.
Blair, John Bowker, John Bodley, John Bodley, Margaret
Beadle, Daniel Blair, Isa Cuykendall, Bowdewine Champion, Christian
Conklin, Isaac Cuykendoll, James D. Cuykendoll, Jacob Cummins, James
Champion, Wm. Cole, William Cummins, George Crosley, George H.
Dewitt, William Dewitt, Charles Devoe, Levi Dewitt, Andries C.
Davis, James Frazee, John Gardner, James Garrison, James
Garrison, Anne Gipson, Michael Green, William Griffith, Benjamin
Hultz, Guernsey Hagarman, John Herbert, William Hills, Thomas
Hultz, Palmer Hills, Charles Howe, Aaron B. Hammond, George
Hanna, Samuel Hanna, Robert Hoadley, Harvey Hawks, Seth
Hills, Rufus Hutchinson, James Harley, Samuel Ladow, Jesse
Livengwood, George Morrow, Charles Morrow, David Morse, Rudolphus
McCray, James G. McCasky, Andrew Myres, John Ruckman, Peter
Ruckman, Joshua Snider, William W. Sawyer, Erastus Shackler, John
Smith, Gasper Stankard, Robt. Trux, Michael Tindall, Thomas
Venosdoll, Peter Vanhouten, Jacob A. Wetheril, William P. White, Resolved

reference number = 1828 / 9576-9583

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008