Cast of ... She Stoops To Conquer

Richland Co., Ohio


School Records

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Cast of ...


Performed by the Red Masque Club Members of Mansfield High School

SourceTHE HYPHONERIAN (school newspaper of Mansfield High School):  21 October 1927, Vol. X, No. 3


Supervisor ... Miss Waring

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Charles Brown Lindley Smith
Gordon White Jack Berno
Robert Shiplet Charles Cook
Charles Bahl Bob Martin
John Bertka Grace Culp
Amy Twitchell Eleanor Selby
Carolyn Hughes
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Costume Committee
Esther Dunham Betty Smith
Naomi Hall Olive Bristor
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Joe McClelland Bob Myers
Florence Carpenter Maxine Geipel
Ted Culler
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Tickets & Program
Doris Bolesky Kathryn Herre
Kathleen Jones Mildred Strome
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House Committee
Ned Sturges
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Stage Decoration
Harry Altner Margery Kemble
Clara Conklin
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Mildred Valmore Miriam Wise
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Stage Manager
Henry Schwier
Leona Heim

** This play could have been adapted from the book "Stooping To Conquer" - about the life of Henry Ward Beecher, and edited by Lyman Abbott.  It was a book issued in the Spring of 1883.

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