NN -- Bellville Independent:  18 April 1895, Vol. 7, No. 48

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Bellville Independent:  18 April 1895, Vol. 7, No. 48

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Mr. W.H. Elston spent Saturday and Sunday in Bucyrus, O.

James Leppo and John Hass were at Mansfield on business.

Mr. Will Burnett, of Chesterville, called upon Miss Anna Hissong last Friday.

Messrs. Charles Bermont and Carl Ackerman, of Fredericktown, Sundayed in Bellville.

Mrs. M.E. Steel will have the distinction of being the first lady to serve on the school board in Jefferson Township.  

SCHOOL BOARD MEETING.  The township school board held their regular meeting at the township house Monday afternoon.  The newly elected members, viz. T.O. Robinson, Dist. No. 1;  Mrs. M.E. Steel, District No. 2;  and H.L. Mowry, District No. 4.  There was a considerable wrangle over the election of Mrs. Steel, not on account of a lack of votes, but owing to a failure on the part of the district election board to return the poll book to the township clerk and also failed to sign the returns.  The board, after some discussion decided to allow the proper filling out of returns, return of the poll book, etc., and se was duly qualified.  The new board organized by electing M.A. Walker, president;  James Shaffer, truant officer;  and Hon. J.E. Howard, auditor.  The usual routine of business was attended to by the new board after which it adjourned. 

H.W. Sampsell of Mansfield, Sundayed with friends here.

Rosa White spent Sunday with Fredericktown friends.

David Brumbaugh, of Detroit, Mich., spent Sunday with Mr. J.E. Timmeran and family.

Mrs. A.J. Long was called to Crestline Saturday by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Mellon.

George Wolfrom left for Mansfield Thursday, where he has accepted a position in a barber shop.

Mrs. Rachel Moore has covered her dwelling house on North Main Street with a handsome new slate roof, which adds greatly to the appearance of the property.  J.M. Daugherty has been doing the work.

Patrick Gatton's team created a little stir on Main Street Tuesday morning by running from Pitts & Munnell's livery stables around the corner of the Clifton House where they were promptly caught.  No particular damage resulted.

O.H. Gurney received a telegram from N.O. Smith, of Sheppardsville, Michigan, last Friday, April 12th., announcing the death of Miss Verda Smith, eldest daughter of the sender.  Death occurred Thursday, the 11th., and the funeral was announced for Saturday, the 13th.  Mr. Smith was a former citizen of this place, and the deceased was well known by many of our people who will sincerely regret her untimely death.

Herbert Patman was in Mansfield on business Monday.

A.J. Flaharty is spending a few days with his family.

Wm. Lockhart has moved to his farm southeast of town.

Will Lefever, B.&O. brakeman, is at home this week.

Dan Caster has accepted a position in the Boston Store at Mansfield.

Olive Marriott, attorney of Mansfield, was in town on legal business Tuesday.

The little son of Mr. Harvey Eller is reported to be convalescing from quite a severe attack of croup.

County Surveyor J.C. Potts is absent this week on official business in the northern part of the county.

L. Bissell left Tuesday for the western part of the state where he expects to work during the coming summer.

The Filson property on South Main Street was appraised Monday at seven hundred dollars.  The appraisers were D.A. Lanehart, O.H. Gurney and Joseph Aungst.

Prof. Harvey Phelps and wife, of Lexington, spent Sunday last with their friends and relatives at this place.

Philip Grauer, of Mansfield, has brought suit in 'Squire J.E. Howard's court against Adam E. Shafer for the sum of $46.83 for meat sold to defendant and money loaned.  The case was set for hearing Tuesday last.  Attorney Marriott, of Mansfield, appeared for plaintiff and Attorney Chas. A. Seiler, of this place, for the defendant.  By mutual consent of the parties to the action the case was continued to Wednesday, May 1st.  The case will be tried before a jury.

A startling secret was unexpectedly brought to light in filling out the legal papers in connection with the estate of the late E.A. Filson.  It develops that the supposed Mrs. Filson has no right to that name and no title to the rights of a wife, inasmuch as her relation to the deceased had been only that of a housekeeper or mistress.  Her claim upon the estate is therefore limited to the value of her services as a nurse during his last illness, and trifling remuneration for previous service.  Her name, by affidavit now on file, is Miss Bertha Carr, as she had never been legally married.  For the above reason it is feared that the offspring of this concubinal union will be left without provision.  The entire affair is a complete surprise, as it has always been supposed and taken for granted that the couple were legally married.


Mrs. Mattie Christmore is some better at this writing.

Mr. Lee Carter has the mumps.

Mr. L. Marlow has the mumps.

Miss Ella Seward returned home from Slater, Montana after quite a long visit with friends and relatives.


Mr. Geo. Snyder and daughter, Alice, were the guests of Wm. George and family Thursday.

Miss Nell George who has been sick, is improving.

Miss Spencer is making her home with her brother Dr. H. Smith.

The Ramblers enjoyed a delightful meeting at the home of Miss Carrie Kaley on Monday evening.  Four names were annexed to the roll.  These meetings are instructive as well as entertaining.  Every lady should take advantage of the opportunity and become a member.

Mr. Kinney Prosser, an old pioneer of this vicinity, died Monday forenoon.  He had been sick during the greater part of the winter.

Wm. Reininger is having a slate roof put on his barn this week.




H.M. McCuen and J.L. Swank represented the Carmel Society at the Salem quarterly conference on the 13th.

H.P. Cassell was at Mansfield on business on the 8th.

Mrs. Kirkpatrick favored her large class of Sabbath School scholars with a cake of maple sugar on the 14th.  A very good way to get recruits.

J.W. Garber and sister, Mertie, were guests at J.F. Laneharts, on the 14th.

E.M. Kirkpatrick, H.M. McCuen's and W.L. Long's ate Easter eggs at R. McCuen's on the 14th.

Jacob L. Swank's visited at Edward Neer's on the 14th.

Miss Emma Baker, Elma Leedy and Silas Leedy visited with friends at Mt. Vernon on the 13th. and 14th.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Loose, and J.L. Swank and wife, were the guests of A.B. Leedy.

Mr. Edward Neer has been suffering with the la grippe, and has been confined to his bed during the past week  But we are glad to learn that he is improving at present.


Mrs. Gazley and little sons are visiting in Fredericktown this week.  We are soon to lose Mr. and Mrs. G. as citizens.  They expect to make their future home in N.Y. state.

A.L. McClellan is now night operator at this place.

Misses Emma Maglott and Lovetta Miller spent Saturday in Mansfield.

F. McNare and family traveled to Sycamore, O., Tuesday of last week.

Mrs. Wm. Traxler and daughter will spend several weeks visiting relatives in Michigan.

Dr. J.A. Thoman, of Bellville, was in this vicinity, Tuesday.

About forty of our young people gathered at the home of Miss Sylvia Myers last Tuesday evening and gave her a genuine surprise.  She was made the recipient of a number of nice presents and all express themselves as having a good time.

Mr. A.J. Grubb we learn has secured the position of operator in Mansfield.  Congratulations, Alvin.

Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Stichler, we are pleased to note, are again numbered among our citizens.

Misses Donough of Knox County visited with Mr. A. Donough and family over Sunday.

Hayes Lapham returned from Republic on Wednesday.

Misses Essie Miller and Maud Wearinger were at Mansfield Wednesday.

B.O. Smith of Bellville was in town Friday.

Edna Brown of Mansfield has been visiting her parents here.

John Boyer and family of Johnsville Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Val McClellan.

Mr. Berry of Shreve, O., is engaged in the bakery at this place.

Miss Anna Bowman has returned home after spending two weeks in the vicinity of Fredericktown.

Born Thursday, to Mr. and Mrs. Remy, a son.


Glen Maglott spent Easter with his parents at Bellville.

Hezekiah Stelts of Newark, visited last Saturday with his father who is still on the sick list.

Miss Effa Stahl who is doing house work for Mrs. Frank Baufman was the guest of her parents on the 14th.


Calvin Hart is a very sick man at this writing.

Mrs. Malinda Goodwin is sick at this writing.

Henry McFern, one of Perry Township's oldest citizens was buried at Perry Cemetery, Wednesday, of last week.  Aged 83 years, 10 months and 12 days.

Born to E.A. Poorman and wife, Monday, a son.


Mr. Hugh Black and daughter Sadie, of Morrow Co., were the guests of Mr. Albert Black the fore part of the week.

Mr. George Tarris was at Mansfield Saturday.

Mr. Jacob Maglott, Jr., had a horse taken to Mansfield last Friday and while at the ten-cent barn, A.J. Hineman attached the horse.  They settled the matter Saturday.

Miss Sadie Lafe was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Cotsey and family Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. A. Freehafer.

The school election at Forest Hall resulted in the election of T.O. Robinson, a Populist.  Three votes were cast for Mrs. Loose.

Mrs. Caroline Robinson Myers, departed this life at Tocsin, Ind., April 4, aged 34 years, 4 months and 2 days.  The deceased was a daughter of Alex Robinson, and lived in this locality until about 12 years ago.  She will be well remembered by many in this locality.

The school mistress, Miss Long, and Mr. and Mrs. Widney are boarding at Mr. W. Robinson's.


Mrs. Jennie Secrist is doing house work for Daniel Mowery.

Lightning struck a large tree near John Stewart's house last Friday evening.

Ed. Secrist has been very sick the past week with the mumps.

Frank Baughman, of Hanawalt, was in this neighborhood, Saturday, on business.

Philip Teeter was elected supervisor in this district.  This is his 20th. term.


Master Glen Maglott spent Sunday with his parents at Bellville.

Mr. C.H. Harter and Miss Eva Maglott attended quarterly meeting at Salem last Saturday and Sunday.

Wm. Secrist is improving.

S.A. Maglott was at Butler last Saturday on business.

Scott Bone passed through this place last Saturday.

Burt Fulton is farming for Mrs. Snider this summer.

Oscar Harter called on his best girl Saturday night.

Miss Mantie Donan is suffering with the mumps at present.

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