NN -- Bellville Independent:  21 February 1895, Vol. 7, No. 40

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Bellville Independent:  21 February 1895, Vol. 7, No. 40

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Horatio Hissong, of Mansfield, spent Sunday with friends here.

Abe Lantz returned Saturday from a weeks visit with friends at Ashland.

MARRIED.  At the Disciple parsonage, Wednesday evening, Feb. 13th., 1895, by the Rev. C.S. Cliffe, Mr. Andrew Weller to Miss Lilly Gaddis, both of Bangorville.

There will be a grand ball at the Town Hall, Bellville, Ohio, on Washington's birthday, Feb. 22nd., 1895.  Music by Palm's Orchestra.  H.N. Hamilton, prompter;  Palm and Hamilton, Managers.

George Beam, a one-time resident of this vicinity, but who has been absent the past 21 years is visiting old acquaintances in and near this place.  Mr. Beam has been railroading in the west a number of years and on the 14th. of July last met with an accident by which he lost an arm.

Mrs. Geddes, of Mansfield, was the guest of Mrs. Hubble Tuesday.

Oscar Ridenour is the new clerk at Gerlach's blacksmith shop.  Oscar can pound iron with the best of 'em.

Al. Lacy has accepted a position at Shelby and began work Monday.  Al is an all around blacksmith and we wish him success in the new field.

Dr. Kelly met with quite an accident while returning from a professional trip south of town last Wednesday evening.  On running into a snow drift his sleigh was upset and he was thrown out, but fortunately without sustaining injury.  The colt he was driving became frightened and, jumping forward suddenly, broke the thills from the sleigh.  The Dr. however, held on to the lines and succeeded in stopping the frightened animal before any further damage had been done.

A narrow escape from a serious loss by fire occurred at the residence of Jas. Leppo, Sunday evening, as the result of mistaking gasoline for coal oil, terminating in the explosion of a lamp.  By some mistake the lamp had been filled with gasoline, which, on being poured into the partly filled bowl, went to the bottom, the oil already in the lamp rising to the top.  For this reason the explosion did not occur until well in the night, when the oil had been consumed from the surface and the gasoline exploded.  The explosion did not occur until about an hour or two after the family had retired.  On hearing the report Mr. Leppo rushed into the room, and in his efforts to extinguish the flames, was quite badly burned on the right hand.  With the assistance of his brother-in-law, Mr. Jno. Haas, who happened to be present, the fire was extinguished without any public alarm being given;  but not until considerable damage had resulted to the carpet, clothing, etc.

C.F. Harding, of Mansfield, was in Bellville, Friday, on insurance business.

Mrs. Catharine Simons and daughter have moved into a part of the Mrs. Steel property on South Bell St.

Following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the Lexington Post Office Jan. 31st.:  Mr. Alberts, Miss Mable Burgess, Miss Mary E. George, Leroy Farmer, Mrs. M.A. Hare, Esq. D. Paul, Jacob Smith, Mr. C.W. Shankland, J.H. Wiehl, Mr. Smith Walker.  

A.J. Flaharty was at home the fore part of the week.

Charley Seiler, our popular legal light, was in Mansfield on business Monday and Tuesday.

Miss Minnie DeFreest was granted a two years certificate at the last teacher's examination.

Mr. Will Frehafer, after a few weeks vacation, has accepted a position as clerk with Mrs. Hubble, the grocer.  Mr. F. is a popular young man and a most efficient clerk.

Dr. S.P. Dyer has been very successful in the removal of a rose cancer from the head of Mr. Jacob Weltmer, of this place.  The treatment was purely medical -- no surgical instruments having been used.  The good health of the patient since the removal of the cancer is very flattering testimony to the efficiency of the Dr's. treatment.

Olin M. Farber, of Mansfield, was in town last Saturday evening, on legal business.

S.M. Douglass and wife, of Mansfield, spent Sunday with the family of Wm. Weagley, on South Main Street.

Mr. Daniel Bermout and wife, of Fredericktown, were the guests of Mr. Jacob Shafer and family, Sunday.

Oscar Force has been awarded the contract of lighting the street lamps at the rate of 43 cents per lamp per month.

Mr. A.H. Brown met with a runaway accident Tuesday morning from which he certainly made a very fortunate escape.  He had hitched his horse to a light sled and was driving up the street;  when owing to the insecure fastening of the harness, the animal became frightened and started to run, dashing the sled on the pavement and badly demolishing it.  Mr. Brown escaped with out injury and the horse was speedily caught.


Thomas Robinson, of Van Wert County, has been visiting friends east of town last week.

George Tarres was at Mansfield on business.

Mrs. A. Freehafer has gone for a brief stay with her daughter, Mrs. George Cotsy.

A number from this vicinity attended the party at John Millers north of town Saturday.

T.O. Robinson has been having a serious time with the mumps, but is better at present.

Thomas Robinson, who has been visiting friends the past week left for his home in Van Wert, Wednesday.

Miss Tena and Arthur Riggle, who has had a very severe attack of mumps is recovering slowly.

W.C. Robinson is suffering with rheumatism.

Our old and esteemed friend and neighbor, C.T. Frederick, is still in feeble health.


Mr. Thomas Reader is on the sick list with lung fever.

A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlow to stay awhile.

Charles Haffy from Newark, O., is the night operator.

Dennis Seward was out sleigh riding last week and got upset in a snow bank.

Miss Katie Thrush has the measles.

Mr. L. Carter who had the measles is better.

Mr. H. Kilgore had his feet frozen ad had one great toe taken off.


Mr. and Mrs. Joe Graham from near Johnsville, spent Sunday with Wm. Paste and family.

Mr. George Tinkey has moved his saw mill north of Lexington.

M.L. Paste was at Fredericktown Saturday on business.

James McKinley and daughter, and Miss Linsey of Lexington, visited Mr. Edward Stewart and family last Friday.

Frank Tinkey and wife, of Cherry Valley, visited at M.L. Paste last Sunday.

Ed. Malott visited his parents near Williamsport last Wednesday.

Wm. Teeter and family were the guests of D.M. Teeter last Friday.






Miss Jenie Corewin has been very sick but is somewhat better at this writing.

Louisa Bisel is still at Mt. Gilead, her mother being no better. 

M.E. Streby, of Mansfield, visited Squire Henry over Sunday.

A warrant is out for the arrest of Wm. C. Black for forgery of a note on Levi Amig to the amount of $275.  Black has not been captured up to this writing.

The infant son of John and Della Goodwin died Thursday morning at the age of one month and five days.  Interment at Perry Cemetery, Friday.  


Gabe Shaffer has built him a new sleigh.

Mr. G.H. Hall, of Mansfield, was in this vicinity last week taking orders for fruit trees.

Scott Hardesty and wife, of Bellville, were the guests of Frank Files, Wednesday.

Sherman Walker, of Bellville, was in town on business, Thursday.

Thomas Black and wife, of near Fredericktown, were the guests of their son Frank Black last Thursday.

MARRIED.  On Wednesday evening, February 14th., 1895, by Rev. C.S. Cliffe, Mr. Andrew Weller and Miss Lillie Gaddis.

Last Friday while Willie McDonald was hauling wood he saw three gray squirrels run in a hole in a small tree.  He climbed the tree and shut them in.  Just then C.V. Cates came along and helped Willie to cut the tree and they captured the three squirrels alive.


Mrs. S. Hoover and two sisters-in-law, visited at John Andrew's on the 15th.

E.S. Leedy and family visited at E.L. Swank's on the 16th.

Silas Leedy has been laid up with a very sore eye for over three weeks;  a relapse of the mumps.

Elmer Andrews reports himself as pleasantly ensconced amongst mountains from 1600 to 5000 feet high in the old Bourbon State.  He is well pleased with his occupation, but reports the weather desperately cold the first week in Feb.

Mr. Prettyman, of Marion, O., assisted Jacob Swank during the past week in the sale of agricultural implements.

J.L. Swank's 4-year-old son, Hugh, has been sick with lung fever.

Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Gatton and Lew Myers and family were visiting at A.B. Phiel's on the 17th.

Walter Yarger, of Lexington, visited at Daniel Yarger's and J.L. Swank's last week.

Edward Neer has begun to move to his new home.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Long, of Butler, visited at J.L. Teeter's near Ankenytown, on the 17th.

Jacob Swank was at Mansfield on business on the 16th.

H. Kirkpatrick and family dined at Philip McKinney's on the 10th.  

G.W. Divilbiss is reported on the sick list.


Mrs. E. Shoup, of Butler, is staying with her parents this week to help take care of her mother who is very low.

W.F. Bone has been visiting his sister and other friends near Nashville the past two weeks.

Grandmother Harter is no better at this writing.

P. Maglott extends his thanks to the neighbors who came together and gave him a wood chopping last Monday.

Last Tuesday, John Wolfe, while at the blacksmith shop, picked up an iron that was red hot.  Oh! how it did make him hop.


George Shroder is working for Lew Geddis, near Bangor, at present.

Harry Divilbiss, made a business trip to Fredericktown recently.

Mrs. Philip McKinney is suffering with the mumps at present.

Amos Fry lost a valuable horse the 17th. of this month.

G.W. Divilbiss is confined to his house at present with an attack of la grippe.

W.W. Thuma has rented the John Miller farm near Steam Corners, Morrow County, and will move there some time in March.

John Kanaga and wife visited at Mother Cates the 17th.

Tennyson Swank has hired Eugene Leedy the coming season.

John Stewart has hired John L. Garber the coming season.


Beach Smith and wife, of Bellville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Culp, Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. H. DeLamater entertained Mrs. H. Weaver last week.

Miss Ella Hill will spend this week in Mansfield engaged in dressmaking.

Mrs. C. Shellabarger is quite feeble at this writing.  She is quite an aged lady, one of this town's oldest residents.

Frank Bailey and Miss Lilly Madden, of Columbus, are guests of Mr. B's mother and sister here.

Mrs. Chas. Lantz and son, Lyman, of Mansfield, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams.

During a playful tussle between two of the Primary scholars at school last Thursday the arm of one Tot Heiser sustained a bad fracture near the elbow.  Dr. H. Smith rendered medical aid.  The accident is quite deplorable as it is feared it will leave the arm somewhat crippled.

Miss Dora Bowers who has been caring for her sister, Mrs. Wm. Yarger, for the past three weeks, returned to her home Sunday.

Miss Ann Earhart, of Hanover, is the guest of her brother and sister, William and Carrie Earhart.

Mr. James Spriggins, an aged gentleman, residing near here, died Saturday and was buried Tuesday.  Death resulted from rheumatism and a tumor in the throat.

Misses Blanch Heskett, Grace Miller, Jessie, Isa and Lucy George, Jennie Sowers and Vinnie Blair accompanied by Messrs. Harry and Victor Sowers, George and Eflo Maxwell, and Will Thuma, spent Friday evening very pleasantly at the home of Miss Bertha Rider.

Chas. Yarger, Winnie Blair and Orpha Yarger were at Fredericktown, Sunday.

Frank Rhodes of Mansfield, arrived Saturday, called here by the serious illness of his father.

Robert Prosser and family were guests of James Braddon Sunday.

Miss Jessie Sowers visited her sister, Mrs. W. Lockhart, of Bellville, Saturday.

Mrs. Ainsworth and Mrs. Walters, of Clearfork, were guests of Mrs. Ellen Fleming, Thursday.

Mr. Willis Painter spent Sunday with his dear friend, Miss Bertha Ewers, of Darlington.

Mertie Mound and friend, of Galion, spent Sunday with his friend, Harry Sowers, one of our estimable young men.

Isaac Rider, George and Gaylord Spayde, were in town Sunday.

Harmon Swigart and wife, of Washington, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Rider, recently.

Miss Cline of King's Corners, was the guest of Blanche Heskett, Saturday and Sunday.

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