Legal/Court Records

Richland Co., Ohio


Legal / Court Records


To submit a record or link, please contact Amy


* Our Legal/Court Records page became corrupt and was lost.  I was able to restore to an older version of the page - but much of the info. was lost.  -- AEA  1/26/2012


Attachment Notices

Bastardy Claims

Chattel Mortgages

Court Cases

Court Records





Jail Sentences

Legal Notices

Paternity Cases

Sheriff's Sales


Other information ...

  • "Lost. Our book containing a record of pension and bounty cases, has been mislaid or lost. Any person giving information leading to its recovery, to either the undersigned or to S.F. Stambaugh, will be liberally rewarded. -- S.S. Bloom." [Shelby Independent News: 23 July 1874, Vol. 6, No. 39]

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Friday, August 09, 2013