Richland County Genealogical Soc

Richland County Genealogical Society
a chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society

Richland County, Ohio


Standing Rules

News & Notes

+ Van Scoy - Knapp Reunion 2013
+ Block House Celebration 2012

5 Tombstones Found

Other On-line Data

+ Delinquent Land & Town Lots, 1846
+ 1850 Census Index
+ Common Pleas Court Abstracts Index
+ Wolf Scalp Certificates and Affidavits
+ Presswood Collection

Misc. Probate Court Records
+ Misc. 1840's News Items

About Our Chapter ...  The Richland County Genealogical Society was organized in 1959 as The Ohio Genealogical Society.  In 1964, it was reorganized as the Richland County Genealogical Society, the first county chapter of The Ohio Genealogical Society.

The Society meets January through March on the third Saturday of the month at 1:00 p.m. and April through October on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m., except for July and November when no meeting is held.  Most meetings are held at the library of The Ohio Genealogical Society, 611 State Route 97 West, just west of downtown Bellville, Ohio.  [map]  The location of meetings is announced in The Pastfinder and in the local newspapers.

The chapter newsletter, The Pastfinder, is published four times a year (February, May, August and November).  Members and non-members are encouraged to submit a five generation chart and other family information, specifying their permission for the information to be published in The Pastfinder.  Queries in The Pastfinder are free to both members and non-members.  (See our publications page for instructions on ordering past issues)  Digital versions are available in PDF format.  (please specify your preference when joining)

The Richland County Genealogical Society's volunteer research committee provides, as a benefit of membership, up to one hour of research during the calendar membership year, using the materials at the OGS library.  We will not, as a general rule, do research at the Mansfield/Richland County Public Library, the courthouse or the health department.  Patrons must pay for copies and postage.  We will provide the same service for non-members for a fee of $10.00.  A list of researchers willing to work for a fee will be sent to those wishing additional work.

Our mailing address is Richland County Genealogical Society, c/o The Ohio Genealogical Society, 611 State Route 97 West Bellville, Ohio, 44813-8813.  To contact the Chapter, email [email protected].

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The Richland County Chapter now has a new Chapter pin available for purchase.  The pins are $3.00 + tax and shipping.  Please contact [email protected].

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Membership ... If you are interested in the pursuit of genealogical research you are welcome to join our society.  Memberships are on a calendar year basis, January to December.  Persons joining during the year receive back issues of The Pastfinder for the current year.

- contact Chapter for current membership cost -

our address:  Richland County Genealogical Society
c/o The Ohio Genealogical Society
611 State Route 97 West
Bellville, Ohio 44813-8813

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Queries ...  To submit a query to the Pastfinder, mail it to: 

Pastfinder Editor, Richland County Genealogical Society
c/o The Ohio Genealogical Society
611 State Route 97 West
Bellville, Ohio 44813-9913

The Pastfinder is a quarterly publication of the Richland County Chapter of The Ohio Genealogical Society.  Queries will be accepted from RCGS members and non-members and published as space permits.  When submitting a query, use "Pastfinder" in the subject line and send to [email protected].  The query needs to include a Richland County connection with a name, date and place.  Include your full name, mailing address and email so that researchers may contact you.  (phone number optional)  When the query is published a complimentary copy will be sent to non-members who submitted the query.  (digital version available in PDF format)

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Lineage Societies ... Click here for more information about our four lineage societies.

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Current Officers ... TBA

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Meeting Schedule ...  January, February and March meetings are usually held at 1 p.m. on the fourth Saturday.  April through October meetings are usually held at 7:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month.  All meetings are held at the Ohio Genealogical Society Library, 611 State Route 97, Bellville, Ohio, unless noted in the schedule below.  Unpredictable weather in north central Ohio may cause changes to this schedule.  If in doubt, tune to local radio or TV stations for cancellations. 

For help or to be added to the attendee list, please contact Sunda Peters at [email protected]
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You do not have to be a member to attend our meetings, they are free and open to the public (unless otherwise specified)

For questions, contact the Chapter president.

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Looking for more Richland County research resources on the web?

Richland County, Ohio USGenWeb Site - 5,000+ pages of free Richland County data.

Copyright ©2023.  The Richland County Genealogical Society

This page was recreated on April 25, 2011.  Last edited on Friday, December 22, 2023.

Information and questions should be directed to [email protected]