Submit Surname

The following form is only for submitting surnames to the Muskingum County, OHGenWeb page. Please only submit surnames that actually lived in Muskingum. Be sure to scroll down to see all fields and find the submit button.

Some fields are required and if left empty will be rejected. Other optional fields are up to you. If you want to include location or timeline information on your ancestor, you now can do so in the details area. Do not submit a query or ask for help as it will be removed.

You may also submit a homepage URL where people can find more information on the surnames you are submitting.

PLEASE put the surnames in Alphabetical order and in all CAPS. Also only the last name no given names or intials in this field. Seperate them bya command a space.

Your Name: (required: type it exactly as you want to be known First then Last Name)

Your E-mail address: (required: lowercase)

Your surnames: (required: uppercase separated by commas, example: ADAMS, JONES, SMITH, SMYTHE)

Please do not submit names that do not reside in Muskingum County or that you have previously submitted. Do not include given names. Please follow the above example and include the spaces between the names. For alternate spellings, do not use a slash, include it as a separate name and separated by a comma. Please sort them alphabetically.

Your Surname Webpage: (optional: complete url)

Your Webpage Name: (optional: If you included a url above, give the name of the website here. ex: Descendants of John Adams)

Please type timeline or location details on your surnames. Do not word it as a query or it will not be accepted: (optional)

Only hit the submit button once

After you have submitted, a new form will appear the confirms that you have submitted the surnames properly. There are links to return to a previous window but these do not work correctly. Please just close the window when you are completed (CTRL-W). Since this was a new window, the previous one will still be open in your browser. You will also be sent a confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, then you did not include a valid e-mail address.