
Cemeteries of Middletown

Middletown Cemetery

Middletown Cemetery Layout

The cemetery was added to overtime. Each addition has a unique labeling and numbering scheme. The burial designation is only a guide for finding the grave in the cemetery not an exact location. The real value in the burial designation is to show possible family ties.


Over time burial conventions have changed. Early burials show and east / west alignment. The headstone is generally in the west and a footstone in the east. Standing in the west looking east one can read the inscription. Today this burial convention is not followed. Another change over time is the grave size itself. Based on lot sizes one speculates that 3 X 6 was an adequate size for an adult burial. Inconsistencies are the norm rather than the exception. See the Overall Map to see the full layout of the cemetery.


The Original Area, began in 1827, and is made up of Squares 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, & 10. Squares 3,4,5,6 are made up of 24 lots. Some of the lots were subdivided which may cause some confusion. The lots are generally 10 wide and 45-75 deep. Squares, 7-10 though no longer square shaped, and are made up of 13 lots each. Please see the OA_Map to view this area. Burial designation for the Original Area - Sq#L# = a purchasable plot


The South Addition is south of the original area. This area is laid out using an X/Y type grid. With the range bring the X coordinate and the lot being the Y coordinate you can find the general location of the plot. The use of lot as the Y coordinate is confusing when lot implied a purchase area in other sections of the cemetery. Here the plot implies a purchasable area. As in the Original Area the plots in the South Addition were subdivided regularly. .Please see the SA_Map to view this area. Burial designation for the South Addition- SA_R#_L# = a purchasable plot..


The West Addition is a single line of lots the entire west side of the Original Area and South Addition. The numbering convention for the South half of this addition provides the lot designations for the south addition


The East Addition shows it's Victorian Era age. The Circular layout divides the area into NE, NW, SE, SW sections with numbered lots. This section is due east of the South Addition. Please see the EA_Map to view this area. Burial designation for the East Addition - EA_(NE/SE/SE/SW)_L# = Purchasable plot.


The North East Addition numbering scheme is more erratic around the Denny Lumber store. This addition is due east of Original Area Square 4. There are 25 lots together the last 11 lots are harder to see a labeling pattern. Please see the NEA_Map to view the area. Burial designation for the North East Addition is NEA_L# = purchasable plot. This plots in this area were generally subdivided.


There are currently no maps for the Township Tiers or the West Addition but you can see the areas on the perimeter of other maps.


For a very good description on the specifics on the cemetery please consider viewing, "The Burial Records, Middletown Pioneer Cemetery 1827-1987", available at the Middletown Library or for purchase at the Southwest Butler County Genealogical Society, PO Box 243, Hamilton, OH. 45012.

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