Captain Joseph C. Ullery...Capt. Co. G, 110th OVI, August 1862 to July 1865. Enlisted Oct 31, 1872, elected Capt. July 8th 1873, Commissioned Colonel 3rd Reg, Ohio Naitonal Guard, July 4th 1875. Note: (My GG Grandfather..Pvt. Thomas C. Clark, served under Capt Ullery. Thomas was KIA at the Battle of the Wilderness, Va; May 5, 1864)
Peter Rench....Sgt. Co C, 87th Bn. 1863, Pvt 147th Reg., 1864 (100 days) enlisted Jan 3, 1874, Ohio National Guard. Promoted 2nd Lt., Aug 6, 1875; promoted 1st Lt., Aug 4, 1876; promoted Captain, Nov 4, 1880.
1st Lt. James E. Shellenberger, Drummer, Co. B 94th OVI; Aug 22, 1862 to June 5, 1865. Enlisted 31 oct 1872 in Ohio National Guard; elected 1st Lt. July 8, 1873. Aug 6, 1875 appointed 1st assistant surgeon 3rd reg. July 22, 1876, appointed surgeon with rank of Major; July 14, 1881. Promoted to Lt. Colonel April 18, 1883.
John A. Ullery..enlisted April 11, 1874, Ohio National Guard, Discharged March 20, 1878 to re-enlist in 3rd Reg. Band.
William A. Carson..Enlisted March 13, 1875, appointed 4th. Sgt June 29, 1878, promoted 1st Sgt, Aug 19, 1881.
....More to come....