BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, BELMONT COUNTY, OHIO "History of the Upper Ohio Valley" Vol. II, 1890. Presented by Linda Fluharty from hard copies provided by Mary Staley & Phyllis Slater. Pages 552-553. ALBERT R. ONG, M. D., physician and druggist, of Martin's Ferry, was born in Jefferson county, Ohio, near Smithfield, October 9, 1847. He is a descendant of one of the oldest and best known families of Jefferson county. His father, Moses Ong, was born in that county December 20, 1810, and in 1831 was married to Anna Cain, by whom he had fourteen children, ten of whom, besides the subject of this sketch, survive. The mother died in 1874, but the father, whose life has successfully been devoted to farming and stock-raising, is still living, aged seventy-nine years. Dr. Ong received his early schooling in Jefferson county, and subsequently entered Allegheny college, at Meadville, Penn., where he was graduated in 1872. Soon afterward he was called to the chair of mathematics and astronomy and the vice- residency of Richmond college, Jefferson county, a position he held for three years. Then determining to adopt the profession of medicine, he pursued the study under Dr. Clancy, of Smithfield, with whom he remained three years. In 1875-6 he attended the Ohio medical college, of Cincinnati, and in 1876-7 he attended at the Columbus medical college, where he was graduated in 1877. In the same year he began the practice at Smithfield, but in the following year removed to Martin's Ferry, and here purchased a small stock of drugs and opened on a limited scale a drug store which he has developed into one of the finest establishments of the kind in this region. Abandoning his practice during the past few years, he has devoted his efforts entirely to business, in which field his talent for affairs has made him eminently successful. As a citizen he is highly popular. An evidence of his public spirit is the opera house block, the finest building of the city, erected by him and Messrs. Swartz and Kuckuck. He has served as a member of the pension examining board since removing here. Dr. Ong was married April 9, 1884, to Catherine Anderson, of Martin's Ferry, and they have one child, Frances H. Mrs. Ong is a member of the Presbyterian church. The doctor is a member of the Society of Friends, and of the Masonic and Knights of Pythias fraternities.