BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, BELMONT COUNTY, OHIO "History of the Upper Ohio Valley" Vol. II, 1890. Presented by Linda Fluharty from hard copies provided by Mary Staley & Phyllis Slater. Pages 593-594. SAMUEL H. McGREGOR was born December 2, 1843, in the house now occupied by himself and family. His early life was spent in acquiring an education from the common schools. His father dying in 1851, the farm was rented for a time until 1859, when Samuel took the entire charge of the place, and managed the property under the supervision of his mother. In 1864 he took a trip to the west, visiting the friends in Illinois, and returning in about three months. During this time the 'farm was managed by Samuel and a brother, R. E., until about 1871 or '72, when the mother purchased the whole farm from the heirs. From 1871 or '72 until 1885, the farm was operated by the two brothers, when Samuel purchased the farm from the heirs, the mother having died in 1885. Since that time he has lived here on the homestead farm, and, with a sister, has managed the estate. Mr. McGregor has made a valuable addition of 183 acres to the homestead farm, and now owns a very valuable property. Mr. McGregor has not been interested in politics, but has held some unimportant offices of trust in regard to educational matters and roads. Samuel has never married.