BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, BELMONT COUNTY, OHIO "History of the Upper Ohio Valley" Vol. II, 1890. Presented by Linda Fluharty from hard copies provided by Mary Staley & Phyllis Slater. Pages 613-614. LEVI WELLS was a Pennsylvanian who came to Ohio in the year 1822, locating in the vicinity of Mt. Pleasant, on Short creek. Here he began working at his trade of a blacksmith, having learned his trade of his father. As far back as the family can be traced they are found to have been blacksmiths, this useful trade being handed down from father to son. Levi was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was severely wounded during one of its fierce conflicts. He remained at Mt. Pleasant until 1840, when he sold his business to his oldest son, and removed to the neighborhood of St. Clairsville, where he died in 1860. Of thirteen children, five of them still survive him. Henry Wells, his son, was born in 1814, and came with his father to Ohio. As soon as he was old enough he began working at his father's forge, following the trade until 1859. He purchased his father's business and conducted it for two years; he then removed to Bridgeport, Ohio, in 1857, operating a shop there until 1859, at the expiration of this period he entered the stove business at Martin's Ferry, which was conducted by his brothers. He took charge of these works until 1862, when he began filling government contracts for hay and grain, continuing in this until 1865. Moving back to Martin's Ferry he again assumed control of the stove works, keeping this position until 1874. His death occurred January 4, 1889. Mr. Wells married Margaret McConahey in 1845. She bore him three children, dying in 1853, three weeks after the birth of her son, Thompson W. Wells, the subject of this sketch. Mr. Wells was an active worker in the Presbyterian church, having been one of the founders of the church of that denomination in Bridgeport, and was one of the first elders. Thompson W. Wells, M. D., was born in Bridgeport, Belmont Co., Ohio, February 9, 1853. His education was obtained in the Martin's Ferry public schools and was finished in the Franklin college, in Harrison county, Ohio. After leaving college Dr. Wells began to study medicine with Dr. R. F. Turner, of Wheeling, in 1872, remaining with him one year. He then entered a medical college of Philadelphia, Penn., and also studied at the same time with Dr. McFarland, of that city. He was graduated with honor March 10, 1875, and began the practice of his profession at Bearsville, Monroe Co., Ohio, where he remained for ten years. In 1886 Dr. Wells came to Bellaire, where he now resides and practices. Esebell Smith became his wife in 1874, and has borne him four children: Ellen E., Mabel T., Malcom M. and Palma, all living. Mrs. Wells is a native of Belmont county. Dr. Wells is a Mason, and, although he has never taken any active part in politics, he is a firm supporter of the republican party. Dr. Wells is considered one of the first physicians in Belmont county, and has met with much success in his treatment of the physical ills of humanity.