BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, BELMONT COUNTY, OHIO "History of the Upper Ohio Valley" Vol. II, 1890. Presented by Linda Fluharty from hard copies provided by Mary Staley & Phyllis Slater. Pages 541-542. D. S. LOE, the well-known citizen and grocer of West Wheeling, Ohio, was born in Old Philadelphia, Penn., February 22, 1832. His parents were Robert and Catherine Loe, natives of Pennsylvania, who came to Ohio in 1838, and settled on a farm owned by John Fink, where they resided for about two years, they then removed to Bellaire and re- mained there for a short time. Finally taking a farm on Gravel Hill the father and his six sons operated a farm there for several years. D. S. Loe was the recipient of an average common school education, such as was obtainable to the young of those days. He went to the "Old Stone Schoolhouse " just below the present city of West Wheeling, situated on Whiskey run. After leaving school Mr. Loe became a brick- ayer, having acquired the trade from his elder brother. For several years the Loe brothers, six of them, followed the brick-layer's trade at Wheeling, W. Va. Mr. Loe worked in the Riverside mill for nine years after abandoning brick-laying, and during all these years he lost but twenty-four days from his work. In 1883 he embarked in the grocery business and has since continued in this business, having met with much success. He is classed among the enterprising citizens of the place, and can be relied upon to aid any movement promising benefit to the community. Mr. Loe and Miss Janes Boyles were joined in marriage in the year 1852 and their union has resulted in the birth of five sons and three daughters, one son and one daughter being deceased. Mr. Loe is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and his wife and sons are communicants of the Methodist Episcopal church.