BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, BELMONT COUNTY, OHIO "History of the Upper Ohio Valley" Vol. II, 1890. Presented by Linda Fluharty from hard copies provided by Mary Staley & Phyllis Slater. Page 587. GEORGE S. JENNINGS, a very prosperous grocer of Bellaire; Ohio, is an Englishman by birth, having been born in Staffordshire, in 1842. The parents, Charles and Hannah Jennings, were born in England, and the father still resides in that country. Mrs. Jennings died in September, 1885. Charles Jennings is a retired builder and contractor, in which business he was engaged until about ten years ago, when he retired from active business, and is now spending his old age in the enjoyment of a considerable estate which was acquired during his younger days. Twelve children were the issue of the marriage of Charles and Hannah Jennings, and eleven of them still survive. George S. Jennings did not have the advantage of a very extensive education, being obliged to grapple with the affairs of this life when but ten years of age, at which time he went to work in a foundry, where he learned the moulder's trade. Subsequently Mr. Jennings was employed in an iron mill as a boiler, and was so occupied until his immigration to Alnerica in 1868. Coming directly to Wheeling, W. Va., he remained in that city four years, and then took up his abode in Bellaire, obtaining a situation in the Bellaire Nail works of that city. Mr. Jennings has devoted his energies to the grocery business since 1885, he having been interested in that business since 1878. Besides his extensive grocery business he holds, stock in the Bellaire Nail works, Bellaire Union Window Glass company, the AEtna Glass works, and he was formerly a stockholder in the old Washington mill, of Wheeling. In 1867 Mr. Jennings took Ellen Rawlings to wife. She was also of English parentage. Mrs. Jennings went to her rest on June, 1886, leaving seven children to mourn her loss. The children are: George W., deceased; Charles T., deceased; Eleanor A., deceased; Nellie H., deceased; Lizzie, Maud M. and Arthur W. living. Mrs. Jennings was a consistent member of the Church of England, of which denomination Mr. Jennings is also a communicant. Since coming to Bellaire Mr. Jennings has been quite active in politics, being a loyal democrat; he is also a member of the Knights of Pythias. George S. Jenning's grocery house is one of the largest and best in Belmont county, and its owner is among the best known and most popular citizens of Bellaire.