BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, BELMONT COUNTY, OHIO "History of the Upper Ohio Valley" Vol. II, 1890. Presented by Linda Fluharty from hard copies provided by Mary Staley & Phyllis Slater. Page 492-493. DAVID COWAN, a farmer of Colerain township, was born in Pennsylvania, 1847, and removed to Wood county, W. Va., when six years of age, with his parents, where he remained till 1865, when the family removed to Ohio, settling in Belmont county. He was a son of Robert and Margaret (Bowels) Cowan. The parents were natives of Pennsylvania. Robert Cowan's father was an early settler of Pennsylvania, where he remained till his death. He was of Scotch-Irish descent, and when he crossed the mountains he carried all his possessions in a red cotton handkerchief. He settled in a new country, but by hard work and close economy he made a great deal of money and died quite wealthy. He lived to the good old age of eighty-nine years. Our subject's father died when he was only three years of age. He received a good common school education through his own exertions. At the age of thirteen years he began life for himself. In 1872 he was married to Aggie R. DuBois, who died in 1870, and to this union was born one child, John A. In 1882 he married Catherine Warner. Their marriage has been blessed with four children: Jesse, Albertha, Carrie and Blanche. He and wife are members of the Presbyterian church. In 1882 he was elected trustee of Colerain township, and has served in all seven years, and acquitted himself with credit to himself and constituents. He began in life without anything but now owns seventy acres where he lives, and a two-thirds interest in 129 acres with his brother. He is one of the leading citizens of the township and is well respected.