BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, BELMONT COUNTY, OHIO "History of the Upper Ohio Valley" Vol. II, 1890. Presented by Linda Fluharty from hard copies provided by Mary Staley & Phyllis Slater. Pages 573-574. JOSEPH CLEMENTS, a leading grocer of Bellaire, is one of five children born to James and Mary Clements. The parents are residents of Ireland, the father being engaged in farming in that country. Three of the children have emigrated to this country. Joseph's birth occurred in 1852, in county Tyrone, Ireland. His life previous to his coming to the United States was spent in obtaining as much of an education as was possible, and helping his father on the farm. In 1870 he sought a new home in America, coming direct to Bellaire, Ohio.. In the following year Mr. Clements established the business which he now conducts. He started on a very small scale, but has since enlarged his trade and accommodations until at the present writing he does one of the largest businesses in the city, and indeed in the county. He married Ellen Clements, who is also a native of Ireland, in 1870, and they are the parents of six children; Mariah E., Anna M., Maggie M., Ella B., Charles J. and Vere J., all of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. Clements are very active members of the United Presbyterian church, of Bellaire. He has taken a keen interest in the Politics of his adopted country and was recently a candidate of the republican party for coun- cilman from the Third ward of the city of Bellaire. Mr. Clements has always given his aid to any and all enterprises of merit, and is at present largely interested in the Enterprise Window Glass works, of Bellaire, and is also a stockholder in the First National bank, and the Dollar Savings bank. He has made many friends since his coming to Bellaire, and is deservedly popular. In his prosperity in the new country he has not forgotten his native land, having been back to see the dear ones in Ireland since his departure, and he is intending another visit to the "Emerald Isle" the coming summer.