Submit a Jackson County Ohio Query

Submit a Jackson County Ohio Query

I invite you to enter a query for your Jackson County ancestors. Since all queries must be manually posted by me, I ask that you PLEASE adhere to the following guidelines.

  1. Your query must have a Jackson County connection or it will not be posted.
  2. Please include some date and location info in the query, if you know it.
  3. PLEASE do not write a book! Only include the essentials to identify the person or family. If someone is interested in your query, the two of you can exchange additional information.

Every effort will be made to post your query within a few days, however no guarantees are made. If I am out of town for several days, it will just have to wait.

If you have a problem sending your info by using this form, you can always send it by using the e-mail address at the bottom of the page.

Enter a New Query

1. All four fields must be completed. It makes no sense not to, if you want anyone to contact you!
2. Please follow the instructions for each field because it will make it much easier on me and help me to post your query sooner.
3. You should tailor each query appropriately for the county page on which it is being posted.

E-mail address you want people to reply to (make sure it is correct):

Your Name:

Enter the surnames used in this query
Enter the surnames (and only surnames) in ALL CAPITALS, separated by commas like this example:

Enter your query here. Enter any info you want, but be concise. This is a query, not a family history. It is generally best to limit a query to one family group. Be sure to include some indication of time period and location if possible.
Put surnames (and only surnames) in ALL CAPITALS to make them stand out better, but use normal sentence capitalization for the rest of the text.
Your text may not wrap in the box when using some browsers. This will not be a problem, just keep typing to the right.

Note: You will be taken to a screen called MailMerge Gateway to view your entry. Simply click on your browser's back key and you will return here.

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The maintainer of this page is Charles R. Weese: [email protected]

Please do not ask the page maintainer any specific genealogical questions unless he has volunteered to do lookups in specific sources on another page of this site. Specific questions, such as where do I find such-and-such and do you know anything about so-and-so's family are best handled in queries or on the mailing list.

Last updated: Monday, 10-Sep-2018 15:59:00 MDT