World War 1917-1918


An Illustrated Biographical History Compiled
From Public and Private Records Of The World War

Edited and Published by
Huron County Honor Roll Company
Copyright 1920

View the Roll Call of men and women's names and ranks

It is the sacred duty of every community to recognize in a fitting manner the achievements of, and sacrifices made by its sons and daughters in behalf or their country and the rights of humanity.

Huron County's devotion to the cause of Liberty in the terrible conflict which tested the very souls of nations stands out as a signal example of patriotism even in a country whose people proved an example to the world, and it is only just that a permanent record be established to it undying fame.

Other communities have their war memorials. Huron County could not lag behind.

What better form could such a memorial take than this splendid book which records the glorious deeds of practically every Huron County soldier, sailor, marine and nurse in the war, as well as the civilian bodies whose untiring work at home meant so much in the final result.

It is a personal monument which even the humblest home can possess and treasure, and its value to future generations cannot be estimated.

A very earnest effort was made through newspaper advertising, house to house canvassing, moving picture slides and announcement in public schools and churches to secure the photographs of every person from this county who was in the Government Service. Despite our utmost efforts, however, there were some that we were unable to procure. Some of the reproductions are not as good as others, this is due, in each case, to the quality of the photograph supplied.

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