Nehr, I

Surnames "N", "O" and "P" as seen in the

Plat Book of ca 1845, Huron County, Ohio

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Nehr, I.H., GF, 108, 45

Nelson, J., PU, 117, 25

Nelson, J., RY, 104, 69

Nelson, John, PU, 117, 25

Newcomb, Sam'l. T., BR, 315, 31

Newman, A., NE, 209, 66

Newman, John, RC, 301,322,326, 63

Newman, M., BR, 313, 31

Newman, S., BR, 307, 31

Newton,___, WA, 305, 19

Nickerson, Nancy, CL, 206, 38

Nickerson, O.L., TO, 1136, 13

Niles, B., GF, 306, 47

Niles, Cyrus, NO, 327, 43

Nite, John H., NO, 335, 42

Niver, Chas., NO, 112, 41

Niver, Denison, NO, 113, 41

Niver, John B., NO, 114, 41

Nixon, Jas., Heirs of, GW, 412, 76

Nobles, L.A., NL, 115, 57

Noggle, I., GF, 129, 45

Norton, J.R., NW, 136, 09

Nowler, A. & others, HA, 112-113, 33

Noyes & Wakeman, FA, 201, 50

Noyes & Wakeman, FI, 427, 56

Nye, A., BR, 436, 32

Nyman, John, PU, 132, 25

Nyms, Sam'l., LY, 225, 02

Nyms, Sam'l., LY, 317, 03

Nyms, W., LY, 225, 02

Nyms, Worthington, LY, 317, 03





























































































































































































Oaks, P., FA, 226,233, 50

Odell, Amasa, HA, 415, 36

Odell, Sam'l., HA, 409, 36

Odell,___, HA, 409, 36

Ogden, Amos, RC, 201, 62

Ogden, E.H., NW, 435, 12

Ohmstead, M., FA, 2NE, 50

Olmstead, Morris, FA, 215, 50

Omlar, Theobold, SH, 403, 24

Opdike,___, RY, 440, 72

Ordawy, Amherst, TO, 303, 15

Ordway, Amherst, TO, 4115, 16

Ordway, Nehimiah, TO, 1103, 13

Osborn, Chas., RY, 140-141, 69

Osborn, E., FI, 328,331, 55

Osborn, Wakeman, FA, 108,119-120,128, 49

Ott, Morgarius, PU, 202, 26

Owen, Lewis O., FA, 102-103, 49

Owen, P.W., NE, 1NE, 65









































































































































































































Packwood, Allen, LY, 131, 01

Packwood, Sam'l., LY, 131, 01

Paine, Rufus S., SH, 311, 23

Paine, Rufus, N., SH, 308, 23

Paine, Walter, RY, 120, 69

Palmer, A., FI, 222, 54

Palmer, Abijah, FI, 104, 53

Palmer, Abijah, FI, 206-207, 54

Palmer, Alva, FI, 101,103,119-120, 53

Palmer, Alva, FI, 109, 53

Palmer, Alva, FI, 214-215, 54

Palmer, Alvah (Alva), GW, 136, 42

Palmer, David, FI, 220,224,227, 54

Palmer, David, GW, 312, 75

Palmer, J.C., RG, 201, 06

Palmer, L., CL, 219, 38

Palmer, Levi, FI, 213, 54

Palmer, Linus, FI, 216-219, 54

Palmer, Luther, RG, 105, 05

Palmer, Luther, RG, 201-206, 06

Palmer, Nathan, FI, 305, 55

Palmer, R., HA, 321, 35

Palmer, R., FI, 102, 53

Palmer, Rob't., FI, 208, 54

Palmer, Rundel, RY, 142, 69

Palmer, Rundel, FI, 224, 54

Palmer, Rundel, FI, 433, 56

Palmer, Rundel, HA, 232, 34

Palmer, Rundel, HA, 3 In Common, 35

Palmer, Rundel, RY, 136-137,139-140, 69

Palmer, Sam'l., CL, 316, 39

Palmer, Samuel, FI, 101-102,104, 53

Palmer, Seeley, FI, 103-104, 53

Palmer, Waterman, RG, 411-412, 08

Palmer, Wm., FI, 214, 54

Palmer, Wm. H., FI, 101, 53

Palmer. Marton, CL, 304, 39

Parish, F.D., SH, 225, 22

Parish, Sam'l., NO, 314,327, 43

Park, Robert, FA, 125, 49

Parker, Amos, NW, 405, 12

Parker, B.E., PU, 306, 27

Parker, Benj. E., PU, 305, 27

Parker, Calvin, TO, 186, 13

Parker, D., WA, 159, 17

Parker, Edward, RU, 131, 77

Parker, G., WA, 159, 17

Parker, Geo. Jr., FA, 307, 51

Parker, H.C., PU, 207, 26

Parker, Hepsebath, PU, 404, 28

Parker, Hiram, PU, 412, 28

Parker, Joel, NL, 119, 57

Parker, Letty, PU, 305, 27

Parker, M., BR, 202, 30

Parker, Nelson, BR, 207, 30

Parker, Riel, BR, 206, 30

Parker, S.C., PU, 107, 25

Parker, Sam'l. R., NE, 1103, 65

Parker, Seth C., PU, 401.405, 28

Parker, Thomas, PU, 402, 28

Parker, Thomas Tracht, PU, 401-410, 28

Parker, W.F., RU, 209, 78

Parker, Wm., RU, 132, 77

Parker, Wm., WA, 251, 18

Parks, Benj., NL, 307, 59

Parks, John, NL, 217, 58

Parks, Josiah, BR, 202, 30

Parks, Josiah, NW, 472, 12

Parks, Michael, BR, 317, 31

Parks, Nathan, NW, 352, 11

Parmeter, S., NW, 136, 09

Parson, Aaron, WA, 406, 20

Parsons, C.C., HA, 406, 36

Patch, Fred'k., CL, 305,310, 39

Patch, Wm. A., CL, 31, 39

Patch, Z., FA, 216,219, 50

Patrick, A., NW, 429, 12

Patterson, John A., PU, 125, 25

Patterson, Leonard, WA, 416, 20

Patterson, Robert, PU, 420-421, 28

Patton, Jas., NE, 304, 67

Pearsall, Ira, BR, 132, 29

Peck, Henry T., WA, 429, 30

Peck, Ira, CL, 315,324, 39

Peck, Isaac, NE, 4SW, 68

Peck, P.R., HA, 218, 34

Peck, Riley R., WA, 429, 20

Peck, Taylor, RU, 320,327, 79

Peckham, Philip, WA, 157, 17

Peerman, Proteus, PU, 201,216, 26

Peerman,___, PU, 201, 26

Penenwall, S., RU, 218, 78

Penfield, Catherine, FA, 122, 49

Penfield, E., FA, 122,127-129, 49

Penfield, Ellen, FA, 126, 49

Penfield, Samuel, FA, 123, 49

Pennewell, Lane &, NE, 1153,1160, 65

Pennewell, S., NE, 1NE, 65

Pennewell, Samuel, HA, 224, 34

Perjur, Anthony, PU, 216, 26

Perrin, John, NO, 103, 41

Perrin, Raymond, NW, 216, 10

Perry, Dan'l., PU, 409-411, 28

Perry, Horace, PU, 131, 25

Perry, Joseph, PU, 127, 25

Perry, R.C., GF, 406, 48

Pettis, Oliver, Jr., TO, 1153-1154, 13

Pettit, Charlotte, RC, 244, 62

Pettit, Charlotte, SH, 203-205,210, 22

Pettit, Mary, NW, 134, 09

Pettitt, Charlotte, NW, 141, 09

Pettitt, Sally, NW, 147, 09

Phay, E., SH, 213, 22

Phay, Eben, LY, 109, 01

Phay, Elon, LY, 107, 01

Phelps, C. & L., RU, 218, 78

Phelps, Roswell, RG, 204,209, 06

Phillips, A.W., CL, 121, 37

Phillips, Abram, RY, 139, 69

Phillips, Ansel, SH, 411, 24

Phillips, Benj., TO, 320, 15

Phillips, Michael, PU, 131-132, 25

Phillips, Michael, NO, 224, 42

Phillips, Spencer, HA, 310, 35

Phillips, W., CL, 121, 37

Phillips,___, BR, 303, 31

Pickard, I.N., Gw, 322, 75

Pickard, J.H., FI, 209-210, 54

Pierce, A.P., WA, 345, 19

Pierce, Amiel, WA, 302,312,322, 19

Pierce, B., WA, 345, 19

Pierce, Gershom, NW, 219, 10

Pierce, J.N., LY, 204, 02

Pierce, Lemuel, WA, 332,342,344, 19

Pierce, M., WA, 345, 19

Pierce, Minot, WA, 252, 18

Pierce, Minot, WA, 342-343, 19

Pierce, V., GW, 312, 75

Pierce, Varney, GW, 303,305, 75

Pierce, Varney, Est. of, GW, 125,149, 73

Pierce, Willow, PU, 114, 25

Pinney, H., TO, 320, 15

Pinney, Halibut, TO, 329, 15

Pixley, Betsey, NL, 301, 59

Pixley, Eli, CL, 402, 40

Pixley, Heirs of, NL, 310, 59

Pixley, I.M., NW, 237, 10

Pixley, Jasper, CL, 122, 37

Place, Betsey, NW, 122, 37

Place, Solomon, FA, 440, 52

Place, Thos., FA, 439, 52

Place, Thos., RY, 305, 71

Platt, Abagail, GF, 418, 48

Platt, Levi, GF, 113, 45

Platt, Zera, GF, 111-112, 45

Poag, James, RU, 434, 80

Pollock, Wm. W., RG, 414, 08

Polly, Olive C., LY, 419, 04

Pond & Kaith, PU, 119, 25

Pond, D.S., NL, 202, 58

Pond, Manson, BR, 414-415, 32

Ponderson, E., NW, 416-417, 12

Pool, Asa, CL, 410, 40

Porter, Andrew, BR, 316, 31

Porter, Horace, CL, 414, 40

Porter, James Tracht, PU, 416-421, 28

Porter, Jas., PU, 414-415,422-427, 28

Porter, Jas., NE, 1NE, 65

Porter, Philo, NL, 410,412-415, 60

Porter, Sally, TO, 261, 14

Post, A., FI, 332-334,337, 55

Post, A.G., TO, 209, 14

Post, Isaiah, NL, 219,220, 58

Post, J., NL, 117, 57

Post, Parley K., HA, 109, 33

Potter, Amos, CL, 423, 40

Potter, Asahel, RU, 433, 80

Potter, Jno., HA, 312, 35

Potter, Jos., CL, 117,122, 37

Potter, Theron, RU, 308, 79

Potter, Wm. S., FA, 118-119, 49

Powell, Isaac, HA, 115,117, 33

Powell, J.R., HA, 116-117, 33

Powell, Mary, HA, 113, 33

Powell, Mary, NL, 421, 60

Powers, David, NE, 367, 67

Powers, George, NW, 469, 12

Powers, John, CL, 318,323, 39

Powers, Rufus, BR, 415, 32

Powers, S., FI, 101-102, 53

Prah, N., NO, 222, 42

Pratt, Betsey, RY, 117, 69

Pratt, DeMorris, FI, 310,332, 55

Pratt, Nelson, NO, 223, 42

Prentice, Asa, RY, 302, 71

Prentis, A.S., PU, 119, 25

Prentiss, J.S., BR, 436, 22

Prentiss, Thos. J., RG, 401,406, 08

Preston, Sam'l., RY, 124, 69

Price, Benj., BR, 101, 29

Price, David, FA, 217, 50

Price, E., FA, 319, 51

Price, Mary, FA, 319, 51

Price, W., BR, 104, 29

Priest, Booth n., CL, 421, 40

Probasco, Jacob, SH, 306-307, 23

Prosser, Abraham, NL, 315,320, 59

Prosser, Abram, HA, 113, 33

Prosser, Jac., TO, 1107,1110, 13

Prosser, Martha Jane, HA, 113, 33

Prosser, Philo, HA, 121, 33

Prosser, Wm. Steward, HA, 113, 33

Pujas, A., PU, 201, 26

Purcell, J.B., PU, 218, 26

Purdy, D., GW, 224, 74

Purdy, F., FA, 108, 49

Purdy, Francis, SH, 125, 21

Purdy, Martin, BR, 206, 30

Purdy, Ransom M., SH, 324, 23

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