Prefatory Note
It should never be borne in mind that the office of an historian is one of Immense responsibility; that it always tells for good or evil; and that he will be held responsible of the consequences of a want of fidelity. -{Hon. Jacob Burnst, Cincinnati.
An earnest and very laborious effort has been made to compose this history in the spirit of Judge BURNET's remark. No source of information available to the writers has been left unsearched, nor any effort or expense spared to produce a work which should satisfy the reasonable expectations of a city and county which have waited nearly a century for the compilation and publication of their annals. The list of works consulted is too large for convenient citation here. It includes those of all the earlier writers-BURNET, CIST, the DRAKES, MANSFIELD, and others-with a multitude of later volumes, and pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, and manuscripts innumerable. It has not been practicable in so many cases to secure formal permission for the use of books consulted or quoted; but is trusted that due respect has been paid to all copyrights, and that no author whose writings have contributed to this volume will object ot such use as has been made of them. Acknowledgments are also due to many persons, in all parts of the county and at several points elsewhere in the State, for their kind and helpful aid in the preparation of this book. Particular mention should be made in this connection of Miss E.H. APPLETON, librarian of the Historical and Philosophical society; Mr. John M. NEWTON, of the Mercantile library; Chester W. MERRILL, esq., of the Public library; Colonel Sidney D. MAXWELL, superintendent of the Chamber of Commerce; and Mr. H.A. RATTERMAN, secretary of the German-American Insurance company; all of Cincinnati-and to Louis W. CLASON, mayor of Madisonville.
It may seem, in some cases, that public institutions or private interests of public importance have not received the notice that was due to them, or are, possibly, wholly unnoticed in these volumes. It may be concluded in such cases, with scarcely andy exception, that the omission is the result of failure on the part of those possessing desired information to co-operate with with historian.
The compilers regret most sincerely that their inability to read some of the proofs has resulted in many errors of typography, and a few of statement. It is hoped, however, that all of any importance will be found corrected in the errata at the close of the respective volumes.
The special biographies and "notes of settlement" have been prepared, in nearly all cases in both volumes, by other hands than those of the compilers.
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