History of Hamilton County Ohio
pages 430-432
transcribed by Linda Boorom

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~pg 430~



The following statistical statement, from the returns made for the tenth census, should be read in connection with Chapter X on the progress of Hamilton county:

Flour and grist-milling 12 $147,300 $179,767 $263,420
Lumber and saw-milling 14 29,400 56,209 97,900
Brick and tile making 6 9,200 4,410 21,085
Slaughtering and meat packing 6 13,500 33,715 47,302
Boot and shoe making 15 7,650 8,650 20,137
Paper making 8 370,000 332,480 530,000
Agricultural implements 1 15,000 1,350 4,650
Blacksmithing 49 24,570 16,350 48,050
Carpentering and building 9 7,450 13,500 36,230
Carriage and wagon making 27 29,150 18,900 38,350
Coopering 3 175,700 301,200 466,500
Saddlery 12 5,325 5,657 13,860
Cigar making 8 4,500 10,466 20,236
Hame making 2 27,500 18,997 37,000
Marble cutting 3 4,500 2,000 8,200
Tailoring and clothing 11 29,000 118,480 142,370
Tinsmithing 7 3,675 7,100 13,350
Soap making 1 2,900 3,000 5,000
Jewelry 1 4,000 200 1,200
Brewing, distilling, and wine making 3 315,000 308,700 422,650
Confectionery and baking 1 950 1,000 3,500
Furniture making 1 7,000 8,000 12,000
Painting, house and carriage 6 1,925 3,000 9,100
Stove manufacturing 1 2,000 3,080 8,080
Planing-mill 1 2,600 2,000 10,000
Starch making 2 700,000 290,900 750,000
Willow ware making 2 575 650 2,500
Bookbinders' tools 1 800 200 2,000
Fertilizers 2 362,000 155,000 226,000
Total in 1880 (excepting Cincinnati) 22 $2,303,170 $1,904,060 $3,261,670
Total in 1870 (including Cincinnati) 2,469 42,646,152 44,876,148 78,905,980

JOHN FILSON. - Since the printing of the sheet containing a notice of FILSON, in Chapter V, of this volume, we have found the following remark in the second edition of Collins' History of Kentucky, volume I, page 640:

A memorandum left by his brother says he was killed by an Indian on the west side of the Ohio, October 1, 1788, about five miles from the Great Miami river, and twenty or twenty-five from the Ohio - a few miles northwest of Glendale, Hamilton county, Ohio.

[The possessor of this work is recommended to pass through it with pen or pencil, and correct it according to the memoranda below and the errata prefixed to the second volume. It will heighten the pleasure of subsequent reading, and prevent some misconceptions of the text.]

Page 11 - First column, twenty-second line from the bottom, for "five," read "four."

Page 12 - Sixth line, for "Little," read "Great." In the list of post offices, for "Banesburgh," read" Barnesburgh," for "Newton," read "Newtown," for "Pleasan Ridge," "Pleasant Ridge;" for "Shannville," "Sharonville;" and insert an asterisk after "Walnut Hills," and a comma before the same.

Page 18 - In the second line of the table, for "Land," read "Sand."

Page 29 - Read the latter part of the sentence just before the middle of first column thus: "Their system of signals placed on lofty summits, visible from their settlements, and communicating with the great water courses at immense distances, rival the signal systems in use at the beginning of the present century."

Page 34 - In seventeenth and twenty-fourth lines, for "Miamis," read "Munsees,"

Page 39 - Eighteenth line, for "impartial," read "important."

Page 41 - First column, fifteenth line from. the bottom, for "mayor," read "major." In the second column, twenty-first line, for "north-westward," read "northeastward."

Page 43 - Second column, second line from the bottom, for "for" read "from."

Page 45 - Second column, twenty-third line, for "four," read "three." First column, thirty-fourth line, for "Green township," read "Springfield township, excepting the north tier of sections, which belong to another surveyed township." The statement in the text is that usually made in regard to the College township. It is, however, certainly wrong. In the Reply, published in Cincinnati in 1803, to Judge SYMMES' appeal to the committee of Congress to accept the second township, in the second fractional range (now Green), as the College township, the "proprietors," after citing the familiar clause in SYMMES' "terms of sale and settlement," promising the reservation, for academic purposes, of the entire section nearest the point opposite the mouth of the Licking, say : "Agreeably to this provision, the third township of the first entire range on Mill creek, was set apart and designated on the map of the purchase by Mr. SYMMES as the College township, so early as the year 1789, and for a considerable time after he refused selling it." This statement is confirmed by an appended extract from the journal of the Territorial legislature, held in Cincinnati in 1799. The township described is now, of course, identified as six-sevenths of Springfield township. Green was never the College township, except in the desire and intention of Judge SYMMES, who vainly, and through several years, tried to secure its acceptance as such by the Territorial, State, or Federal authorities. The writer is very happy to be able thus to settle one of the vexed problems of local history.

Page 47 - Second column, twenty-fifth line, for "here," read "have."

Page 50 - Second column, eleventh line from the bottom, for "GAM", read "GANO."

Page 56 - First column, twenty-third line from the bottom, for "too," read "the."

Page 62 - First column, eleventh line from the bottom, for "feet," read "seat."

Page 63 - Fifth line, for "TIMMONS," read "TRUMAN."

Page 66-First column, twenty-first and twentieth lines from the bottom, for "seat of county," read "county seat."

Page 78 - First column, seventeenth line from the bottom, for "arrived," read "armed;" second column, twenty-fourth line, for "which," .read , "what,"

Page 81 - Second column, thirteenth line, for "Memories," read "Memoirs."

Page 83-Second column, thirty-first line, for "Colonel," read Colonels;" next line, for "A. M. MITCHELL," read 'O. M. MITCHELL," sixth line from the bottom, for " many," read "several."

Page 84 - Twenty-sixth line, for "near the place, "read "in the township;" twenty-ninth line, for "ridge," read "bridge."

Page 85 - Second column, twenty-second line from the bottom, for "introductionary," read "introductory."

Page 90 - Fifteenth line, for "six months," read "three years."

Page 99 - Second column, sixth line from the bottom, for "COOK," read "MCCOOK."

Page 112 - last line, for "MERR," read "MOOR."

Page 113 - Twenty-second line, for "MORI," read "MOOR." First column, sixteenth and fifteenth lines from the bottom, for "centre-charge," read "counter-charge."

Page 120 - First column, fourteenth and twenty-fifth lines from the bottom, for "LEWELL," read "SEWELL;" tenth line, for "twenty-seventh," read "forty-seventh;" second column, twenty-first line from the bottom, for "star," read "southern.."

Page 122 - Twenty-second line, for "now," read "recently."

Page 195-Sixteenth line, for "with them," read "them to with," similarly correct fourth line, second column, page 196; foot note, for thousand," read "business;" second column, sixteenth line, for Sunmanville," read "Summansville."

~pg 431~

Page 196 - Eighteenth line, for "closer," read "closed."

Page 197 - Fifth line, for " A. M.," read "P. M."

Page 198 - First column, ninth line from the bottom, for "three hours," read "the hour."

Page 199 - First column, sixth line from the bottom, for "REMKLE," read "RUNKLE;" second column, twelfth and sixteenth lines from the bottom, and in several places thereafter, for "BRUBECK," read "BURBECK."

Page 204 - Second column, thirteenth line, for "T. S. POTTER," read "J. A. BOOTH."

Page 207 - First column, twenty-fifth line from the bottom, for "reputed," read "reported."

Page 210 - Second column, twelfth line, for "nine-five," read "ninety-five."

Page 214 - Second column, fifteenth line from the bottom, for "million," read "hundred thousand;" thirteenth line, for "forty," read "forty-two;" twelfth line, strike out "two hundred;" eleventh line, for " fifty," read "fifty-eight;" tenth line, for "one," read "two," and after "cents," insert "and $1,000,000 six percents."

Page 216 - Second column, twenty-first line from the bottom, strike out "and sixty."

Page 217 - Second column, seventeenth line from the bottom, for "1814," read "1824 "

Page 218 - Twenty-third line, for "four," read "five."

Page 224 - Second column, fifth line from the bottom, for "1857" read "1857." (sic)

Page 230 - Second column, fourteenth line from the bottom, for "delay" read "day,"

Page 236 - First column, twelfth line from the bottom, for "prompt" read "pomp and."

Page 240 - Second column, eighth line from the bottom, for "1878-8" read "1877-8."

Page 242 - Eleventh line, for the third "of," read "to;" ninth line from the bottom, first column, for "Newton," read "Newtown."

Page 246 - Second column, twelfth line from the bottom, for "ridge," read "bridge."

Page 255-First column, sixteenth line from the bottom, for "thrice," read "twice;" second column, twenty-second line from the bottom, for "first," read "just."

Page 257 - Second column, ninth line, for "southeast," read "southwest."

Page 260 - First column, for " Williamson PAUL," read "Paul WILLIAMSON."

Page 262 - Transfer the paragraph relating to the Morgan raid from Pleasant Run to Bevis; in the second line of the paragraph, for "occupied," read "crossed."

Page 264 - First column, eighth line from the bottom, for "county," read "township."

Page 267 - Second column, eleventh line from the bottom, for "1705," read "1795 "

Page 273 - Second column, twenty-third line, for "Gazette," read "Gazetteer."

Page 274 - Second column, twenty-sixth line from the bottom, for "Newton," read "Newtown." So page 275, eleventh line.

Page 276 - Second column, sixteenth line, and fifteenth line from the bottom, for "CAVALT," read "COVALT."

Page 277 - First column, seventeenth line from the bottom, for "she," read "he."

Page 279 - Second column, fourteenth line from bottom, for "has," read "was."

Page 280 - Sixth line, for "WICKERSHAM," read "WICKERHAM;" second column, twenty-fifth line from the bottom, for "whool," read "wool."

Page 282 - Ninth line, for the first "of," read "to."

Page 283 - Second column, twenty-fourth line, for "BRITTERFIELD," read 'BUTTERFIELD "

Page 289 - Fifteenth line, for "fortune," read "future."

Page 290 - First column, twenty-second line from the bottom, for "William H. BENTLETT," read 'Josiah BARTLETT."

Page 293 - Second column, twenty-ninth line, for "or" read "of"

Page 297 - Second column, thirtieth line, for "DU QUSNE," read "DU QUESNE."

Page 298-Twenty-ninth line, for "CULLOUR," read "CULLOM."

Page 299 - Second column, ninth line from the bottom, for "GOFF," read "GAFF."

Page 300 - Second column, fourth line, for "Delphi," read "Delhi;" ninth line from the bottom, for "greatly," read "gently."

Page 301 - Second column, twenty-second line, for "form," read "from."

Page 302 - First column, sixteenth line from the bottom, for "townships," read "sections;" second column, seventh line from the bottom, and last line, for "BONDINOT," read "BOUDINOT" - also in three places upon the next page.

Page 307 - Seventh line, for "west," read ''war."

Page 308 - Second column, twelfth line from the bottom, for "legislation," read "legation."

Page 309 - twentieth line, for "HEWITT," read "HOWITT." Next line, for "letter," read "letters."

Page 310 - First column, fourth line from the bottom, for "BENDINOT and SIMS," read "BOUDINOT and SYMMES." Last line, for "now," read "late."

Page 311 - Second column, second line, from the bottom, for "you," read "your."

Page 312 - First column, thirteenth line from the bottom, for "quarter," read "corner;" second column, thirteenth line from the bottom, for "appropriately," read "approximately."

Page 313 - Tenth line, for "viver," read "river."

Page 316 - First column, third line from the bottom, for "PUNNY," read "PENNY;" second column, seventeenth line, for "Lynne, " read Lyme."

Page 321 - Seventh line, for "damned," read "dammed;" twenty-eighth line, for "after," read "often;" seventeenth line from the bottom, for "Spata," read "Sparta."

Page 322 -First column, twenty-sixth line from the bottom, for , "Chapter IV," read "Chapters V and VI."

Page 323 - Twenty-fifth line, for "crop," read "cross;" second column, ninth line, for "imminence," read "luxuriance."

Page 324 - Twenty-fifth line, for "sight," read "site."

Page 328 - Twenty-seventh and thirty-second lines, for "BONDINOT," read "BOUDINOT."

Page 329 - Twenty-fourth line, for "going," read "growing."

Page 330 - Second column, sixteenth line from the bottom, for "Dr. STEPHENWOOD," read "Dr. Stephen WOOD."

Page 331 - Twenty-seventh line, for "Shuts," read "Short's;" next line, in two cases, for "SHUT," read "SHORT."

Page 335 - Eighth and twelfth lines, for "GAUDY," read "GOUDY."

Page 336 - Second line, for "finally," read "firmly;" twenty-seventh line, in two cases, for "ERCHEL," read "EREKEL." Second column, twenty-seventh line, for "KEMBER," read "KEMPER."

Page 337 - Twentieth line from the bottom, remove "Carthage," and make it a head to this and the following paragraphs.

Page 342 - Eleventh line, for "BONDINOT," read "BOUDINOT;" second column, ninth line from the bottom, for "away," read "way."

Page 343 - First column, eighth line From the bottom, for "front," read "feet." Second column, twenty-fifth line, for "FLAMER," read "FLAMEN."

Page 345 - Second column, sixteenth line from the bottom, for "ERKENBECKER," read "ERKENBRECKER;" twenty-first line, for "FAUGMAN," read "FANGMAN."

Page 346 - First column, twenty-second line from the bottom, for "fort," read "forte. Second column, eighth line from the bottom, for "CAREY," read "CARY;" sixth line, for "are," read "were."

Page 349 - Twenty-second line, for "cut," read "out."

Page 350 - Second column, twenty-fifth line from the bottom, for "tracks," read "tracts."

Page 351 - First column, eighth line from the bottom, for "picture," read "Picture." Second column, first line, for "of," read "at;" twenty-second line from the bottom, for "horses," read "houses."

Page 353 - Second column, fourteenth line from the bottom, for "COVALL's," read "COVALT's."

Page 357-First column, fifth line from the bottom, for "Journal of a tour," read "Journal of a Tour."

Page 358 - Second column, seventh line from the bottom, for "track," read "tract."

Page 359 - Fifteenth line, for "fuel," read "food;" eighteenth line, for "with," read "is worth;" twenty-ninth line, for " LANGWORTH, " read "LONGWORTH;" thirty-eighth line, for "1880," read "1870."

Page 361 - First column, eleventh line from the bottom, for "the," read "two."

Page 363 - Twenty-seventh line, for "MCCASKEN," read "MCCASHEN;" twenty-third line from the bottom, for "Lochland," read "Lockland." Second column, twelfth line, for "the," read "two."

Page 364 - First column, twenty-fifth line from the bottom, for "then," read "than." Second column, fourth line, for "are," read

~pg 432~
"is," and for "firm," read "farm;" thirteenth line, for "the," read "an."

Page 365 - Ninth line, before "once," insert "at;" thirty-third line, for "relative," read "relation."

Page 367 - First column, last line, for "transit," read "Transit."

Page 369 - Second column, thirty-first line, for Elenord," read "Elenora."

Page 370 - Twenty-eighth line, put "and Cary B." after "Iowa."

Page 377 - Seventh line, for "or," read "as;" first column, twenty- ninth line, from the bottom, for "GRAUQUE, " read "GIAUQUE;" thirty- fourth line, for "STENELL," read, "STERRETT."

Page 378 - First line, after "which," insert "was;" sixth line, for "MENDHAM," read "WINDHAM" first column, sixteenth line from the bottom, for "leading," read "reading."

Page 379 - Second column, eighteenth line from the bottom, for "BALDWOO," read "BALDWIN;" ninth line, for "COGG," read "COGY;" sixth line, after "years," read "ago."

Page 381 - Fifteenth line, for "'shown," read "shone,"

Page 384 - Ninth line, for ''these," read "three;" second column, eleventh line, for "administrate," read "administer."

Page 386 - First column, twentieth line from the bottom, for "HITTS," "HILTS."

Page 387 - Sixteenth line, for "HALDERMANN" read "HALDEMAN."

Page 388 - Twenty-sixth line, for "considerable" read "considerably;" and for "same," read "corresponding;" second line, for "only," read "one;" second column, twentieth line, for "otherwise," read "other ways;" seventh line from the bottom, for "Shawn," read "Sharon;" second line, for "or," read "of."

Page 392 - Second column, fourteenth line, for "CORTELYM, " read "CORTELYOU."

Page 393 - Fifteenth line, after "south," insert "line of the township;" first column, twenty-fourth line from the bottom, for "Vooheesetown," read "Voorheesetown;" (sic) second column, eighth line, for "and the," read ''another," nineteenth line from bottom, for "admission," "a division;" eighth line, for "CORTELYM," read "CPRTELYOU."

Page 394 - First column, seventh line from the bottom, after "century," read "later."

Page 395 - Second column, seventeenth line, before "his," insert "at."

Page 398 - Second column, twenty-seventh line, for "Frorence," read "Florence."

Page 399 - First column, second line from the bottom, and in several places above, for "NENFARTH," read "NEUFARTH."

Page 402 - Second column, fifth line, for "pretty," read "petty."

Page 404 - Thirty-second line, for "cheery," read "cherry."

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©2000-2003 by Tina Hursh & Linda Boorom