Buried at Wesleyan Cemetery

Buried at Wesleyan


Meet those buried at Wesleyan. The information you will find here has been shared by others, in the hopes that it will be of use to you, and that connections can be made with other researchers.

If you have family information that you would like to share, please drop a note to me using the email link below.

Benjamin B. BehymerAdded Nov 20, 2001
Ruth Boorom Added Nov 22, 2001
David FisherAdded Nov 20, 2001
Benjamin FoxAdded Nov 22, 2001
Goldie Boorom FoxAdded Nov 22, 2001
Rosa Mathews
Richard TaylorAdded Nov 28, 2001
Thomas TaylorAdded Nov 28, 2001
William TaylorAdded Nov 28, 2001

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