Abstracts of Wills
Volumes I & 2
Fulton County, Ohio



As the First Court House in Fulton Co. was located in Ottokee, and made of wood, a fire broke out in the wooden courthouse about the night of July 14, 1864, and many of the
early records were then destroyed.  It seems that Judge Barber had made a personal
record of the early wills, and the old book is referred to as "BARBER'S ABSTRACTS."
It had been missing for many years, and in 1969, when items were removed from the Historical Room in the second floor room of the courthouse to the new quarters, given
by Mrs. Ruth Campbell, a daughter of Levi Brown, who for many years had served our county as Probate Judge, the old will book was found among other historical items.

"Thanks to Karen Schoonover for transcribing these abstracts"

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  • 1.  HENRY MUCH (MEECH) of Brutus, Cayaga County, NY
  • Recorded in Book C, page 15
  • Date of will: August 3, 1848
  • Probate in Cayaga County, NY May 3, 1850. No certificate of the Lucas or Fulton County Probate Officer attached.
  • Bequeaths to SPENCER SNOW, a certain lot of land of which I am seized of, lying in the township of Gorham, Lucas County, OH. Conditioned as follows: Sct. SPENCER SNOW to pay to HARRIET & ANN ELIZA SNOW $100 each and to SUSAN A. SNOW $200 and JABEZ H. SNOW $200 to be paid to them as the severally become of age.
  • 2.  JAMES WILKINSON of Maumee City, OH
  • Recorded in Book C, page 19
  • Date of Will: February 26, 1850
  • Date of Certificate April 13, 1850
  • Bequeaths to HARRIET CHAMPION W` SW ¼ & 23, & NE ¼ NW ¼ ?
  • NW ¼ Sec. 26 in Township No. 2 of the 12 mile square reserve in Lucas County (100 acres). Also to HENRY J. WILKINSON land in the 12 mile reserve, and all his other real estate to his wife ALICE.
  • Recorded in Liber A, page 11
  • Provisions of the will and accepted by the widow May 27, 1850
  • Probated November 28, 1850 proceedings not signed by court
  • Bequeaths to ELVINA HINKLE in lieu of dower, W ¼ NE ¼ 22, during her natural life, but if she marries again, shall only have dower in the same. To EMPHRAIM, ELMER, SALLY, & HARRIET HINKLE, W? SE ½ (¼?) Sec. 15 after two years have expired, which time his wife has the use of it.
  • 4.  JACOB HAMP
  • Will recorded in Liber A, page 11
  • Date of Will December 1, 1846
  • Probated November 2, 1859
  • Hamp's widows' acceptance of above provisions dated January 1, 1857 (1847?)
  • Bequeaths to his wife ROSANNA, in lieu of her dower, the use of all his real estate during her natural life; and after her death, said real estate to be equally divided among DAVID, JOHN FREDERICK & ELI HAMP, his sons.
  • Recorded in Liber A, page 50
  • Date of will April 3, 1850
  • Probated November 1, 1850 and recorded in Volume I, page 19
  • Bequeaths to his wife the use of the farm viz: S ½ NW? 29 in 7N, R 5E till his daughters MARY & CATHERINE shall arrive at the age of 18, then ½ of said land to go to his wife during her natural life & ½ of said land to go to MARY & CATHERINE in equal shares and at the death of said wife, all goes to said MARY & CATHERINE.
  • 6. ANDREW J. CANFIELD of Dover Township
  • Recorded in Liber A, page 102
  • Will dated February 20, 1851
  • Probated March 22, 1851 and recorded in Volume I, page 17
  • Gives to his wife the farm in Dover on which they reside containing 120 acres.
  • 7.  GEORGE GRISIER of German Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 1 of WILLS
  • Will dated November 14, 1851
  • Probated March 23, 1852 and recorded in Volume I, page 23. Record not signed by Judge.
  • Gives to his wife in lieu of dower ?½ NE ¼ Sec 7, T6 & R 5E in fee. Also 2nd to said wife, the farm on which we now reside as long as she remains my widow, situated in German Township containing about 82 acres for her use, and until my daughter ELIZA shall arrive at the age of 21 years. Then said ELIZA to have the same.
  • 8. ROBERT THOMPSON of Pike Township
  • Recorded in Volume 1, page 3
  • Will dated December 8, 1851
  • Probated May 31, 1852
  • Gives to his wife MARY, the use of and control of all his real estate during her natural life, the farm being E ¼ NE ¼ sec. 36 in T8 R7E, of 78 acres.
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 5
  • No date of will.
  • Probated June 7, 1852
  • He devises all his property to his wife, CATHERINE.
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 7
  • Will dated July 10, 1845
  • Probated June 7, 1852 in Lorain County, OH
  • Gives to his wife, one third of 160 acres in Lucas County and the balance of said land to his children equally.
  • 11. JOHN SWAGER of Amboy Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 10
  • No dates given in book
  • Devises to his wife, EVE, his homestead farm so long as she remains a widow.
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 13
  • Will dated April 7, 1847
  • Probated October 4, 1851
  • He devises to his son, JAMES AURORA SPAULDING, NW ¼ & W¼ NE ¼ Sec. 35 in T8 N R 8E.
  • 13. SAMUEL H. FRARY (?)
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 21
  • Will dated January 12, 1851
  • Probated in Fulton County, Ottokee, April 22, 1851
  • He devises to his wife, CLARRISSA, all his real estate situated in Gorham Township.
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 24
  • Will dated July 2, 1851
  • Probated February 22, 1853
  • Devises all his estate to his 2 children, DULCA & PENNELL A.J. CHAMBERLIN.
  • Recorded in Volume 1, page 26
  • Dated July 7, 1852
  • Probated March 8, 1853
  • She devises all her real estate to her daughter, MARTHA MISSON, -also direct the sale of NW ¼ Sec 5, in T6 N, R 8E. And avails to be paid to the said MARTHA MISSON.
  • 16. MARY JONES of Gorham Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 28
  • No date of the will
  • Probated June 3, 1855 (1853?)
  • She devises 1/9 of her real estate to her daughter ELLEN JONES, and the other 8/9 to go equally to WILLIAM, HENRY, LEWIS, & HALSTED BETH HARRIS, & to HANNAH CRIGG & PHEBE STURDIVAN & ELIZA-BETH HARRIS & to SARAH MARIA PIKE.
  • 17. ADONOJAH WHITE of Andover, Tolland County, CT.
  • Recorded in Volume 1, page 30
  • Will dated June 25, 1852
  • Probated June 15, 1853
  • He devises to his said wife, LUCIA $6,000 & Ins. in his Life Ins.? Co. for $1,000 in lieu of all dower and to:GORDON WHITE of Jefferson County NY 5 shares LEMUEL WHITE of Waukeshaw, WI 4 shares ALONZO W. BIRGE of Hartford, CT 3 shares NANCY WHITE of Andover, CT 2 shares SIBYL REED of Van Buren, NY 2 shares LYDIA (my sister) of Lysander, NY 1 share of the balance of his estate.
  • 18. JACOB KIBBLER or KIBLER of German Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 34
  • Signed February 6, 1852
  • Probated November 14, 1853
  • He devises to his wife (not names) 1/3 of his property and the balance to his children in equal shares.
  • **Remarks- JACOB KIBBLER was among the Swiss who came to Fulton County about 1836 and a record is in the courthouse of the children who signed. He settled on 160 acres purchased September 30, 1834 in NE Q Sec. 11, Town 7 N, R 5 E. His wife evidently was named SUSAN).
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 36
  • Dated October 18, 1855
  • Probated December 2, 1853
  • Devises to his (son?) JOHN P. FARNSWORTH all his land situated in Swancreek Township of 140 acres.
  • 20. FREEMAN COFFIN of Gorham Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 40
  • Signed June 15, 1854
  • Probated August 5, 1854
  • He devises to his wife, HANNAH, 1/3 of all his real estate so long as she remains his widow, and to his son, GEORGE W. COFFIN, 2/3 during his wife's life, and at her death, all his estate to the son.
  • Recorded in Volume 1, page 42
  • Signed May 23, 1854
  • Probated September 16, 1854
  • He devises to his wife, ELIZABETH, all his estate during her natural life & at her death, to go to GEO. W. & ABRAM J. MEYERS, & JNO. L. MEYERS, my grandson. And if JNO. L. MEYERS, my grandson, died before my said wife, then all to go to GEO. W. & ABRAM at the decease of my wife.
  • 22. BARZILLA NEWCOMB of Swancreek Township.
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 44
  • Will dated August 25, 1854
  • Probated December 4, 1854
  • She devises to BRADDISH NEWCOMB and to BARBARA DAGGETT, NW ¼ Sec. 22, SE ¼ in Town 7, being in Swancreek Township. To ROYAL B. NEWCOMB, 40 acres adjoining his farm in said township of Swancreek.
  • 23. ALEXANDER LAKE of Fulton Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 47
  • Will dated September 5, 1854
  • Probated December 7, 1854
  • He devises to ELIZA ANN LAKE, 60 acres of land being part of W ½ of SE ¼ Sec. 2 in T10, R 4E, except 20 acres in SE corner of said land sold to Mr. Alexander, --to MARTHA LAKE, E ¼ SW ¼ in 10 S 4E.
  • 24. JONATHAN CHILDS of York Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 49
  • Signed November 21, 1854
  • Probated January 16, 1855
  • He devises to LUCINDA S., his wife, all his estate.
  • 25. JAMES WALLACE of Mahoning Co., OH
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 53
  • Will dated March 10. 1855 (?)
  • Probated January 16, 1855 (?)
  • He devises to his sons, JAMES ALEXANDER, JOHN S. & WM. S. WALLACE, and to his daughters ELIZA JENNINGS, MARGARET BOYD, JANE VURTIN MIVERVA WETMEN & SUSAN COFFIN, or her heirs, the E ¼ NE ¼ Sec. 34 in T 8 N, R & E and the W ½ of NW ¼ Sec. 35 in the same township and town.
  • 26. WILLIAM S. MILLER of New York
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 60
  • Signed September 3, 1849
  • Probated October 27, 1855
  • He devises to his wife, MARY, and to his brothers, HORATIO and GEORGE W. MILLER, all his estate.
  • 27. JOHN ELLIS of Gorham Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 72
  • Signed June 16, 1855
  • Probated November 5, 1855
  • He devises to his wife, CAMELIA, all his estate during her natural life, and at her decease, the estate to go to HIS heirs equally.
  • **Remarks- this evidently a 2nd wife, and not the mother of his children.
  • 28. NATHANIEL PARSONS of Chesterfield Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 74.
  • Signed October 30, 1852
  • Probated November 9, 1855
  • He devises to his wife, the use of the farm, on which they now reside, during her natural life, then same goes to his daughter, MARY PARSONS, for her use until she shall marry, then said farm is to go to my grandson, WM. HENRY PARSONS, & in case of death of said WM. HENRY PARSONS, this farm then goes to his legal heirs then living.
  • 29. HAPPY WELLS (Kerrenhappuch (Cora) GORSUCH)  of Dover Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, pate 77
  • Signed January 10, 1856
  • Probated January 19, 1856
  • She devises her estate to LUCRETIA, ENOS, LUCY ANN, MILTON, & CALEB WELLS, to share equally.
  • 30. JESSE BROWNING of Swancreek Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 84
  • Signed on April ___, 1856
  • Probated April 24, 1856
  • He devises to his wife, NANCY, in lieu of dower, his home farm of about 130 acres, (except 25 acres deeded to his son, JOHN BROWNING) to have during her natural life, then to go to the following: his daughters MARIA SABIN & ALMIRA WILSON, & to JOHN BROWNING and the heirs of his daughter, MARY ANN MERRILL dec'd, and to ELIZABETH ROSE, to EMMA JANE BROWNING and NANCY B. SABINS.
  • 31. JOHN L. TAYLOR
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 90
  • Signed September 9, 1856
  • Probated September 20, 1856
  • He directs the sale of all his real estate, and the proceeds to be divided equally between his wife, WEALTHY ANN, and the children, GEORGE L. & WEALTHY ANN TAYLOR.
  • 32. ALEXANDER VAUGHN of Fulton Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 94
  • Dated March 1, 1847
  • Probated September 24, 1852
  • Devises to his wife, REBECCA, the NW ¼ NW ¼ Sec. 10 in Town 10 S. R 4E, and to his children, JANE, MARY, JAMES, EDWARD, & CALES VAUGHN, the remainder of his real estate.
  • 33. PETER WISE
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 100
  • Signed September 23, 1856
  • Probated October 1, 1856
  • He devises all his estate to his wife, CATHERINE, as long as she remains his widow. At her decease or remarries, the said farm to go to his children or their heirs.
  • 34. JOHN STOUGH of Clinton Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 103
  • Signed March 16, 1854
  • Probated March 24, 1857
  • He devises to his son, JOSHUA J. STOUGH, the farm, being part of SE ¼ Sec. 27, T 7N & R 6E, subject to the maintenance of ANN C.E. STOUGH, his wife, during her natural life.
  • 35. MARY EDDY of Swancreek Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 108
  • Signed August 9, 1849
  • Probated April 1, 1857
  • Devises to her son, CHAS. C. Eddy, the home farm of 110 acres in Swancreek, subject to the maintenance of her husband, during his life. Also her daughters, CEMANTHA & EUNICE to make their home, until they get married.
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 113
  • Signed August 23, 1856
  • Probated May 7, 1857
  • He devises to his wife in lieu of her dower, all his real estate for her use during her natural life, and at her decease, the said property to go to his children: LEONARD & JAMES TROWBRIDGE, EMELINE BRYANT, ADELINE BRAINARD, CATHERINE RAMSEY & LAURA TROWBRIDGE.
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 117
  • Signed February 11, 1857
  • Probated June 6, 1857
  • He devises to his wife, in lieu of her dower, the home farm of 40 acres located in Swancreek Township.
  • 38. WILLIAM FITCH of Huron County, OH
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 120
  • Signed May 9, 1856
  • Probated March 20, 1857
  • He devises all his real estate to his wife, NANCY.
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 126
  • Dated June 22, 1857
  • Probated August 8, 1857
  • Devises to his children: REBECCA CHAMBERLIN, STEPHEN, CYRUS, JOHN, SPENCER, & WM. P. FOUTY 14 acres of land to each, from the NE ¼ of Sec. 1, in T 6 N R 6 E, to be divided as they may agree between themselves, reserving from Sec. NE ¼ 48 acres, in NE part & bounded thus: 76 rods in the East line & running W for enough to make 48 acres. Also reserving from said NE ¼ 14 acres in the SW corner divided by me, to my son, JOEL and my daughter, PRISCILLA. Provided they Quit claims to BARTEN HAYCOCK, a tract of land sold by me to him, the consideration of sale, being that my said children should Quit claim to the same.
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 126
  • Signed June 2, 1857
  • Probated September 11, 1857
  • Devised to his wife the home farm of about 150 acres in Swancreek Township during her natural life, then at her decease, it is desired to go to his son, RICHARD H. HAMPTON, provided that within 3 years of his coming into possession, he shall pay $110 to each: HANNAH A. TROWBRIDGE, ELEANOR E. HUBBERD, JULIA WELCH, MARY JANE RITCHIE, MINERVA BIDDLE & MILTON G. HAMPTON, & $25 to ALICE HAMPTON.
  • 41. WILLIAM HOLLAND of Pike Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 136
  • Dated July 25, 1854
  • Probated September 26, 2857
  • Devises to his wife (BATHSERA) in lieu of her dower, and to his daughter LOUISA H. SHUTE and son-in-law ALFRED E. SHUTE, and to my grand-son, Wm. H. SHUTE all his property in equal shares.
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 141
  • Signed December 24, 1855
  • Probated January 2, 1858
  • Devised to his son, FREDERICK SCHMITT 141 acres of the home farm being part of N part of S1 SE ¼ Sec. 35, containing 58 acres. Also SE ¼ SW ¼ of same sec. 40 acres, also E pt. S pt. S ¼ SE ½ same sec. Cont'g 3 acres & SW ¼ SW ¼ Sec. 36 cont'g 40 acres all in 8 N?8E, cond. On payment of $1200.00 & Int. from the time of my decease to the other Legatees. Also devise to WILHELMINA BONER (?) N1 NW ¼ Sec. 2 in R, 8E.
  • 43. SEYMOUR DONELSON (?) of Gorham Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 142
  • Signed October 27, 1857
  • Probated January 29, 1858
  • He devises all his property to DANIEL DONALDSON, his brother.
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 149
  • Signed March 14, 1858
  • Probated March 27, 1858
  • He devises all his farm in Clinton Township to HUGH & THOMAS KING & ANNA CORNWELL, to be divided equally between them.
  • 45. PETER M. JONES of Chesterfield Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 153
  • Signed February 3, 1858
  • Probated March 17, 1858
  • Devises to his wife in lieu of a dower, his home farm of about 73 acres for her use during her natural life, but if she shall again marry, then the farm goes to WILLIAM S., OCTAVIUS H., ELIAS W., MARY S., DELILA J., and PHILENA D. JONES, or at her death, the farm goes to them.
  • 46. SUSAN SMITH of Royalton Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 158
  • Signed April 5, 1847
  • Probated December 23, 1858
  • She devises to EMELINE KETCHUM the N1 W ½ & E ¼ 120 acres in Sec. 15, in T 9 S R 3 E during her natural life, then to go to MARY ANN KETCHUM.
  • 47. JOHN J. WAITE of Royalton Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 164
  • Dated July 6, 1856
  • Probated December 23, 1858
  • Devises all his estate to his wife, PHEBE during her natural life; then goes to JOHN WAITE SHEFFIELD, provided he pays $50.00 to his mother and if said JNO should died before coming into possession, then same goes to his Mother, SARAH, and her heirs forever.
  • 48. ANSEL FORD
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 168
  • Proved December 29, 1858
  • Devises or directs his executor to dispose of all his estate and divide the proceeds among divers persons.
  • **Remarks- there is no names mentioned in Barber's Abstracts
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 171
  • Signed January 14, 1857
  • Probated February 22, 1859
  • Devises to JULIA ANN RITTENHOUSE, lot 5 in Wolters Add. To Springhill also all other property to said JULIA ANN.
  • 50. JOHN WRIGHT of York Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 174
  • February 3, 1859
  • Probated March 22, 1859
  • Devises to JAMES WILSON WRIGHT, NW ¼ NW ¼ Sec. 2 Town 6 N Range 7E, and to his wife, MARY WRIGHT all other property.
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 179
  • Signed March 22, 1859
  • Probated May 13, 1859
  • Devises to his wife, HARRIET, the use of SW ¼ & SW ¼ SE ¼ Sec. 8, and also NE ½ of SE ¼ Sec. 7 in T 7N r 8E during her natural life. At her death the SW ¼ of Sec. 8 and NE ¼ SE ¼ Sec. 7 goes to EDWARD D & RODERICK C. WILLIAMS. The SW ¼ SE ¼ Sec. 8, to be sold at the decease of my wife and proceeds to be divided equally between NANCY H?NK and the said EDWARD & RODERICK, to his daughter HARRIET WAFFLE, all his int. in the house & lot at Wauseon, subject to the life estate of wife.
  • 52. JOHN FASHBAUGH of Fulton Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 185
  • Signed September 2, 1856
  • Probated August 20, 1859
  • Devises to his wife in lieu of dower, the use of the home farm of 160 acres, in township of Fulton, as long as she remains his widow, at her death, farm is to go to the sons: DANIEL & JACOB B. FASHBAUGH to be charged with the payment of $500.00 to JOHN Q. & ELI B., my sons, (to each of them) and of $281 to each of my grandchildren: MARY ANN & ELIZABETH ANN FRAKER;- and if DANIEL W. shall died before death of my wife, the ELI P. shall take his place. If JACOB B. FASHBAUGH shall died before his wife, the ELI P. shall take his place. But if both DANIEL W. & JACOB B should died, then to go to ELI P. & JOHN Q.
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 192
  • Dated August 20, 1854
  • Probated August 24, 1859
  • Devises all his property to go as support to wife, during her natural life, and the remainder to go to his children at the rate of $4 to the boys and $3 to the girls.
  • 54.  RUFUS POMEROY of Amboy Township
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 197
  • Signed March 23, 1858
  • Probated September 12, 1859
  • Devises to his wife, ALCINDA, all his property.
  • 55.  JOHN B. ROOSE
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 202
  • Dated May 27, 1859
  • Probated September 2, 1859
  • Devises to his son, GEORGE W. ROOSE, all his property charged with a life estate of his wife, ELIZABETH in the NW ¼ NE ¼ Sec. 13, Town 9, & R 2 E.
  • 56.  CHARLES D. SMITH of Royalton
  • Recorded in Volume I, page 209
  • Signed August 10, 1859
  • Probated November 30, 1859
  • He devises to his wife, JANE D., all the property to use as long as she remains his widow. When son CHARLES becomes of age, all the land that I shall own in Sec. 18, in T9 S R 3 E shall belong to my second son LOPON, and all land that I shall own in Sec. 7, in same township shall belong to my son CHARLES; they to pay my other children $500 each. $200 to be paid within 2 years of the time of coming into possession & $100 per year thereafter.
  • 57.  JOHN DIXON of Swancreek Township
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 1
  • Signed May 24, 1859
  • Probated November 24, 1859
  • Devises all his property in fee to his wife, MARGARET DIXON.
  • 58.  GEORGE SELLERS of Dover
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 3
  • Signed January 8, 1860
  • Probated January 31, 1860
  • He devises to his wife, NANCY, 1/3 of the home farm & to the children; JOHN, JACOB, & ELIAS SELLERS, & ELIZA A. CHATDIELD, MARTHA WHITMAN, & MARY JANE SELLS, the remaining 2/3 in equal shares.
  • 59.  PORTER STILLWELL of Medina, Seneca Co., Michigan
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 6
  • Dated March 2, 1856
  • Probated January 31, 1860
  • Devises to his sons, WILLIAM HENRY & CHAS. WALLACE, the W ¼ E ¼ SE ¼ Sec. 12, T7N, R 6E, and also NE ¼ NW ¼ Sec. 13 in same town, both des. Subject to dower of his wife.
  • 60.  GEORGE MARKLEY of Clinton Township
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 13
  • Signed March 29, 1858
  • Probated June 14, 1860
  • He devises to his wife, (MARIA CATHERINE) 1/3 of NE ¼ Sec. 11 in T6W R 6 E, also 1/3 of the premises on which DAVID G. COULTER (grandson) resides. Being W pt. Of SW ¼ Sec. 2, T6N R 6E of about 52 acres, & 1/3 of 5 acres in Sec. 2 in T6N R6E during her natural life, & at her death the said property to go to the children: JOHN H., ANDREW L., GEORGE J., and FRANCES D. MARKLEY & to the daughters: SARAH MILLER, MARY E. HERALD, MARIA C. LARIMORE, ELLEN P. CLINE & DAVID GEO. COULTER & their heirs to be divided equally & also to the same parties, the balance of all the property.
  • **Remarks- George Markley served in the War of 1812. He married a daughter of Frances Ditto, a Revolutionary Soldier from Northumberland Co., PA and Eleanor Gift. The Markley burial plot, on their farm, was made into a chicken park years ago, and markers were destroyed, all except Eleanor (Gift) Ditto who died in 1855 at the Markley home. It was place in the Wauseon, OH Cemetery by descendants.
  • **Remarks- Page 63 Land Records of Clinton Township gives names of the Children on March 29, 1859, Maria C. Larimore (widow?), Mary E. Herald, wife of John L; Sarah Miller, wife of Jacob; Francis D. Markley, George J., Andrew L., John H., Catherine Markley, and Ellen P. Cline, wife of Matthias Cline. Many Fulton Co. ladies have joined the DAR on War record of Francis Ditto, wife Eleanor Gift, daughter of Adam Gift and Maria Catherine, his wife, of Northumberland Co., also a Revolutionary War soldier.
  • 61. NATHAN W. PRAY
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 17
  • Signed June 17, 1857
  • Probated July 20, 1860
  • He devised all his estate to his wife, JANE C., for her use during her life, and at her decease, all is to go to JOHN & AARON CLOUGH, (my wife's brothers).
  • 62.  JOHN PAUL
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 19
  • Devised no land.
  • 63.  JOSHUA FASSETT of Swancreek Township
  • Recorded Volume 2, page 25
  • Signed January 21, 1858
  • Probated January 24, 1861
  • He devises to his wife, AMARILIA, in lieu of her dower, the home farm being W ½ NW ¼ Sec. 17 in T Range 8, during her natural life and at her decease same goes to ORVILLE C., EUGENE K., PHILOTA E. & MARY OPHELIA FASSETT & their heirs. He directs that the other land in Sec. 18, in same township, W ¼ NE ¼ be sold and proceeds divided equally among the heirs after giving his wife 1/3.
  • 64.  WILLIAM ELY
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 25
  • Signed February 8, 1861
  • Probated June 11, 1861
  • He devises to his wife, the home farm of about 80 acres in lieu of her dower during her life and at her death the said property to go equally among the children.
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 31
  • Signed February 8, 1861
  • Probated June 11, 1861
  • Devises to his wife, JULIA A., in fee simple NW ¼ NE ¼ Sec. 20 in T7N R 8 E, also SW ¼ SE ¼ Sec. 17, T7N R8E, except 30 acres sold to ISAAC FEWLASS.
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 34
  • Dated July 21, 1861
  • Probated August 29, 1861
  • He devised to his wife in lieu of her dower W ¼ NW ¼ & W ½ SE ¼ of Sec. 20 in Town 7N Range 7E (York Twp.) to her during her natural life, and at her death to go to the children equally.
  • 67.  JACOB LEININGER, Senior of German Township
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 37
  • Signed May 23, 1860
  • Probated September 16, 1861
  • Devises to his wife, 1/3 of the home farm in German Township about 40 acres, as long as she remains a widow, and at her death, the said farm shall to his 2 sons, JOHN & FEDERICK LEININGER, they to pay MARGARET, his daughter, $100 and his son, JOHN JR. $30, MICHAEL $6.00 & CATHERINE $100 and to son GEORGE $140.00.
  • 68.  CALEB KEITH of Milan, Ohio
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 40
  • Signed December 2, 1857
  • Probated March 25, 1861
  • He devises to his son, SOLAN C. KEITH, the farm in Gorham Township ? in which he now resides during the term of his natural life and at his decease of his present wife, if then living, to have the use of it during the time or so long as she remains his widow, then to go to the children of said SOLAN by his first wife, ELANOR.
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 45
  • Signed June 15, 1861
  • Probated October 30, 1861
  • He devises to his 4 children, his farm in Royalton Township, of 108 acres, to be divided equally between them as to value. The part on which the house and barn stand & is located, is to belong to ALMIRA M. SANTEE.
  • 70.   PETER FASHBAUGH of Fulton Township
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 47
  • Signed April 21, 1861
  • Recorded November 9, 1862
  • Devises to his wife, ELIZABETH, during her natural life, the farm in Fulton Township and divided between his children the following: To son WILLIAM FASHPAUGH E ½ W ½ NW ¼ Sec. 35, Town 8 N R 8 E ,To son LEWIS FASHPAUGH W ½ W ½ NE ¼ Sec. 35, etc., To son LEWIS FASHPAUGH E ½ W ½ NE ¼ Sec. 35, etc.. To daughter EVE PLETTNER W ½ E ½ NW ¼ same sec. All subject to dower of wife.
  • 71.   JESSE HILTENS (?)
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 50
  • Devises all personal property to his wife. No land.
  • 72.   DAVID JONES
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 53
  • Signed August 13, 1862
  • Probated September 17, 1862
  • Devises his property equally between JNO B. & EDWARD JONES, SARAH C. AYERS, BELINDA ALOO (?) & AUSTIN JONES.
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 57
  • Signed November 30, 1861
  • Probated December 6, 1862
  • He devises to everything to his wife, MARIA, in fee simple.
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 57
  • Signed November 5, 1862
  • Probated November 26, 1863
  • She devises to Captain R. W. MERRILL & his wife ELLEN B., for time of their natural life, and ½ NE ¼ SE ¼ Sec. 31, Town 9S R 4E, also all her other estate to same parties-at their death all goes to her mother, ESTER STRATTON if then alive, if not, the said property to go to OLIVE CHOPIN, sister of CORDELIA.
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 59
  • Signed November 30, 1861
  • Probated December 6, 1862
  • He devises to his wife, the farm of 40 acres during her natural life, then to go to his legal heirs, Wife CATHERINE JONES.
  • 76.  JOHN MARTIN
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 62
  • Signed December 4, 1862
  • Probated January 2, 1863
  • Devises to his wife, in lieu of dower, E ½ SW ¼ N ¼ W ¼ Sec. 30, Town 9S R 2E, of 120 acres, more or less, during the term of her natural life, then to DRIA, ELIZABETH MARHA ANN, MATILDA, SARAH JANE MARTIN, & their heirs.
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 65
  • Signed July 26, 1862
  • Probated January 24, 1863
  • Devises to his son, SIMMONS S. MOORE, SW ¼ Sec. 28 of 25 acres, lying between ROBERT POWERS and LOVINA HOYTS in York Township. Being the farm on which she now lives.
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 67
  • He devised no land.
  • 79.   LEONARD PROCTOR of Gorham Township
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 70
  • Signed February 6, 1853
  • Probated March 16, 1863
  • Devises to his wife, LORAIN, in lieu of dower, the 70 acres of W ½ SW ¼ Sec. 14 in T 9S, R 1W, during her natural life, being the home farm, and at her death, it goes to HENRY PROCTOR and SARAH M. LOVELACE.
  • 80.  CORNELIUS BRINK of Gorham Township
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 70
  • Signed December 13, 1853
  • Probated May 2, 1863
  • He devises to his wife (HANNAH) all his property, during her natural life, and in lieu of a dower, and at her death, the said property goes to JAMES BRINK & JOHN L. BRINK.
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 77
  • Signed August 3, 1863
  • Probated September 26, 1863
  • Devises all his property to his sons; JESSE, MADDISON, DAVID & RANDOLPH.
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 84
  • Signed November 10, 1863
  • Probated December 11, 1863
  • Devises to his wife, MARY B., all his estate, in fee simple.
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 88
  • Signed November 14, 1863
  • Probated January 12, 1864
  • He devises to his wife, CYNTHIA, in lieu of dower, his farm on which they reside, S ¼ S ¼ NE ¼ Sec. 25 in Town 7N R 6E.
  • 84.   MARILLA A. ROYCE of Clinton Township
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 91
  • Signed November 22, 1860
  • Probated January 12, 1864
  • Devises to her husband, JOS. L. ROYCE, her farm of 80 acres, being of S ½ NE ¼ Sec. 21 Town 7E R 6E.
  • 85. LEWIS KEMP
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 93
  • Signed July 17, 1862
  • Probated January 20, 1864
  • Devises to the children of his daughter, MARY, the wife of JAMES MACKLEY, all his estate.
  • Recorded in Volume 2, page 96
  • Signed May 2, 1863
  • Probated January 25, 1864
  • He devises to his wife in lieu of a dower, sufficient of the proceeds of the farm on which we now reside for her maintenance during her life. The farm being NE ¼ NE ¼ Sec. 4 in Town 7N Range 5E, also 10 acres in Sec. 33 in T 8N R 5E, is to be the property of my son, GEORGE GEHRING, on his paying my children, ELIZABETH, MARY, JOHN, JACOB, FANNY, SUSANNA, ROSILIA, SAMUEL & DANIEL GEHRING $700 in all and $300 to my wife.
  • Recorded in 14 of Deeds on page 107
  • Probated in Washington, D.C. July 25, 1863
  • He devises all his property to his wife, SALLY CARROLL.
  • **Remarks- there were several persons named CARROLL who bought up large amounts of land from the US Government during 1834-38, and this was resold in small farm lots after being surveyed. This man is mentioned with Charles Carroll, in land records of Dover Twp. NW ¼ Sec. 5, Town 10, S, Range 2E, page 39, and Dover Twp. purchase of summer 1836 and other records in Fulton Co. land purchase.
  • 88.  JOHN B. ROOSE (see entry #54)
  • Repeated in Volume 3, page 1
  • Born August 4, 1791 in Duchess Co., NY
  • Died August 26, 1859
  • Married ELIZABETH BENNER d. 1872
  • There were other children besides George W. Roose, who was mentioned in the will.
  • 89.   NATHAN W. PRAY (see entry #60)
  • Repeated in Volume 3, page 3
  • Probated 2nd time on August 24, 1864
  • This will is worded differently and the estate at death of his wife, JANE C. PRAY is then to go to the children of JOHN & AARON CLOUGH, his wife's brother. Other names that appear in the will are: brothers and sisters POLLY BUOYINGTON, GEORGE O. PRAY, BETSEY GARRISON, GENEVA PULER, OSMAN O. PRAY, MILES S. PRAY, and LYDIA SPARKS.
    Volume 3 to 1875
    Wauseon, Fulton County, Ohio
     In the recording of records, in this will it is mentioned that the court house at Ottokee burned the night of July 15, 1864, and it was necessary to recopy and
    record a 2nd time. Some of these  wills given here,  were necessarily again
    copied in the new book, No. 3 for Probate. .
  • 90.  AARON THOMPSON of German Township
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 4
  • Dated March 4, 1864
  • Probated August 16, 1864
  • Witnessed by JAMES THOMPSON, his brother, to whom he devised the farm of 28 acres.
  • 91.  DAVID MACK of Fulton Township
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 5
  • Dated September 7, 1855
  • Probated July 20, 1864
  • Devises to his wife in lieu of her dower, the farm of 80 acres, during her natural life, and at her death the said farm to go to "My Son JAMES MACK".
  • **Remarks- David is buried in the old Delta Cemetery and was 70 years of age in the 1860 Census. He died July 19, 1864 and born in Ireland. His wife Mary died 1872, age 67 yrs.
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 7
  • Signed April 14, 1864
  • Probated August 31, 1864 (original destroyed in fire)
  • Executor ISRAEL MATTERN of Gorham Township
  • Notes from will:
  • DANIEL SCHLOTMAN (not David), b. NY 1790
  • Wife: CHRISTENA d. June 8, 1881 age 87 yrs 9m 8dy
  • Mentioned in the will- grandson Noah Leist (b. July 9, 1846 d. 1942), Son JACOB SCHLOTMAN 1/5 part, Son BENJAMIN SCHLOTMAN 1/5 part, Dau MARY SCHLOTMAN 1/5 part (husband was WM. WOLLACE), Dau ELIZABETH SCHLOTMAN 1/5 part, Dau LOVINA SCHLOTMAN (m. SAMUEL LEIST.
  • Family burials are in the Fayette, OH Cemetery
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 9 (repeat)
  • Signed December 13, 1853
  • Probated December 11, 1863
  • Witnesses by: Almon I. Rice & A.M. Flickinger
  • Mentions his wife, HANNAH, and son, JAMES BRINK, & grandson JOHN L. BRINK, and son JACOB BRINK, deceased (d. November 2, 1853, aged 29 yrs, and had received his share before his death).
  • 94. DANIEL CASE of Brownsville, Jefferson Co., NY
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 10
  • Signed May 29, 1859
  • Probated March 26, 1862 in Jefferson Co., NY
  • Executrix Nancy Case
  • Mentions his wife, NANCY, and the children to share alike at her death (not named)
  • 95. SUSAN SMITH of Royalton Township
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 11 (repeat)
  • Probated December 23, 1858
  • Executors Nathaniel & Emeline Ketchum
  • Daughter EMELINE KETCHUM to have the farm during her lifetime, and then at her death, said farm to go to the granddaughter MARY KETCHUM.
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 13 (repeat)
  • Signed December 24, 1855
  • Executor John Smith
  • Mention these heirs: son FREDERICK and heirs, dau CHRISTINA wife of FREDERICK METZGER and her 7 children, dau LOUISA BRONGER, dau FREDERICKA SCHMITT, WILHELMINA BAUER or BOWER, and dau DOROTHY SCHMITT. Grandson WILLIAM SCHMITT and son-in-law ERNEST BAUER
  • **Remarks- Godfrid Schmitt is buried in Swanton Cemetery and states on stone he was b. April 11, 1781, d. December 1, 1857
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 15 (repeat)
  • Signed April 21, 1861
  • Died November 1, 1861 (age 62 yrs., 5 mos., 18 days)
  • Executors: William & Lewis Fashbaugh (sons of Peter)
  • In the will he mentioned his wife, ELIZABETH, and these children:
  • Sons: WILLIAMS and LEWIS
  • 98. HENRY MEECH of Cayuga Co., NY (see entry #1)
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 18, on December 20, 1864 in Fulton Co., OH
  • Signed October 20, 1848 by Jacob R. How of Surrogate Court.
  • Probated November 1, 1864
  • Submitted by S.T. Snow of Gorham Twp, Fulton Co., OH
  • Executor: DeWITT C. MEECH
  • HENRY MEECH, late of town of Brutus, N.Y. died on August 30, 1848. Left the heirs and next of kin of son HENRY B. MEECH of Brutus, NY, son EPHRAIM MEECH and CHARLES MEECH and daughters EMILY RAYNER wife of JOHN, EUNICE MEECH of Ingham Co. NY and ANN FELLOWS, wife of NATHAN FELLOWS, of Lenawee Co., MI and other heirs and a widow, SUSANNAH MEECH of Brutus, NY. HENRY B. MEECH, being a minor, is to be given a guardian. Page 24 states that DEWITT and HENRY BENSON are to have land owned in LaRoy, Ingham Co., MI. A son, AARON MEECH is also mentioned. SPENCER SNOW of Gorham Twp, Fulton Co., OH is to pay HARRIET SNOW and ANN ELIZA SNOW, and to ABIGAIL SNOW, of said heir, when they become of age.
  • 99. JAMES S. WADSWORTH of Genesee Co., Livingston, NY
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 27
  • Dated May 10, 1856
  • First codicil was signed on November 25, 1855
  • Another codicil was signed on July 8, 1862 in Washington, DC
  • Executors: Charles F. Wadsworth and Martin Brimmer, who appeared in court, Livingston Co, NY on May 23, 1864
  • JAMES S. WADSWORTH mentions he owns about 24,000 acres of land in Northwestern Ohio (purchased from the US government in 1836).
  • Mentioned in the will: My sons CHARLES F. WADWORTH, CARIG W. WADSWORTH and nephew, MARTIN BRIMMER, executors, …they to erect a library at Genesee, NY. Mentions "my friend" ADDISON FITZHUGH. My wife, MARY C.W. WADWWORTH, to have the home she received from her father's will deeded January 11, 1837. She is also to have the home and large library in New York City. He mentions other children: son JAMES WADSWORTH JR., and daughters CORNLIA and NANCY and ELIZABETH. CORNELIA to receive $60,000 and her husband is MONTGOMERY RITCHIE, of the firm Ritchie & Fitzhugh of New York City. JAMES mentions land in various localities, formerly belonging to WILLIAM A. WADSWORTH and LIVINGSTON WADSWORTH and HERBERT WADSWORTH, infant children of WM. W. WADSWORTH. He mentions their mother EMELINE and infant children CHARLES and JAMES of ELIZABETH WADSWORTH MURRY.
  • The encyclopedias state that JAMES SAMPSON WADSWORTH was a son of JAMES WADSWORTH & NAOMI WILCOTT. JAMES S. WADSWORTH was born October 30, 1807 and died from wounds received in the Civil War on May 8, 1864. He married MARY CRAIG WHARTON of Phila, on May 11, 1834. He was survived by 6 children, etc. His family had been noted educators for several generations.
  • 100.JONAH MILLER of Chesterfield Township
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 38
  • Dated July 15, 1864
  • Probated August 29, 1864
  • He mentions his wife, ABIGAIL, all his personal property and real estate.
  • 101.HENRY C. CAMP of Pike Township
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 40
  • Signed July 12, 1864
  • Probated September 23, 1864
  • Witnessed by WM P. COWAN and WM RAMSEY
  • Devises to his wife, SOPHIA, their home farm in Pike Twp, during her natural life.
  • **Remarks- Dates in Delta Greenlawn Cemetery state he was born 1824, died 1864.SOPHIA 1830-1884 also stones for ALONZO CAMP 1852-1872 and HILLIARD D. CAMP 1861-1935.
  • 102.NATHAN GAY
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 42
  • Signed September 5, 1864
  • Probated October 3, 1864
  • Witnessed by: C. C. RIDDLE, WM. McCASKEY and HARRY GAY
  • Produced in court by MICHAEL POORMAN
  • Mentions son HIRAM GAY, in the war, has wife ELIZABETH and a child, sons DELOS and JAMES D. GAY, daughter MARIETTA CHATFIELD, and wife, NANCY GAY. Thehome farm being located on the north side of the old Angola Road.
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 44
  • Dated March 22, 1859
  • Probated November 21, 1864
  • Witnessed by: CALVIN COLT, & JOHN S. JONES
  • Executors: wife, HARRIET, and NATHANIEL LEGGETT
  • Devises to his wife, HARRIET WILLIAMS, the SW ¼, & SW ¼ & SE ½ Town 7N, Sec. 7, Range 8E, during her life time, and at her death, said farm to EDWARD D., & RODERICK WILLIAMS. To daughter NANCY HOUT< HARRIET WAFFLE….
  • 104.DAVID or DANIEL JONES of Fulton Co.
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 46
  • Recorded on October 1, 1862
  • Executive: WILLIAM AYERS of Fulton Co.
  • 105.ANDERSON HUSTEN late of Pickaway Co., OH
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 46
  • Dated March 6, 1854
  • Probated April 26, 1857 (Judge SEYMOUR G. RENICK signed)
  • Recorded at Wauseon, OH on January 21, 1865
  • Witnessed by P.K. HULL and SAMUEL D. TURNEY
  • He mentions land in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, and elsewhere. He mentions THOMAS HOUSTON, my son RENICK HUSTON under age, his guardian JONATHAN RENICK.
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 50
  • Signed March 27, 1862
  • Probated December 2, 1864
  • He gives a long list of land records. Mentions "To my wife MARY all the furniture, household goods, 1 horse, 4 cattle, 12 sheep, and 50 acres of farm land …etc… and in lieu of a dower…the use of the farm until our children become of age.
  • Mentions the following children:
  • Daughter CAROLINE TEDROW to receive $400
  • Daughter EMMA TEDROW is to receive $400
  • Daughter LYDIA ELLEN is to receive $400
  • Daughter MARY BAYES is to receive $400
  • Daughter RACHEL JONES is to receive $400
  • Daughter SARAH I. WELLS is to receive $400
  • Daughter DELILAH HALEY is to receive $400
  • Daughter CATHERINE A ZEIGLER is to receive $400
  • Son JEREMIAH TEDROW to receive $100
  • Son WILLIAM TEDROW to receive $150
  • Heirs of ISAIAH TEDROW, dec'd $100
  • Heirs of ELIZABETH MENDO, dec'd $150
  • **Remarks- ISAAC TEDROW of Dover Twp is buried in the old AYERS Cemetery, SW of Tedrow, and his stone reads: ISAAC TEDROW, d Dec. 16, 1864 age 69 yrs, 10 mos, 14 days. ELIZABETH, wf of ISAAC, d Jan 25, 1856 age 60.
  • WILLIAM TEDROW in Wauseon Cemetery 1832-1909
  • ISAIAH TEDROW in Ayers Cemetery d. March 13, 1857 age 27 yrs, 9 mos.
  • History states that daughter MARY TEDROW, wife of WM W BAYES was born in Somerset Co, PA. Their daughter was ELIZABETH BAYES b 1835 m DAVID AYERS.
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 53
  • Signed February 15, 1864
  • Probated November 29, 1864
  • Witnesses by Wilson Hamilton Buckmaster & Eliza Buckmaster
  • He devises to his wife, MARY, W1/4 NW1/4 sec. 28, T 7N, R 6 E, the farm, as long as she remains his widow. If she remarries or dies, then said land to go to the daughter, MARTHA E. PRICE, who now is under 21. If MARY dies, he nominates his friend, L. S. CARPENTER, the guardian of MARTHA.
  • 108.DANIEL MOHR of Amboy Twp.
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 56
  • Dated December 14, 1864
  • He devises to his wife, MARY CATHARINE MOHR my real & personal estate, and to my daughter, CATHERINE SHUG, $1.00, daughter MARY ELIZABETH MAPLE $1.00 and a dollar to each of my sons: JOHN ADAM MOHR, PETER MOHR, JACOB MOHR & DANIEL MOHR JR.
  • **Remarks- He signed the will in German, and had the will interpreted for him. PETER KOHL, SAMUEL LIPE and PETER HABLE appeared in court on February 25, 1865, saying that DANIEL MOHR was deceased and had been in the U.S. about 21 years. His stone reads 1801-1865 in Dutch Ridge Cem. MARY CATHERINE, his wife, 1802-1881. J. ADAM MOHR b. 1836, d. 1911. PETER b. 1845, d. 1910. JACOB b. 1842, d. 1878, and DANIEL JR. b.1845, d. 1915…See Vol. 1, pg. 193, Reighard's History of Fulton Co. of the MOHR's.
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 57 (repeat from Volume 2, page 37)
  • Dated May 23, 1860
  • Probated October 3, 1860
  • (More information was copied from Volume 2, than was recorded in Volume 3)
  • He mentions having 40 acres, and all household good, 2 cows, 1 calf, 4 hogs, to go to his wife. He mentions the following children:
  • Daughter MARGARET to receive $100.00
  • Son JACOB LEININGER, JR $ 30.00
  • Son MICHAEL $ 6.00
  • Daughter CATHARINE $100.00
  • Son JOHN $ 35.00
  • Son FREDERICK $135.00
  • Son GEORGE $150.00
  • My sons GEORGE & FREDERICK in charge of the farm for their mother, which is to be their property at her death.
  • 110.JOSHUA FASSETT of Swancreek Twp.
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 62
  • Recorded May 7, 1961
  • Executrix is his wife, AMMARILLA
  • He mentions his wife, AMMARILLA, and the farm on which they live of 80 acres, for her use while living and at her death, to be divided between sons, ORVILLE C., EUGENE K., daughters PHILOTA E. & MARY ORPHELIA FASSETT equally. And to my granddaughter MARY ORPHELIA FASSETT…
  • He mentions another farm in Swancreek to be sold and ½ to his wife, and the other to be divided among the children. As ORVILLE O. us under age, and if he dies, his share to go to his sister, PHILOTA, who is also under age.
  • **Remarks- This will is also a repeat. He was from Ontario Co., NY and m. OPHELIA BRYANT and settled in Swancreek, then Lucas Co., OH in 1834. In the old Delta Green Cem. Is a stone reading: JOSHUA FASSETT, d. December 8, 1860 age 59 years. AMARILLA FASSETT (evidently a 2nd wife) d. February 26, 1873, age 65 yrs, 8 mos., 5 days.
  • 111.SAMUEL SHEPHERD of Chesterfiled twp.
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 66
  • Dated April 7, 1862
  • Probated May 8, 1865
  • Executrix, wife VICTORIA SHEPHERD
  • Devised to his wife, VICTORIA A., all the real estate & personal prop., except $25.00 to MARY SEARLS, & sister-in-law HANNAH SHEPHERD, $25.00.
  • 112.JAMES S. MUNION of Swancreek Twp
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 68
  • Dated October 25, 1864
  • Probated May 8, 1865
  • To beloved wife, POLLY, all property, notes, bonds, etc. 2nd son, HENRY MUNION 7 heirs, and my daughter, ELIZABETH TERWILLIGER & heirs.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 73
  • Dated November 23, 1864
  • Probated June 10, 1965
  • Witness by ELIJAH SMITH & A. H. SMITH
  • He devised to MARGARET CRILE, his wife, the farm and all personal property. Farm located W½ SE¼ Sec 25, Town 7N, Range 7E. At her heath or if she remarries, the farm to be divided among my children, she to retain 1/3 during her life time.
  • Recorded Volume 3 page 71
  • Dated November 14, 1863
  • Probated January 1?, 1864
  • Executor ROLLIN FORD
  • Witness by N. MERRILL and ESTHER A. RIGGS
  • …to FRANCES A. LEONARD, my wife's great-granddaughter, when she is 21…to ALBERT HENRY LEONARD, my wife's grandson when he is 21. To my wife CYNTHIA BURDICK the farm and other goods, cattles, etc.
  • Recorded Volume 3 page 75
  • Dated March 23, 1858
  • Recorded November 8, 1962
  • He mentions his wife, ALCINDA, all my estate, real & personal and a lot in the Village of Metamora, OH.
  • Recorded Volume 3 page 77
  • Dated June 10, 1861
  • Probated July 31, 1965
  • He mentions land, and part being sold to ISAAC FEWLAS. He mentions his beloved wife, JULIA A., and his son, LEWIS LEONARD BREWSTER, named for his grandfather, LEWIS BREWSTER.
  • **Remarks- JONAH is buried in the Keen Cemetery, SE of Delta, OH and his age is given as 41 years, with the date of death being June 11, 1861.
  • 117.RUDOLPH SNYDER of Wauseon
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 79
  • Dated August 2, 1862
  • Recorded August 11, 1865
  • Executor JOSEPH DOMITO
  • (In reading over his will, it seems he is going off to war) …if I fail to return to my home, my possessions are to belong to JOSEPH DOMITO.
  • **Remarks- On page 80, the will is entered in court on August 9, 1865, by JACOB FIELDMAN, who states he knew RUDOLPH SNYDER who was about 25 years old at his decease in the service of his country.
  • 118.JEREMIAH EVERHART of York Twp
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 82
  • Signed September 23, 1864
  • Probated June 27, 1865
  • Witness H. SLONE ? & W. C. KELLEY
  • JEREMIAH devised to MOSES EVERHART and SUSAN REPPERD (Ruppert) and their heirs… (being a brother and a sister of JEREMIAH)
  • 119.JOHN KING of York Twp
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 84
  • Signed June 10, 1865
  • Probated October 12, 1865
  • He devises to his wife ELIZABETH KING all property, real and personal, during her natural life and to my son GEORGE WM. KING, $5.00, as he has already received his share. And my wife should make a distribution during her life, or by will, to my other children; JOHN KING, MARY JANE, ELIZABETH, MARTHA ANN and to THOMAS W. KING.
  • **Remarks- There is a fine family record of the KING family in Frank Reighard's Volume 2, page 279, of history of Fulton County, OH.
  • 120.GEORGE SANTEE of Royalton Twp.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 86 (repeat)
  • In the will, he mentions his wife, but not by name (ALMIRA). He mentions 4 children who are to receive the farm to share equally in 108 acres, except the land on which the house and barn stands, is to be for his wife. He wished the daughter, ALMIRA, to care for the mother, unless the widow wishes other arrangements.
  • **Remarks- The court record states GEORGE died 1866, aged 63 years. He is buried in the Lyons, OH cemetery.
  • 121.CHARLES H. CARROLL of Greenland, Co of Livingston, N.Y.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 88
  • Signed July 10, 1865
  • Recorded on December 12, 1865.
  • Executors EDWARD G. FULLER and WM. D. FITSHUGH
  • Witness C. L. BIRHAM and A. CONKLEY
  • He is one of the CARROLL men who bought much land early in Fulton, Co, OH. He wishes to be buried at Williamsburg, N.Y. He mentions the following names in his will:
  • To daughter CORNELIA G. wife of EDWARD P. FULLER, lots 179, 180, 181, 182 183 & 228 on Washington St., city of Rochester, N.Y.
  • To daughter ANNIE E. wife of WILLIAM D. FITSHUGH, 600 acres in town of Greenland, N.Y. near the C. WADSWORTH place.
  • To my sister-in-law, CATHARINE D. VANRANSELLER, to receive $10,000.
  • To my sister, ELIZABETH B. FITZHUGH, $1,000.
  • Niece, ANNIE C. FITZHUGH, to receive $1,500.
  • Nephew, CARROLL VANHANSELLOR, $1,000.
  • My friend & pastor, REV. THOMAS L. FRANKLIN to be given $2,000 and to the Permanent Missionary Fund of the diocese of Western, N.Y. to receive $2,000.
  • To the parish of St. Hown Church at Mt. Marras, to receive $1,000.
  • To AMELIA HAWKINS, a faithful family servant, to be paid $36 during her lifetime, yearly.
  • He mentions 8 grandchildren, now living, the sum of $24,000 to be divided at the age 21 years at the rate of $3,000 to each and their mothers to be their executors.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 93
  • Petitioned to adopt a child, CORA L. ROGERS, age 10 years, on February 3, 1866.
  • Signed by them on November 27, 1865. Both parents of child being deceased.
  • 123.PETER SALSBURY or SALSBERRY of Lucas, Co., OH
  • Recorded Volume 3
  • Dated June 21, 1842
  • Probated November 10, 1846
  • He mentions his wife, MARY ANN SALSBURY, to receive the plantation on which we live, the live stock and all other items…He mentions 10 children, whose names are as follows: DANIEL SALSBURY, JONATHAN SALSBURY, ELIZABETH ALWOOD, LEVI SALSBURY, MARY ANN ALLWOOD, REBECCA VIERS, DAVID SALSBURY, JOSEPH SALSBURY, SARAH COLE, and LYDIA ANN SLAPPI. At the death of the mother, the farm is to become the property of "my son, DAVID".
  • **Remarks- PETER SALSBURY was from Cumberland Co., PA and his farm was bought from the US Government, beginning in October 1835. At various dates, PETER deeded land to his children. The records can be found in Land Records, Vol. 1, Pike Twp.
  • 124.GEORGE GRISIER of German Twp.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 97 (is a repeat)
  • Signed November 14, 1857
  • Probated February 8, 1866
  • Admitted to court March 23, 1852
  • He mentioned their farm in E½ NE¼, Sec. 7, Town 6 N, Range 5 E, for his wife, as long as she remains his widow. Daughter ELIZA is under 21.
  • 125.MARGARET MONTGOMERY of Wauseon
  • Recorded in Volume 3, page 99
  • Probated January 8, 1866
  • Devises to her husband, EDWARD MONTGOMERY, the house and lot in Wauseon, where they live, and all the household good, etc. And at his death, the same to the son, JAMES MONTGOMERY and daughter MARGARET MONTGOMERY, or their heirs.
  • 126. JOHN CLOSE
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 101
  • Signed April 24, 1866
  • Recorded August 25, 1966
  • Witness S. P. BISHOP & W. W. SPENCER
  • He devises to his 2 sons, GEORGE & SAMUEL CLOSE, the farm upon which now they live, of 100 acres, and that wife NANCY to have her support from the farm. Other children were MELVINA CLOSE, to have $500 and son JOHN CLOSE to have $100.
  • 127. SARAH HARLIN  of Hanover Twp., Columbiana Co., OH
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 103
  • Signed June 25, 1863
  • Recorded July 6, 1866 at Ottokee
  • She devises to 2 daughters, MARY wife of ELI WHITMORE and ELIZABETH, the wife of ADAM LONG (deceased) all the household goods and wearing apparel, and to each $30.00 in money. And to sons CHALKLEY, LEWIS, & GEORGE HARLIN who is deceased, his heirs…
  • **Remarks- Page 105 states that SARAH HARLIN, late of Fulton Co., OH died February 19, 1866 and that she was about 60 years of age at the time of her death in Fulton Co.
  • 128. JACQUES GRISIER of German Twp
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 106
  • Signed May 2, 1866
  • Recorded July 21, 1866
  • He devises to his wife, MARGARET all his property, real and personal, during her natural life, and after her death, the same to go to my son, HENRY GRISIER, SUSAN, wife of JOSEPH CLAIR, and LOUISA, the wife of CLAUDE CLAIR…and to son JAMES GRISIER and son FREDERICK GRISIER…
  • **Remarks-JAQUES GRISIER was a son of ANDRE & ELIZABETH GRISIER of the village of Bretigny, in the Dept. of Deaux, Northern France, near the city of Lille. ANDRE & ELIZABETH had 7 children, and all but one, JACOB GRISIER, can to America.
  • 129. THOMAS SANTEE of Mahoning Co., OH
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 108
  • Signed April 10, 1862
  • Probated January 27, 1866 (in Wauseon, OH on June 15, 1866)
  • Executors DELNORA & WM. P. SANTEE
  • He devises to his son, WILLIAM P. SANTEE the balance of 140 acres of the homestead, and to a daughter, DELORMA (SALOME?) 25 acres of land from the homestead farm in Smith Twp. To my daughter MARY JANE EVANS, 40 acres in Smith twp. and 80 acres of land in Fulton Co., OH and to daughter HARRIET MASTEN, 80 acres of land in Fulton Co., OH being E½ of 160 acres.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 110
  • Signed February 2, 1865
  • Recorded May 4, 1966
  • He devises to his wife _____, the farm I lately purchased of RANSOM REYNOLDS in Dover Twp., of 40 acres, and all the household furniture, etc…during her natural life, and at her death the same to go to TRASTUS R. LARNED and his heirs.
  • 131. ANSEL FORD of Fulton Co., OH
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 112
  • Signed November 23, 1858
  • Probated Jan 3, 1959
  • Executor NATHAN SHAW
  • He devises and directs his executor to dispose of all his estate and convert into money and divide the proceeds as follows: 1/3 to DEBORAH FORD, $100 to CHARLES FORD, and to LUCIUS FORD $5.00 and ½ of the balance to be divided between OTIS, AMOS, and FRANKLIN FORD and the balance between CYRUS and HOSEA FORD, ANNA B. SHAW & DELIA RUSSELL.
  • 132. HIRAM WELLS of Wauseon, OH
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 114
  • Signed August 18, 1866
  • Recorded October 8, 1866
  • He mentioned his mother, MARGARET WELLS, to whom his land of 80 acres and personal property should be given.
  • 133. AARON STEDMAN of Amboy Twp.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 117
  • Signed April 2, 1859
  • Recorded December 6, 1866
  • He devises to his wife, ELECTY STEDMAN…the farm on which we live & livestock, etc. Farm being in Sec. 18, Town 9 S. Range 4 E, of about 58 acres.
  • 134. JOHN K. BOWEN of Wauseon, OH
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 119
  • Dated September 28, 1866
  • Recorded October 20/22, 1866
  • He devises to his wife _____, lot no 75 in Livermore's & Munn's addition, and their household goods, etc…the balance of his property to be divided between the 3 children: MARTHA J. BRIGGS, AMANDA CLARK, and GEORGE W. BOWEN
  • 135. EDWARD W. FLUHART of York Twp
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 122
  • Signed November 8, 1866
  • Executor JAMES B. FLOHART (brother)
  • Witness NANCY FLOHART and CYNTHIA D. HAYES, who appeared in court and swear they saw EDWARD FLUHART sign the will)
  • He devises to his son, HARRY D. FLOHART all his personal property, notes and book accounts. My brother JAMES W. FLOHART to be guardian of HARRY, who is under age. HARRY is to receive a good English education.
  • 136. JOSEPH BABCOCK of Fulton Twp
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 124
  • Will dated April 3, 1866
  • Probated December 5, 1866
  • He mentions his wife, HANNAH to receive ½ of the proceeds from the homestead farm, etc… To daughter ELIZABETH, the wife of GEORGE BUNTING…to daughter MARY, the wife of CONRAD KODER…to son ISAAC B. BABCOCK, who is well provided for…to son GEORGE C. BABCOCK, and his heirs…to son JOHN V. BABCOCK…my son ROBERT J. BABCOCK's heirs…
  • 137. NELSON A. SKEELS of York Twp.
  • Recorded in Volume 3, pages 127-129
  • Signed December 14, 1861
  • Probated December 8, 1866
  • Witness C. C. ALLMAN & F. A. PALMER
  • The farm being E¼ W½ SW¼ Sec. 37, T 7N Range 7E, and all my personal property to my wife, ELVINA SKEELS.
  • 138. WILLIAM M. MIDDLETON of Delta, OH
  • Recorded Volume 3, pate 131
  • Signed October 31, 1866
  • Recorded December 18, 1866
  • The records stated he was late of DeKalb Co., IN and he died October 31, 1866. He devises to his eldest son, ISAAC MIDDLETON, $10.00, and my eldest daughter, ELIZABETH REMFRIES $300 and to the second daughter, HESTER ANN NORTON, $300, and to my son JAMES MIDDLETON $10.00, and to my wife, HANNAH MORIA MIDDLETON all the remainder of my property both real and personal, after paying the above legacies.
  • 139. ADAM MILLER of German Twp
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 134
  • Signed November 6, 1866
  • Recorded December 24, 1866
  • Executor, URSULA MILLER (wife)
  • He devises to his wife, URSUL…for her natural life, all his personal property and at her death to be divided among the children: ANNA MILLER, JOHN MILLER, ANDREW MILLER, MARGARET MILLER, URSULA MILLER, GEORGE MILLER, ADAM MILLER JR., and ELIZABETH MILLER, to share alike. But JACOB MILLER is to have $42.00 less than the others and this $42.00 to be divided among the other heirs equally.
  • 140. JACOB HABLE of Amboy Twp
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 136
  • Dated February 25, 1867
  • Recorded February 25, 1867
  • He devises to his wife, MARY ELIZABETH, all his property, real and personal, during her natural life, and at her death, same to be divided among my heirs according to law.
  • 141. EZRA MEAD of Chesterfield Twp
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 138
  • Signed December 17, 1866
  • Recorded April 2, 1867
  • He devised to his wife MARY F. MEAD, the farm on which they lived during her natural life, being 100 acres, or until VELMA E. MEAN shall arrive at the age of 21 years. Also 80 acres in Chesterfield Twp. E½ SE¼ Sec. 24 until my son EDGAR A. MEAD shall become of age. Also 80 acres in Royalton W ¼ SW ¼ Sec. 19, until my son OSCAR J. MEAD shall become of age. Also to MARY F. MEAD, all the household goods, and he mentions other farmland for his sons at age 21. He appoints his wife the guardian of the children.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 141
  • Signed May 4, 1867
  • Recorded May 21, 1867
  • He devises to his wife, MARY JANE the farm on which they live in Fulton Twp. and at her death it is to go to AMANDA E. BURNHAM, wife of NICHOLAS HARDEN, and to THOMAS E. BURNHAM JR. and to MARIA VIOLA BURNHAM, to DANIEL C. BURNHAM, and IDA LUCIA BURNHAM. Their mother to be the guardians of the minor children.
  • 143. JESSE SMITH of Amboy Twp.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 144
  • Dated March 15, 1867
  • Recorded June 1, 1867
  • He devised to his wife, MARTHA SMITH, all his property, both real and personal, during her life and at her death, to her heirs.
  • 144. WILLIAM FOUTY of York Twp.
  • Recorded Volume 3, pate 146
  • Dated June 22, 1857
  • Recorded August 14, 1857 (at Ottokee)
  • Executor JOEL FOUTY
  • He names the following, most of them receiving 14 acres of land: To my children: REBECCA CHAMBERLIN, STEPHEN FOUTY, CYRUS FOUTY, JOHN FOUTY, SPENCER FOUTY, WM. P. FOUTY, and he mentions son JOEL FOUTY and daughter PRISCILLA FOUTY (some of the children being under age). He mentions his youngest children PLASEY JANE FOUTY and FRANCOIS MARION FOUTY.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 150
  • Signed June 4, 1867
  • Probated June 22, 1867 (note says see Volume 12, page 564 of Wills)
  • He mentions farm located S½ W¼ NW¼ Sec. 7, Town 6N, Range 6E of 48 acres, to go to his wife during her lifetime, will all personal property, and then to son DANIEL SHINEMAN JR.
  • 146. MARILLA A. ROYCE of Clinton Twp
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 152
  • Dated November 27, 1860
  • Probated January 12, 1864 and February 6, 1864
  • She devised to her husband, the farm located S½ NE¼ Sec. 21 Town 7N Range 6E of 80 acres.
  • 147. GABRIEL BARNHILL of the city of Washington D.C.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 154
  • Dated May 21, 1858
  • Probated October 10, 1867
  • Executors JOHN N. BARTLETT (son-in-law) and MARY M. HART (stepdaughter)
  • Witness W. H. LOWRY and JOSEPH E. POTTS
  • He devised to my daughter LOUISA, wife of JOHN N. BARTLETT, and my stepdaughter, MARY M. HART, an equal interest in all the real estate and in the personal property.
  • **Remarks- Will was produced in court by DAVID AYERS, and recorded at Ottokee on October 10, 1867, being recorded in Washington D.C. on April 13, 1867 by JAS. R. O. BIERNE.
  • 148. JAMES W. RAGAN of Springhill
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 156
  • Signed April 11, 1867
  • Recorded October 10. 1867
  • He devises to his wife, SAMATHA, all my property and possessions in Springhill, Fulton Co., OH.
  • 149. HOSEA FORD of Gorham Twp
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 158
  • Signed September 25, 1867
  • Admitted to court October 25, 1867
  • Executor JARED PARKER
  • Hosea devised his farm, during her natural life, but if she remarried, she should bequeath the farm S½ S¾ NW½ Sec. 27, Range 12, Town 8E, etc, to my son LEWIS W. FORD when he arrives at age 21 years and to my 2 sons, AMEEL S. FORD and AUSTIN K. FORD, $1,000 to each, and to VESTA BARBACER, my daughter, $100 and the balance arriving from the sale of said lands to be equally divided among my 3 daughters as follows: LOUISA M. FORD, LAURA A. FORD and DEBORAH T. FORD, and when LEWIS W. FORD shall be 21…my son, HORACE W. FORD and to my wife _____.
  • **Remarks-On November 1, 1867, the widow JEMINA FORD (maiden names BATES) appeared in court.
  • 150. NATHANIEL PARSONS of Chesterfield Twp.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 162
  • Dated October 30, 1852
  • Resubmitted in court on October 28, 1867 by administrator of will, GARNER WILBETT
  • He devised to his wife, the rent and profits from the home farm and at her death, the farm then to go to "my grandson", WILLIAM HENRY PARSONS, who is now under 21 years. He mentioned a daughter, MARY PARSONS, but does not give his wife's name.
  • 151. JOHN SALTZGABER of Gorham Twp
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 165
  • Signed September 26, 1867
  • Witness J. O. ALLEN and ISREAL MATTERN
  • He devised to his wife, SOPHIA, the farm on which they resided, being in Sec. 19, Gorham Twp. containing 74.6 acres, during her natural life, and all the personal property, and at her death, the same shall be divided between: My daughter MARGARET EMMERICK to be given 1/9 part less $30.00, My son JONATHAN SALTZGARBER to be given 1/9 part, My daughter HENRIETTA BRINK to be given 1/9 part, My son JOHN SALTZGARBER to be given 1/9 part, My daughter MARY COLEMAN to be given 1/9 part, My daughter SARAH ANN SALTZGARBER to be given 1/9 part, My son GEORGE SALTZGARBER to be given 1/9 part, My son WILLIAM S. SALTZGARBER to be given 1/9 part, My daughter MATILDA SALTZGARBER to be given 1/9 part
  • **Remarks-Will was sworn to OLIVER VERITY on November 11, 1867.
  • 152. EPHRAIM HINKLE of Royalton Twp.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 168
  • Dated November 3, 1867
  • Probated November 25, 1867
  • Executor WARREN J. MOWRY
  • He mentions his wife, MARY S. and a daughter MARY, and a son, STEPHEN EDGAR HINKLE, who is under 21 years. He mentions the farm being in Sec. 16, Town 9 S, Range 3 E. The farm to belong to STEPHEN E. HINKLE at the death of the mother, but if STEPHEN died without heirs, then said farm to be divided among the living children.
  • 153. HIRAM PRATT BARLOW of Pike Twp.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 176
  • Dated August 5, 1863
  • Probated March 11, 1868
  • He devises to his wife, MARTHA, all that the law of the State of Ohio will allow her, and to my son, BRADFORD BARLOW and my son, MELVIN BARLOW…1/2 of all real and personal property, to be divided equally after deducting $200 to which I bequeath to the Baptist Church…and to my daughters, OLIVE CUMMING, SOPHIA ELY and MARY BARLOW, the remaining ½ of all my real and personal property. He also willed money to the treasurer of the Baptist Missionary Society at Boston, Mass.
  • 154. GEORGE GEHRING of German Twp.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 176
  • Dated May 2, 1863
  • Recorded January 25, 1864
  • He devises to his wife, the home farm during her natural life, and after her death, for son GEORGE GEHRING, on which we now life, -etc., located in Section 4, Town 7N Range 5E. He to pay the balance of the children $1,000 less $300, as the $300 & $10 be divided between BARBARA GEHRING and ANNA STACY. The other children named are: 1. ELIZABETH, 2. MARY, 3. JOHN, 4. JACOB, 5. FANNY, 6. SUSANNAH, 7. BOSILLA, 8. SAMUEL, and 9. DANIEL GEHRING.
  • 155. SAMUEL P. and LYDIA A. RODKEY
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 177
  • Recorded June 12, 1868
  • Concerning the adoption of minor child, FRANK M. FOSTER, aged 4 months, March 27, 1868, and child's name to be changed to SAMUEL P. RODKEY. The child belonging to SARAH FOSTER, father was WILLIAM FOSTER, who deserted his wife and child on August 2, 1867, and since the desertion, said WILLIAM FOSTER has been living in adultery with ANN ADKINS. Mother signs.
  • 156. WILLIAM H. HIGHSHEW and NANCY A. his wife
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 179
  • Signed February 28, 1868
  • Recorded on July 20, 1868
  • In the matter of the adoption of CHARLES EDWIN ESKRIDGE, infant son of MARY ESKRIDGE, aged 5 months on July 1, 1868. His name to be changed to CHARLES EDWIN HIGRSHEW. Father of said child was CHARLES EDWIN ESKRIDGE. Mother MARY E. ESKRIDGE of Napoleon, OH, gives her consent for the adoption.
  • 157. JACOB TOMM makes his "X" mark
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 181
  • Signed June 16, 1868
  • Recorded July 20, 1868
  • Witnesses WM. B. COWAN and ANTHONY DINIUS
  • He devises to his wife, (ELIZABETH) TOMM, in lieu of her dowry, the farm on which they reside, during her natural life, located NE of E½ NW½ Section 2 Town tN, Range E,…in Pike Twp.
  • 158. THOMAS WATKINS of Fulton Twp.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 183
  • Signed _______________
  • Dated September 3, 1868
  • Recorded October 2, 1868
  • Certified November 20, 1868
  • Witnesses A. J. ALLMAN and L. H. UPHAM
  • He devises to his wife, JOANNA WATKINS, all his estate, real and personal, after spending $500 for their marker.
  • 159. JOHN NIXON of Fulton Twp.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 185
  • Dated September 3, 1868
  • Recorded November 20, 1868
  • Executor THOMPSON TODD
  • He devises to his wife, MARY, their farm in York Twp. and all livestock, furniture, etc.; after her death ½ of real and personal property to "My sister's son, HENRY C. HART of Beaver Co., PA, and his heirs.
  • 160. WILLIAM S. BECKMAN and wife, HENRIETTA C.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 187
  • Recorded October 22, 1868
  • Legal Guardian JAMES L. VERITY of Ottokee
  • Wish to adopt a female child, ADA L. BLAKER, infant daughter of BELINDA BLAKER, who is now aged 1 year, 8 months on past October 4, 1868. Child's name to be changed to ADA LOUISA BECKMAN (BECKHAM). Father of child is unknown.
  • 161. JOHN H. HICKS of city of New York, merchant
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 189
  • Signed June 6, 1855
  • Sworn before JNO. A. PATTON, surrogate, November 13, 1857
  • Recorded January 14, 1869 in Fulton County, OH
  • Executor EDWARD F. SANDERSON (brother-in-law) and FRANCES HICKS (my wife)
  • Witnesses JNO A. PANTON of 61 Wall St., NY city and
  • JASPER F. SEAMAN of 243 9th Ave, NY city
  • (Will copy covers several pages) He devises to his wife, FRANCES HICKS, all the household goods and wearing apparel, also the next income and interest of all the estate and real and personal property, during her natural life time, and the balance remaining, to be divided among the living children, or their heirs (only one child is named, SAMUEL HICKS), each child to share and share alike.
  • 162. MARTHA WHITMER of Swancreek Twp.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 196
  • Dated September 6, 1867 (someone other than MARTHA dated it)
  • Probated December 28, 1867
  • Sworn at court January 28, 1869
  • Executor SOCRATES P. CATELY of Swancreek Twp.
  • Witnesses D.W. ALLWOOD and SARAH C. GROVER
  • She devises to her sister-in-law, MARY JANE WHITMER, widow of my brother, JACOB, $10…and to MARY ANN, daughter of my brother RUDOLPH WHITMER, $100. To brother RUDOLPH WHITMER, my personal property, whatever it may be.
  • 163. FREEMAN COFFIN of Gorham Twp.
  • Recorded Volume 3, page 196
  • Dated June 15, 1854
  • Probated August 5, 1854
  • Administrator GEORGE W. COFFIN (son)
  • He devises to his wife, HANNAH COFFIN, all the household goods and 1/3 of my real estate as long as she remains my widow, excepting $200 I reserve for ELLEN, and to my son GEORGE W. COFFIN, 2/3 of my real estate now, and after the death of his mother, to have all the real estate, and to ELLEN COFFIN, the use of the house as long as she is single. He mentions a daughter GOZAMON FILLAR.
  • 164. JOHN FASHBAUGH of Fulton Twp. (this is a repeat)
  • Volume 3, page 198
  • Signed September 2, 1856
  • Recorded January 19, 1859 at Ottokee by C. R. Verity
  • Filed at court on September 1, 1859
  • He devises to his wife, ELIZABETH our farm of 160 acres, with all livestock, etc. Sons, JOHN C. FASHBAUGH, ELI P. FASHBAUGH, 3rd son DANIEL W. FASHBAUGH, 4th son JACOB B. FASHBAUGH, and 2 grandchildren under 14, MARY ANN FRAKER and ELIZABETH ANN FRAKER.

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