The following article was extracted from the 31 Dec 1879 issue
of The Cleveland Plain Dealer by Ken Stafford and proofed by Pat Stafford.
The time-honored custom of making New Year's calls bids fair to be even more generally observed to-morrow throughout the United States than usual. It is a fashion which is neither old enough to call for a history of its origin nor new enough to require explanation. The beginning of a new year is recognized as an opportune time to renew old friendships and form fresh ones. In some places it is a practice to make New Year's day a time for revising acquaintance and the gentleman or lady's circle of friends for the ensuing year is circumscribed by the calls or cards received-for where time or inclination prevents a call the card is sent. An omission is taken as a hint of a wish to discontinue acquaintance. The custom, however, does not generally take on such importance but the caller exchanges the compliments of the season in a brief visit at as many places as is convenient and the failure to call upon a friend seldom implies any significance further than the inability to make the entire circuit of friends. We have been at no little pains to compile a list of the ladies of Cleveland who will "receive" tomorrow and we herewith present it as complete as we have been able to make it. The publishing in the newspaper of such lists is a matter of no little convenience to all concerned, as the callers are enabled by them to map out their routes for the day, while the absence of a lady's name from the list is an indication that she is not "at home."
Mrs. Dr. Cleveland Newberry, assisted by Miss Keith and Miss Ella Rees, at No. 16.
Mrs. Charles Balfour, assisted by her daughters, the Misses Louise and Alice Hudson: Miss Nellie Mudge, Miss Carrie E. Farnsworth, Miss Lydia Stacy, Miss Mary Wetzel, Miss Carrie E. Smith, Miss Florence Van Wagner, of New York, and Miss Katie Stanton, of Elyria, at No. 183.
Mrs. A. W. Morgan, assisted by A. A. Jackson, Mrs. C. J. Morgan, Miss Kate Brown and Miss Carrie Morgan, at No. 2120.
Mrs. William P.. Dutton, assisted by her daughter Mrs. E. J. Bagnall and Miss Nina Mendenhall, of Randolph, Ohio, at No. 205.
Mrs. J. C. Fitzpatrick, assisted by Mesdames J. A. Cleveland, W. P. Horton, jr., Wallace Wright, Misses Josie Cody, May Palmer and Julie Thompson, at No. 1153, near Willson avenue.
Mrs. Thomas Quayle, assisted by Miss Annie Coley and Miss Julia Smithnight.
Mrs. H. W. Bill, at No. 263. Mrs. Roy, at No. 59.
Mrs. Thomas Simmons, assisted by Mrs. Frank Brewster, Mrs. R. T. Simmons, Misses Jennie Pattison, Carrie Simmons, Hattie Shephard, at No. 134.
Mrs. L. Dautel, assisted by Miss L. Rickney of Steubenville, at No. 36.
Mrs. I. H. Amos, assisted by Miss Lucretia Wright, Miss Lizzie Craig and Miss Mary Tubbs, at No. 10.
Miss Ida Coon, assisted by Minnie Ross, Mrs. M. F. Powers, Misses Addie Ramsdell, Kate VanNess, Mrs. W. A. Price, at No. 471.Miss May VanWie, assisted by Misses Ella Phillips, Lena Field and Maggie Wortman, at No. 99. Mrs. O. C. Whitney, assisted by her daughters, Miss Cornie and Mrs. F. L. Raymond, and Mrs. Judge Woodbury, Miss Jennie Woodbury, Jefferson; Mrs. Louis Pope, Chagrin Falls,; Miss Nellie Bierce, Warren; Miss Cal McClure, Youngstown; Miss Alice Barr, Pitsburgh; Mrs. S. C. Ford, Misses Lucy Hayt, Clara Cadwell, Pauline Wamelink, city, at No. 494.
Miss Emma May, of Napoleon, with Miss Tillie Amos, at No. 58.
Mrs. J. M. Booth, assisted by Mrs. Earl Herrick and Mrs. Shelton, of Dunkirk, New York, at No. 36.Mrs. Eliza Radcliffe, assisted by Louisa Christian, at No. 87.
Mrs. O. Wilke, at No. 9.
Mrs. L. A. Benton assisted by Miss Carrie Benton, Mrs. Cowen, Miss Hayward and Mrs. J. F. Isham, at No. 16.
Mrs. M. L. Fouts, assisted by Misses Julia Lathrop and Lou Eddy, No. 25.
Mrs. John Bousfield, assisted by Mrs. H. H. Darby and Miss and Mrs. A. E. Bousfield, of Bay City, Mich., No. 74.Mrs. G. W. Merrill, assisted by Mrs. J. W. Treadway, Mrs. W. Crowell and Miss Louise Merrill, No. 114. Mrs. J. F. Pankhurst, assisted by Mrs. H. A. Wright, Mrs. H. L. Taylor, Mrs. Colonel Frank Lynch and Miss Birdie Hale, No. 79. Mrs. Shotter, assisted by Misses Shotter, No. 186.
Mrs. Charlotte Dodge and Miss Clara B. Gedge, at No. 197.Mrs. J. T. Wilson, assisted by the Misses May Remington, Hattie Lynde, Nellie Shailor, Bessie West and Mariett Packard, at No. 185.
Miss Polly Bright, assisted by Miss Ella M. Jones, No. 89.
Rev. and Mrs. George Thomas Dowling, No. 623.
Misses Mary and Theresa Conoly, assisted by Mrs. Lizzie Freeman, Misses Phillips, Flood, Lizzie Burns, Clara Burns, Sue Brady and Maggie Connor, at No. 274 �.
Mrs. E. J. Latimer, assisted by Mrs. J. D. Cox, Mrs. A. J. Benson, of Kalamazoo, Mich., Miss Lettie Prentiss and Miss Kate Dodge, at No. 620.Mrs. George C. Dodge, assisted by Mrs. A. M. Buell, Miss Lulu Buell, and Miss Webb, of Syracuse, N. Y., at No. 570. Mrs. T. S. Beckwith, assisted by Mrs. W. E. Knight and Miss Fannie Beckwith, at No. 974. Mrs. M. S. Carey, assisted by her daughter,(Paper was cut at this point, next 6 lines not legible) Mrs. George A. Stanley, assisted by Miss Jennie Foote, at No. 502. Mrs. Margaret H. Root, assisted by Miss Helen Judd and Miss Jessie Williams, at No. 1260. Mrs. George Hoyt, assisted by Mesdames E. B. Hale, George Worthington, Eugene Cowles, George Wick, George S. Russell, Clark I. Butts, Ralph Worthington, Willis B. Hale, the Misses Bissell, Josie Mason, Emma Russell and Lillie Smith of Albany, at 843. Mrs. T. A. Kelley, assisted by Miss Latham of Indianapolis, Misses Perkins of Warren, Misses Harbaugh and Farley of Pittsburgh, Mrs. R. K. Paige of Painesville, Mrs. Willard Haldeman of Bradford, Mesdames D. B. Wick, J. D. Ketchum, L. M. Coe, R. T. VanEpps, A. A. Pope, Sterling Streator, Judson Brooks, E. N. Morgan, J. G. Hower, Lunford Haldeman, George Gibson, Charles Corning, Misses Cobb, Spencer and Hower, at No. 1246. Mrs. J. F. Clark, assisted by Mrs. W. S. Tyler, Mrs. H. B. DeWolf and Misses Anna Clark, Murfey, Mary Begges, Griffiths and Waller, at No. 552. MRS. R. k. Winslow, assisted by Miss Annie Winslow, Miss Lela Painter, Miss Nettie Sterling, Mrs. W. G. Winslow of Buffalo, and the Misses Younglove, at No. 714. Mrs. Dr. E. Sterling, assisted by her daughters, the Misses Agnes and Mollie Sterling, and Miss Nellie Otis, at No. 427. Mrs. T. D. Crocker, assisted by Miss Virginia F. Townsend, of New York City, Miss Mamie E. Holmes of Alliance, Mrs. Horace F. Tuttle and Mrs. T. M. Irvine, at No. 836. Mrs. J. H. Wade, assisted by Mrs. Judge Jones, Mrs. Orrin Backus, Mrs. Fleming and Miss Emma Cooper, of Minnesota, at No. 996. Miss Sarah R. Marshall, Mrs. A. S. Houk and Mrs. W. F. Hinman, at No. 965. Mrs. Henry Chisholm, assisted by Mrs. A. T. Osburn, Mrs. S. H. Chisholm and Miss Laura Kelley, at No. 408. Mrs. A. C. Armstrong, assisted by her daughter, Miss Nina Armstrong, and the Misses Simonds, of Warehouse Point, Conn., and Miss Julia Castle, at No. 879. Mrs. T. S. Beckwith, assisted by Mrs. W. E. Knight and Miss Fannie Beckwith, at No. 974. Miss Nellie Lyon, assisted by Miss Anna Robertson, Miss Annie McKee, Miss Hattie Ford and Miss Nellie Rouse, at No. 501. Mrs. E. S. Root, assisted by Miss Margaret H. Root, Miss Helen Judd and Miss Jessie Williams, at No. 1260. Mrs. Alexander Sacket, Assisted by her daughters, Mrs. V. C. Taylor, Misses Hattie and Ellie Sacket, and Miss Ella Hubby, at No. 1353. Mrs. S. C. Smith, assisted by her daughters, Misses Carrie and Annie, Mrs. E. L. Hinman and Miss Ella Hinman, of Columbus, Mrs. Malcolm Vilas, Miss Sarah Smith, Miss Hattie Stager, at No. 721. Mrs. A. J. Waters, assisted by Mrs. Dr. Ross C. Houghton, Mrs. H. T. Hower, Mrs. George W. Wright, Mrs. E. A. Wilson, and Miss Mary Bayles, of Urbana, O., at No, 1719. Miss Ida A. Waters, assisted by Miss Mary Hatch, Misses Laura and Cora Hower, and Miss Humbel, of Buffalo, at No. 1719.
Misses Flora and Cora E. Locke, at No. 265.
Mrs. Gabriel, assisted by Miss Theresa Kelley, Mesdames H. Orland, A. Moser, G. Aplin, L. Mott, A. Price, C. G. Davis, J. T. Sargent, E. C. Green, H. McClelland, Misses Rose and Lillie Silcott, Rose Gabriel, Winnie Vance, Blanche Sargent and Edith Moser, at No. 397.
Miss Cora E. Foote, assisted by Miss Emma Shipman and the Misses Minerva, Carrie and Nettie Wagar, of East Rockport, at No. 341.Mrs. Dr. D. M. Caldwell, assisted by Miss Ada Osborn, of Painesville, at No. 221. Mrs. J. H. Griffith, assisted by Mrs. Dr. F. Weed, at No. 274. Mrs. Thomas Axworthy, assisted by Misses Anna E. Axworthy, Mamie E. Axworthy and Jennie Axworthy, at No. 275. Mrs. George W. Turner, assisted by Mesdames John Lowdon, M. E. Salisbury, Captain E. Turner, Misses Julia Rose, Bertie Sherwood, May Searles, Addie Thomas, Effie Lafrinier, at No. 401. Mrs. H. H. Adams, assisted by Mrs. W. J. Starkweather, Mrs. J. F. Holloway, Mrs. Henry Perkins of Akron, Mrs. E. P. Sheldon, Miss Powers of Milwaukee, Miss E. Degnon, and little Miss Florence Holloway, and Miss Nellie Adams, at 215. Mrs. Stephen Buhrer, assisted by Mrs. L. G. Hanna, at No. 327. Mrs. Judge Coffinberry, assisted by Mrs. Henry Zeigler, Mrs. Henry D. Coffinberry, Mrs. S. E. Brooks, and Miss Alice Creps. Mrs. Coman, at No. 351. Mrs. M. A. Hanna, assisted by Mrs. D. P. Rhodes, Mrs. Brigham, Mrs. Gosline, Mrs. George Chapin, Mrs. Robert Rhodes, Mrs. James Rhodes, Mrs. William McCurdy, at No. 136. Mrs. W. A. Ingham, assisted by Mrs. H. M. Inghand, Mrs. W. F. Whitlock, and Misses Lizzie Meredith, India Lilly, Alice Treat, and Media Friend, at No. 203. Miss Lettie Lapham, assisted by Miss Mary Redrop and others, at No. 260. Misses Carrie and May Norris, assisted by Miss Sadie Rankin, at No. 233. Miss Kate and Miss Kittie Palmer, at No. 187. Mrs. Belden Seymour, Misses Seymour and Helen Seymour, assisted Mrs. Dr. Jones, Mrs. Richard Bacon, and Misses Sabin, Robinson and Coleman, at No. 248.
Miss Josie Griswold, assisted by her sisters Misses Mary, Sadie and Anna Griswold, Misses Annie F. Davis, Carrie Lowrie and Mary Goodrich, at No. 55.Miss Susie Wilson, at No. 27.
Mrs. Levi Buttles, assisted by Misses Mamie and Helen Buttles and Miss Sanford.
Miss Rively and Miss Hutchinson, at No. 908.
Mrs. Dr. Springsteen, assisted by Misses Mary and Kittie Miller, Lizzie Easton, M. Evans, May Korner, Emma Twitt and Esther Robinson and Mrs. C. M. Bryson, at No. 131.
Miss Alice M. Gear, assisted by Miss Jennie Harding, at No. 8.
Mrs. Edgar Adams and daughter, assisted by Mrs. M. Chase, Misses Florence Kellogg and Jennie Kneale, at No. 34.
Mrs. Thomas Jones, jr., and Mrs. C. M. Munhall, assisted by Mrs. T. C. Johnson, Mrs. W. Scott Robison, Mrs. J. A. Westbrook, Mrs. Frank Craw, Mrs. Charles O. Bassett, Miss Anna Marshall and Miss Carrie Sheafer, of Harrisburgh, Pa., at No. 47.Mrs. E. T. Hamilton, assisted by Mrs. John Jones, Mrs. F. N. Swain and Mrs. O. I., Jones, at No. 103.
Miss Jennie Payton, assisted by Mrs. Lillian Stevens, Misses Kittie Richards and May Morrison, at No. 668.
Miss H. S. C. Gaskell, assisted by Miss Grace Cudland, at No. 163.
Mrs. James Handyside, assisted by Mesdames W. H. Reding, G. H. Reding and Miss Emma Reding, at No. 121.
Mrs. H. S. Allen, assisted by Mrs. George Andrus and Miss Agnes Allen, at No. 18.Miss Ella L. Grant, assisted by Miss Laura Coy, at No. 275. Mrs. W. C. North, assisted by her daughters, Mrs. W. S. Kent, of Kent, Mrs. W. C. North, Jr., Miss Dixie North, also Mesdames Alfred Gayton, George W. Kinney, H. R. Moore, at No. 18 �. Mrs. S. W. Sessions, assisted by Mesdames I. P. Lamson, T. H. Lamson, L. A. Gleason, Charles Burroughs, A. R. Treadway, M. B. Wilcox, Misses Lillie M. Lamson and Fannie A. Sessions, at No. 48. Mrs. H. S. Allen, assisted by Mrs. George W. Andrews and Miss Agnes A. Allen, at No. 18.
Miss Cornie Wilmot, assisted by Misses Lennie Osgood, Lillie Cady, Hattie Foljambe and Ella Peterson, of St. Louis, at No. 1105.
Miss Phebe A. Underwood, assisted by Miss Lulu Whitehead, at No. 387.
Dr. J. E. Mitchell and wife, at No. 820.
Mrs. William M. Smith, assisted by Mrs. Willard R. Vorce, Misses Mattie Craw, Katy S. Wright and Flo. B. Hollinger, at No. 22.
Miss Daisy Crooks, assisted by Misses Annie Hoey, Bonny Grafton, of Salineville, Eva Lanshun, Lottie and Lizzie Senter, at No. 36.
Miss May Corlett, assisted by her sisters, Misses Hattie and Kate, Mrs. Fred A. Abbott, Misses Ida Malone and --- Williamson, of Meadville, Pa., at No. 24.Miss Sarah E. McMahon and Miss Nellie Karney, at No. 23.
Misses Annie, Louise, and Mamie Schutthelm, assisted by Misses Helen and Adelia Boesger, at No. 141.
Mrs. Alfred Ely, assisted by Mrs. M. H. Burnham, Mrs. G. W. Avery, and Miss M. Dickinson, of Chicago, at No. 393.Miss Stella Clark, assisted by Misses Lottie Crane, Winnie Sturtevant and Cassie Evans, at No. 146. Mrs. J. B. Curran, at No. 76. Mrs. J. C. Forman, assisted by Miss Darroch, Misses Jennie, Nora and Mattie Evans, Misses Emma and Ida Kenny, at No. 75. Mrs. J. H. Morley, assisted by Mrs. A. G. Beardsley, jr., Mrs. F. H. Morley, Miss Emma Power, Miss Carrie Beckwith and Miss Jessie Morley, at No. 356. Mrs. C. L. Shepard, assisted by Mrs. Will Reynolds, Misses Fannie Shepard and Nellie Lowe, at No. 77. Mrs. C. F. Spencer, assisted by Mrs. J. J. Wightman, at No. 144. Mrs. Harry Stephens, assisted by Mrs. Jessie Bishop, Miss Florence Wyman, of New York, Miss Lillian Lash, of Chicago, and Miss Nellie Beard, of Athens, Pa., Miss Sallie Baldwin, of Toledo, Miss Myrtie Jones, of Cleveland, at No. 136. Mrs. C. M. Sturtevant, assisted by Mesdames C. C. Burnett, E. Sanford, C. N. Hamlin, T. Geer, Mrs. Dr. Boynton, Miss Hillman and Molly Hillman, at No. 466. Mrs. John Tod, assisted by her daughter, Miss Lizzie and Mrs. W. J. Boardman and Miss Mabel Boardman, at No. 344. Mrs. S. A. Raymond, assisted by Miss Flora Stone, Miss Kate Mather, and the Misses Edith and Libbie Price, at No. 401 �. Mrs. Thomas Kilpatrick, assisted by Mrs. T. W. Burnham, Miss Mary Whitelaw, and Mrs. J. F. Whitelaw, at No. 467.
Misses Julia and Mattie Gill, assisted by Misses Kate Graynell, Emma Withicomb, Addie Pirnio, Clara Tamblyn, May Beggs, Jennie Beggs, Stella Tamblyn, at No. 301.
Miss Laura Turreff, assisted by Misses Lillian Thayer, Lizzie Bird and Miss Anna Cary, of Elyria, at No. 21.
Mrs. H. B. Van Norman, assisted by Mrs. Mary and the Misses Bertha G. and Ella Van Norman, at No. 238.
Misses Alice, Mary and Maggie Burns, at No. 13.
Mrs. James Davison, assisted by Miss Lucie Hardiman, at No. 24.
Misses Jennie and Annie Croley, assisted by Miss Alice Wolfe, at No. 15.
Mrs. J. T. R. McKay, assisted by the Misses Kittie L. McKay, Jessie L. Wilson, Carrie B. Jones, Mrs. James Hay, the Misses Lillie M. and Fannie E. Hay, Allie B. and Jessie L. Fish, Millie Mount, Alice L. and Irene J. LeVake, Hattie V. Comstock and May Findley, at No, 26.
Mrs. A. L. Beswick, assisted by Miss Sadie Myrick, Miss Hattie Chamberlain and the Misses Dresden, at No. 27.
Mrs. Arnold Green, assisted by Mrs. Mary D. Heisley, Miss Mary Eldon and Miss Bertha Mallory, at No. 592.Mrs. Newton Crittenden, assisted by her niece, Miss Ada Webber, of Nashville, Tennessee, at No. 648. Mrs. M. M. Murphy, assisted by Miss A. H. Murphy, of Philadelphia, Mrs. Charles L. Crawford, Mrs. A. S. Herenden, Miss Allie Worfolk, Mrs. A. J. Wenham, Miss Libbie Pelton, Mrs. J. B. Zerbe, Miss Lida Hammond, Mrs. F. DeH. Robinson, Mrs. Captain P. G. Watmough, Miss Minnie Watmough, Mrs. Clarence Lewis, Mrs. David McClasky, Mrs. H. R. Leonard, Miss Rhodie Smith, Miss Linda McKinnie, Mrs. Charles Osgood of Chicago, at No. 610. Misses Sophia and Theresa Groh, assisted by Misses Mary Cook, Ettie and Mary Karnan, of Lake street, and Miss Housey Mover, of Akron, at No. 872. Misses L. and M. Morison, assisted by Mrs. T. C. Ruckner, at No. 422. Mrs. F. A. Sterling, assisted by Mrs. Dr. Humes, Miss Macaulay, of Newark, and Miss Jeanette C. Sterling, at No. 407.
Mrs. P. D. Cooper, assisted by Miss L. B. Sylvester, at No. 92.Miss Corda Phillips, assisted by Misses Flora Romp, Kittie Buehne and Miss Hopkins, at No. 410.
Misses Flora and May Warner, assisted by Miss Mina McWatters and Mrs. Hoffman, at No. 33.
The Misses Elwood assisted by Miss Bert McGue, at No. 102.
Miss Allie Vaughn, assisted by Misses Ida Marks, Maggie Brophey and Myra Goodrich, at No. 167.
Mrs. W. A. King, assisted by her sister, Mrs. A. B. Halliwell, and Ella Marshall, Miss Hattie A. Hills and Miss Nellie V. Gear, at No. 96.
Miss Carrie Blossom, assisted by Miss Amelia Lauer, at No. 95.
Mrs. M. D. Gilbert, assisted by Misses Julia, Mamie and Fannie Davis, at No. 115.
The Rev. Dr. J. A. Bolles, the Rev. G. W. Hinkle and the Rev. W. T. Whitmarsh will receive calls with the Rev. Dr. Brown.Mrs. H. G. Gaylord and Mrs. John E. White will receive with Mrs. Dr. Brown, and Misses Daisey Stocking, Bertha Pechin and Lulu Otto will receive Miss Rosa Brown.
Mrs. E. S. Furnal and daughters, Misses Mary and Lida, assisted by Misses Lillie Smith, Florence Shotter, Kate Parmley, Ellen Turner and Mrs. A. Wilcox, at No. 183.
Misses Louisa and Lena LaMarche, assisted by Misses Maggie and Barbara Burgess and Miss Annie Dickson, of Pittsburgh, at No. 86.
The Railroad Men's Christian Association will keep open house at the reading room in the Union Depot from 11 a. m. to 9 p. m. Service of song from 9 to 10 p. m. The Committee of Arrangements consists of Mrs. Lucas Osborn, President; Mrs. R. McIntire, Mrs. Fanny Hovey, Mrs. T. J. Biglow, Mrs. C. A. Hitchcock, Mrs. M. A. Shay, and Mrs. Will L. Murfey. The Reception Committee is composed of Miss Nellie Lindsey, Chairman; Miss Maggie Watts, Miss Anna Rubon, Miss Anna Sheaff, Mrs. N. E. Martin, Miss Angie Heller, S. S. Wright, Charles L. Kimball, C. A. Hitchcock, Morris Gale, Charles W. Johnson, Miss Kate Scheaff, Mrs. Dan Davies, Miss Leona Caldwell, Mrs. Oscar Tyler, George H. Wicks, N. D. Jenney, N. L. Webster, W. E. Murfey, Schuyler Davis, Anson Shay, and H. B. Shay.
Mrs. Jennie Hutton, assisted by Miss Minnie and Polly Appell, and Miss Flora Sleutz, of Marvern, at No. 31.
Mrs. Dr. George Butler, assisted by Mrs. D. W. Hammick, Mrs. N. L. Holcourt, and Miss Kate Jenkins, at No. 371.Misses Rose and Mary Rogers, assisted by Mrs. Thos. O'Rourke, of Cleveland, and Mrs. Nellie Lamphier, of Painesville, at No. 1524. Mrs. M. Wilson, assisted by Mrs. J. H. Murch, of Minneapolis, Misses Lizzie Wilson and Anna Sinclair, at No. 164. Mrs. Julia McIlrath, assisted by her sister Miss Lena Drew, at No. 255. Mrs. J. W. Sherman, assisted by her daughter, Miss Hattie, and Misses Addie Robertson (paper torn, obscures next 12 lines) The Misses Bowley, assisted by Misses Mary and Josie Waller, at No. 783. Misses J. H. Harwood, assisted by her daughter, Miss Birdie and Miss Anna Mitchell, at No. 989. Mrs. Charles H. Gill, assisted by Mrs. M. H. Barrett, Mrs. George Quayle, Mrs. Thomas Quayle, Miss Nettie Corlett, and Miss Ella Gill, at No. 1055. Mrs. C. N. Van Doorn, assisted by Mrs. M. Taylor, Mrs. W. G. Rose, Mrs. C. E. Young, Mrs. D. Barnhisel, Mrs. Cornelius Burgess, Mrs. M. Oviatt, Mrs. Penn Moore, Mrs. Eva Rose, May Juliet Oviatt, Nellie C. Oviatt and Nettie Dunigan, of Welland, Ontario, at No. 1043. Mrs. John Huntington, assisted by Mrs. A. C. Hord, Misses Tillie and Maggie Huntington, Jennie C. Arthur, Minnie Freeman, Emma Caley and Minnie Lyons, at No. 622. Mrs. Dr. N. B. Prentice, assisted by Mrs. Isaac Reynolds, Mrs. C. T. Goodwin, Mrs. O. Tinan, Mrs. Dr. Armstrong, Mrs. C. A. Prentice, Miss Mamie Prentice, Miss Bessie Deven, Mt. Vernon; Miss Ina Burt, Miss Jennie Burnett, Miss Emmie Burnett, Miss Lizzie Blee, Miss Hattie Mix, Miss Katie Ross, Miss Flora King, Miss Lydia Bartlett, at No. 834.
Mrs. H. M. Stow, assisted by Miss Ida J. Rozner, at No. 7.
Mrs. J. D. Pinney, assisted by Mrs. M. B. Gary, Mrs. Thomas King and Mrs. L. D. Pinney, of Massillon, at No. 100.Mrs. H. R. Groff, assisted by her daughters, the Misses Minnie, Jennie and Fannie, at No. 42.
Mrs. and Miss Coleman, at No. 79.
The rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association will be open New Year's day from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. to accommodate readers and callers. A special service will be held from 10 to 11 a. m.
Following are lists of ladies who will "receive" in some of the towns of Northern Ohio outside of Cleveland:
Miss Ella Kalo, with Miss Minnie Beauchaine, 131 Chestnut street.Miss Lizzie Edwards, Miss Mamie Foster and Miss Tillie LeBarre, of Cincinnati, with Miss Mamie Griswold, 274 Huron street. Miss J. A. McKeown, of Youngstown; with Mrs. C. S. Hunt, 99 Locust street. Miss Ayers and Miss May Jones, with Mrs. T. C. Jones, 311 Woodruff avenue. Mrs. R. G. Bacon, 303 Woodruff avenue. Mrs. O. C. Smith, 481 Superior street. Mrs. Captain Cary, Miss Katie Wilson and the Misses May and Lilly Blair, with Mrs. C. H. Coy, 257 Superior street. Mrs. Sheldon, Mrs. DeGraw, Miss Emma Boyce, Miss Coder and Miss Wortz, with Mrs. David Bronson and Miss Carrie Bronson, Hotel Ontario. Mrs. A. E. Macomber, Mrs. E. D. Moore and Mrs. George Wilkins, of Indianapolis, with Miss Anna C. Mott, Monroe street. Mrs. Kellogg and Miss Brown, of Kalamazoo, with Mrs. C. A. King, Monroe street. Mrs. Dr. S. H. Bergen and Mrs. General I. R. Sherwood with Mrs. General C. L. Young, at No. 333 Huron street, near Adams. Miss Grace Crumbaugh and Miss Metta Deal, of Fremont, with Miss Ella Wales, at No. 55 Magnolia street. Miss Tempie Reed and the Misses Pomeroy, at Mr. George Pomeroy's, Huron street. The Misses Nelly and Jennie Baldwin, at home, Walnut street. Mrs. A. Wheelock and Miss Wheelock, at home, Washington street. Miss Belle Stebbins and Miss Emma Johnson, with Mrs. E. P. Raymond, at No. 140 Twelfth street. Mrs. Pliney Watson, Mrs. W. H. A. Read, Miss Farrar, Miss Daisy Lungren, with Mrs. Dr. Lungren, 122 Madison street. Miss Taylor and Miss Burgert with Mrs. H. J. Hayes and daughters, 458 Huron street. Miss Hattie Hicks with the Misses Lewis, No. 71 Michigan street. Mrs. Alex. P. Stewart and daughter, Collingwood, near Central avenue. Miss Florence Scott, with Mrs. George Milmine, Collingwood avenue. Mrs. F. C. Chapin and Mrs. O. W. Valette, with Mrs. James Blass, corner of Superior and Chestnut streets. Mrs. George E. Ross, of Binghamton, N. Y., with Mrs. D. R. Locke, 287 Huron street. Mrs. J. Mabbett Brown, Mrs. E. J. Walbridge, Miss Kate R. Brown, with Mrs. Major E. O. Brown and Miss Josie Brown, 135 Ashland avenue. Mrs. F. D. Jermain and daughters at home, 716 Huron street. With Mrs. Bullard, 140 Sixteenth street, Mrs. Chester Lockwood, Miss Nellie Douglas and Misses Mary and Tinnie Coe. Mrs. W. I. Kelley and Miss Nellie Beecher, of Stockport, N. Y., with Mrs. William Walcott, No. 2 Park Place, near Adams street. The Misses De Veau, Mrs. E. C. Shaw, Miss Darst, of Dayton, and Mrs. E. C. Fuller, of Columbus, with Mrs. General J. W. Fuller and daughters, Summit street. Miss Nellie Mayhew, with Miss Lou Slack, Ashland avenue. Mrs. Robert A. Durfee and Mrs. Belle Cole will receive at the residence of the former, 280 Adams street.
Mrs. L. Leppelman and Mrs. E. S. Thomas, assisted by the Misses Mary and Fannie Miller, Nettie Amsden, Julia Haynes and Haidee Leppelman, will receive at the residence of L. Leppelman.Misses Fannie Sargent, Fannie Mitchener, of New Philadelphia, Ohio, Emma Canfield, Libbie Rawson and Effie Dickinson will receive at the residence of Hon. E. F. Dickinson, Birchard avenue.
The following names ladies, members of the Centennial Book Club, will receive their friends at the residence of Hon. J. J. Moore: Mesdames J. J. Moore, George D. Kinder, William C. G. Krauss, Matt Ewing, S. F. DeFord and A. L. Paul.Miss Eva Godfrey, Mrs. Moorehead, Misses Laura E. Holtz, Alice Bressler, Kate Godfrey and Misses Etta and Alice Knowles, will receive at the residence of Dr. C. M. Godfrey. Mrs. Matthews, Miss Cynthia Pugh, Belle Pugh, Jennie Pugh and May Conrady will receive at the residence of Mr. N. E. Matthews. Mrs. McCracken and Mrs. Barton at the residence of Mr. N. H. McCracken. Misses Frank, Emma, Celia and Clara McBride will receive at the residence of Mr. B. F. McBride.
Mrs. H. H. Clough, D. W. Fuller, W. W. Sampsell, Misses Nanie Foster, Hattie Cary, Frank Pomeroy and Ella Shepard, with Mrs. Park Foster, at East Second street.
(Next 26 lines missing, paper torn.) with Mrs. George Cogswell, at No. 26 East avenue. Mesdames E. Plimpton, P. H. Boynton, J. W. Hulburt, J. J. Monroe, Misses Nellie Gates, Anna Monroe, Miss Dunlap of Chicago, and Miss Gillette of Cleveland, with N. B. Gates, East avenue. Mesdames W. A. Beebe, Dr. Strong, O. D. Crocker, J. C. Cushman, Henry Beebe, E. E. Worthington, C. O. Ingersoll, Misses Mary Beebe and Mary Strong, with Mrs. A. Beebe, Jr., East Bridge street. Mrs. W. Wadsworth, Misses Meta Wadsworth, Belle Cambell, Libbie Bruster of Oberlin, and Jennie Walker of Milan, with Mrs. Clayton Johnson, Second street. Mesdames Minor, Charles Fuller, Lester McLain, F. A. Beckwith, T. L. Taylor and Capdevila, with Mesdames M. W. Pond and S. H. Bowen, West avenue. Mesdames A. G. Carpenter, D. D. Haldeman and Miss Louise Hoyle, with Mrs. William Hoyle, jr., East Second street. Misses N. M. Foster, Julia Stacy, Jennie Miller and Anna Penfield, with Mrs. W. E. Miller, at No. 38 West avenue. Mrs. R. F. Hoyle, Misses Gertie Stephenson, Mary Laundon, Carrie Starr, with Mrs. J. S. Stephenson, at No. 62 West avenue. Mrs. George Ely, Misses Nettie Wheeler and Carrie Williams of Hudson, with Herman Ely, at No. 11 Broad street. Mesdames J. Webb, H. J. Eady, H. H. Popleton of Cleveland, Misses A. E. Ingham and L. C. Baker, with Mrs. G. W. Baker, Fifth street. Misses Mary Cunningham, Lena M. Riddles of Cleveland, and Mrs. Emma Thompson of Wellington, with Mrs. F. W. Weeks, Ninth street, corner of Middle avenue. A grand reception and sociable will be given to the ladies of Elyria who keep open house on January 1st, 1880, at P. W. Sampsell's Block. Committee on Invitation-W. H. Miller, John Clouse, H. H. Haldeman, J. V. Sampsell, J. E. Bronson, S. H. Bowen, Charles Lee, Will A. Beebe, E. K. Mussey, Ted French, Park Foster. Financial Committee-Dr. J. V. Sampsell. Floor Managers-John Clouse, J. E. Bronson, Ted French, J. V. Sampsell.
Mrs. D. Drake, assisted by her sister, Miss Rozene Fish, and Mrs. Dr. Armstrong.The young gentlemen are planning a leap year reception.
Mr. Frank Tinney, corner of Lincoln avenue and Elm street, assisted by Charles W. Woodman, George H. Winsworth, David S. Irwin and Will H. Winsworth.Mr. Charles C. Ashbaugh, 34 East Wood street, assisted by J. M. Bradley, Thomas H. Morris and Charles Rudge. Messrs. Charles Floor, Earl Travis, Fred Simpkins, J. S. Marquis and Ed Kennedy will receive at the residence of Mr. Wick C. Gans.
The following ladies will receive New Year's callers at the residence of N. Portz: Mesdames J. B. Lucky and Woods, of Elmore; Mrs. M. A. Beach, of Fort Wayne, Ind.; Miss K. Didway, of Findlay; Mrs. C. Olmsted and Misses Annie Foster, Ellie Eyrie, Jessie Haines and Nellie Heilman, of Fostoria.
The Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. Sherman will receive at their residence, No. 1323 N street, assisted by Mrs. General Hawley, Misses Hawley, Parsons, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Halstead, of Cincinnati. |
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